Vampire Academy Disappointed? (CONTAINS SPOILERS!!)

apalak posted on Dec 08, 2010 at 03:24AM
So I just got done reading Last Sacrifice and I was wondering if I was the only one disappointed? Dnt get me wrong I love that Rose ends up with Dimitri but I didnt like the way she handled things with Adrian I think it was very heartless the way she did em....Also Rose is no longer shadow kissed? I thought that was the coolest part of Rose :( what do you guys think?

Vampire Academy 26 replies

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over a year ago djadri said…
I thought the same thing! I JUST finished reading the book and... I think I’m more stunned that it’s all over. I was surprised that she lost the bond, as it was such a big part of the books. And the fact that she won’t be able to 'feel' when Strigoi are around anymore. Ugh...
I’m so relieved that Rose ended up with Dimitri but I loved Adrian’s character; it was sad to see how things ended between Rose and Adrian. I’m also wondering about victor... I know that Rose killed him, but I just thought... wouldn’t people back at the court be asking questions? As well as Lissa? I dunno... I mean for all they knew he was still out and about.
Oh and poor Christian! Good god.

But I mean other than that... I loved to see all the sarcasm back and was glad to see the chemistry back between Rose and Dmitri I don’t think I realised how much I missed it.
I’m interested to see what the spin-off series will be like. Maybe it might answer more questions?
over a year ago Frostbite said…
i know i feel bad for adrian, rose did use him
but honestly, adrian's really not right for rose, he's great but no dimitri
and i don't like lissa being queen at 18, it's just unbelievable
over a year ago jmegarcia143 said…
i totally agree happy shes back with Dimitri but sad at the way things ended for Adrian....i feel so bad for him cuz its not like he was mean or anything he really did love her and deserved more of a happy endeing they just left us on a cliff hanger with him and i think ththat entire chapter lolat was my major dilike of the book....i hope he comes back in the spinoff and finally gets his happy ending....i kind of hope they also do i spin off on lisa and her journey through being queen.....but i think its going to be about jill and omg was that i total shocker i think my jaw dropped for like
over a year ago apalak said…
So far I kno the spin off is supposed to be about Jill and Sydney hopfully the last person is ither Adrian or Christan so we can see some Dimitri. Richelle said we will see some Rose in the spin off which I just love!!! I loved this series so much but Im just shocked that this is how it ended I feel like there is still so much to learn of Rose...Idk
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Disappointed? HMM, YEAH.

I wanted to know how things ended for everyone, not just Rose. Like, what happened to Christian? Eddie? Sydney?
I kind of liked how they made it so Lissa became queen. What I didn't like was her meeting with Jill where Lissa came off as an ice bitch.
The bond being gone was a little shocking considering that's part of the basis of the series.
And OMG; Adrian! I get that Rose and Dimitri were inevitable; they belong together but... cheating on Adrian? That annoyed me, so much so that I wasn't as happy as I could have been with her and Dimitri finally getting it on. I thought they were better than that.
As much as I've loved Rose and Dimitri in previous books I think I preferred Adrian and Sydney in this one. :(
It didn't feel like a final book should, and I know there's going to be a spin off, but, as for Rose, I like her less than I did before I started Last Sacrifice.
over a year ago apalak said…
Jovi_may I could NOT agree more!!!! Im actually trying to get ppl to see what Rose did to Adrian is wrong and on the Amazon Disscustion board there are actually ppl saying that Adrian basically knew it was coming!! I mean come on NOONE deserves to get cheated on specially Adrian who loved her and would do anything for her!! I wanted Rose with Dimitri too but I think it could of been handled so much better! From what I heard the next book is gonna be Adrian, Sydney, Jill, and Eddie which should be great I just pray Richelle doesnt put Adrian with Jill together their age difference is just to much I mean Rose and Dimitri are 18-27 thats okay because shes not a kid and even at 17 it was bad but not crazy, Jill and Adrian is 14-21 creepy? Def thats to much agree?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Im actually trying to get ppl to see what Rose did to Adrian is wrong and on the Amazon Disscustion board there are actually ppl saying that Adrian basically knew it was coming!!
Of course it's wrong! Just because they're Rose and Dimitri still doesn't make it right. They're saying he knew it was coming? SERIOUSLY? Well yeah, he knew there was something between them, but the last time he'd seen them together nothing was going on. And if anything, Adrian would have thought Rose would of had the decency to break it off with him first.

