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Vegetarians Question

Can you guys be friends with me a fellow vegetarian? because...

... people keep making jokes even my family made me cry and i feel alone and need firends who are like me. i am at one of the biggest schools in my state and i am the only meat eater i am so sure of that. i would like to be in a room and have a meal with other fellow vegetarians. you guys rock pat youselves on the back you deserve it!!!!!!
* i mean't i am the only not a meat eater! i am so stupid.
MsIloveJustin posted over a year ago
 MsIloveJustin posted over a year ago
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Vegetarians Answers

SouthParkSmart said:
Absolutely! I know how it feels to be alone and made fun of by family. People are just afraid of what isn't familiar to them, although a vegetarian lifestyle is healthier. As you get more experienced (assuming that you're relatively new to vegetarianism, because most people on this spot are), you'll find some real-life vegetarian friends. In the meantime, you have our support here on Fanpop!
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posted over a year ago 
yeah. and i have been a veg. since SEPT. 2009 so i kinda new. but my closest friends made fun of me the principal saw it and suspended them because it was that bad and his son is a veg. too so i got protection and my family are not nice but o well. and i like having this resources to have vegan and veg. friends be