I mean come on NOONE deserves to get cheated on specially Adrian who loved her and would do anything for her!!
Exactly! The fact that she treated Adrian with so little respect on that account is so stupid, because she never would have before. Adrian is simply awesome and she knew that she'd break him with that, but she did it anyways.

I wanted Rose with Dimitri too but I think it could of been handled so much better!
Eh. I went through phases. I'm not one of those that love Dimitri 100% from the beginning because I've actually preferred Adrian. Though Rose and Dimitri were made for eachother, I wanted them to be endgame, just I didn't want Adrian hurt. It was handled in such the wrong way.

From what I heard the next book is gonna be Adrian, Sydney, Jill, and Eddie
I know it's been confirmed that Sydney's going to be in it, but as far as I know, the others are just rumours.

I just pray Richelle doesnt put Adrian with Jill together their age difference is just to much
I think it's doubtful that they'd get together. I wouldn't mind seeing Adrian/Sydney, but that might just be because I'm in love with their characters, lol.

I mean Rose and Dimitri are 18-27 thats okay because shes not a kid and even at 17 it was bad but not crazy, Jill and Adrian is 14-21 creepy?
Hmm, actually Dimitri's only 24/5, there's 7 years between them. But yeah, Adrian dating a 15 year old wouldn't be right. Besides even he calls her jailbait.

And is it just me, or was there not nearly enough Christian?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago apalak said…
Yea they dnt like me to much on the amazon discussion board, Im a strong believer in everyones opinions matter and on there its basically whatever they say goes, it makes me mad finally I snapped lol and now they hate me lol but Idc there is no need to act like they are alway right...I agree 100% I was always conflicted too one book I would love Dimitri next book I would love Adrian but Adrain really grew on me! IDK I just hated the way Rose played him to mean she kinda acted like a whore one minute shes sayin she loves Adrian then as soon as Dimitri wanted her back shes all for it but then wen he didnt want her so let Adrian drink from her then Dimitri saw that he wanted her back what does she do? Drop her panties and run!! LOL she got what she wanted from adrian (money, errands, love when Dimitri aint want her) then first chace she has she cheats on him wit Adrian its just not right at all...But whateva guess im wrong and vulgar lol thats wat they called me on Amazon lol
over a year ago Arielka said…
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
Frankly , i am quite disappointed with how things ended with Adrian but never say never , right ? (i'm referring to Adrian and Jill) besides , Jill's got the crush on Adrian right ? i don't know but maybe also with Eddie too ? heck , i think we'll just have to wait :/
over a year ago jOe_18 said…
I've got a question with all the disappointment going on: Of course it's not alright to cheat on someone but have you ever been in a situation like that? Have you ever loved a person and would have given anything to get them back? To have them look at you with love instead of hatred and sadness? I can totally relate to what Rose is going through and of course she takes the first chance she gets. She's in love with a person that, after being turned, hunts her, wants to turn her, then kill her and when she finally gets him back he suddenly doesn't love her anymore. What would you have done? Tried to convince yourself to move on (in this case with Adrian, whom she'd promised to give a chance) and forget or just give up and break to pieces? It's not really easy to get over a person you really love so who's expecting Rose to handle it in a few weeks? It takes years to convince yourself of something that isn't true and during that time I guess that you just sit there and think: Why can't I just have him back? And let's be honest: Did you really believe there was a chance for Adrian and Rose? She loves him, yes, but you could tell by the way Rose acts with Adrian that there never really was much of a future, especially with all the chaos raging inside Rose. So we all agree: Cheating sucks!...But I guess so does love sometimes...
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
j0e_18 , you are so right but mostly i am disappointed with HOW things ended with Adrian because i already knew Rose and Adrian were not meant to be together . And really , reality = hard .
over a year ago apalak said…
I agree LawBreakRrr....I'm happy that Rose ended with Dimitri I just hated how things were handled and to answer your question j0e_18, I actually have been through that with my childs father so I kno excatly how it feels and i wouldnt wanna be put through that again cheating is beyond hurtful and let me put it like this I am no longer involved with my childs father you cant have ur cake and eat it too.....
over a year ago DaniKatZ said…
I felt so HAPPY that Dimitri & Rose got together, I was estatic! But at the end with Adrian? Well, he did know what was going to happen, even he knew that they were always meant to be, but he had to deny it and think that he had her, they were together. The way Rose told Adrian was the right thing to say, she told the truth, and even if he didn't beleive it, how else would have Adrian felt? I would have been PISSED if I was Adrian, because she did cheat on him, but I think that ADRIAN should have understood, Rose told him the truth and tried to make him understand.. she did the right thing, but keeping it like that... till the end? It was mean. Mean! I think Richelle should have at least made them 'frieds' or something, not leave them in a mess, I actually adored Adrian's love for Rose, but I didn't actually like them as a couple, of course Dimitri & Rose are soulmates but for Adrian, that would ahve been heartbreaking! I feel sorry for him, I wish they were still friends! :(

But aside from Adrian, I was the most happiest women in the world, because Dimitri & Rose!! :D
They truly are made for eachother, and Richelle is an AMAZING writer, I FELT every part of thier journey, and as Rose, I craved for Dimitri.. I wanted him just as much as she wanted him and I wanted Dimitri & Rose.. there is NO way to eplain the way I feel about this couple! :)
over a year ago Anjuta said…
Richelle Mead did a very good job explaining why Rose and Dimitri are meant for each other. I don't know many novels where you are convinced in such clever way.
And...she explained really good, why Rose and Adrian don't work as couple, very smart...
over a year ago jOe_18 said…
I guess that things between Rose and Adrian are supposed to be like that. Don't forget that there's more coming-yay! We'll probably see them again. Maybe they'll work it out...
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
somehow , i don't think Richelle will feature Rose and Dimitri anymore . maybe she'll mention about them or something . but , not in story form probably .
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago apalak said…
big smile
Richelle said at her book signing that maybe in the future after the latest Vampire Academy series she might do another one featuring Rose again! Lets keep oour fingers crossed
over a year ago ebethqnguyen said…
I do feel a little disappointed on how things workedout
over a year ago Luv_Rob_4ever said…
I didnt want the series to end there eitner i thought there were to many questions that were left unanwsered. But on the plus side i think some of those questionss will be answered in richelle meads spin off series bloodlines. and if they arndt then mayby she willl write short storys or something to quieten the little voices in my mind saying that there is no way the series ended that way. and if adrain will come back, or how christian will cope with the tasha deal, or lissa as queen and the kind od talk dimitri and abe plus roses mother will have lol
over a year ago Pixie2312 said…
You guys shouldn't blame Dimitri. Rose was the one who made Dimitri loose his self control. Dimitri kept saying that he didn't want to take a good man's girlfriend.
So you shouldn't be blaming him.
over a year ago Crazy_NarutoKid said…
Well I was kinda dissapointed.

Im glad Rose and Dimitri ended up together but, oh poor Adrian he didnt deserve what Rose did to him.And im kinda angry at her for that.
Also Rose loses the bond...WTF is that?
Lissa is Queen.She's only 18 and expected to rule over the whole vampire nation!!
m angry that a whole bunch of peoples lives were messed up too.

Well at least Rose gets everything she wants..OH JOY!!!.Yeah who cares about other people. she's the main character anyway.

As im writng this i just need to say that i just finished the book about 10 minutes ago.
over a year ago SG1-090 said…
I agree with everyone about Adrian. Rose seemed completely unconcerned that she was cheating on him - I mean she even thinks about him before it happens - WTF it's horrible! There is no excuse. I think this comes from her inflated sense of self-worth. Also Adrain was right that Rose seemed to not care at all about what happened to Sydney! And after all the help Sydney had given her!? I was so shocked by Rose's behaviour, as if all that mattered was herself, Dimitri & Lissa.

Also I reckon in the future Jill and Adrian could end up together, not now, but when she's slightly older. I'm not sure why but it seemed to me like they were written to be endgame.

over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
yeah , i would love to see Adrian with Jill or maybe even possible Sydney with Eddie .

(but , theres the Ian character right ? Sydney for him anyone ?)
over a year ago Anjuta said…
I was not shocked by Rose's behavior, it was all understandable. You know you can't save everybody, it is not possible. Many people don't even try, they only care about themselves. Rose does care about many people, it already was remarkable. But in Adrian's case it wasn't possible for her doing more. Think about her and the situation where she was. Not only about Adrian...
And honestly Adrian is a big boy who is responsible for himself and his life. It seems he is not able to take care for himself - it is not Rose's fault but his.
And so much how he has self-pity, feeling like victim, you don't have to add more, he has enough...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ironkitten89 said…
I agree I love Dimitri but I also love adrian I know someone had to get hurt but it didn't like the way it ended. Poor Adrian
I thought their was a lot lacking in the last book, it wasn't the best story or writing Richelle has written and a shame she ended it the way she did, seemed rushed and like she just wanted the series finished.
I am sorry to say I have read better alternatives on fanfiction.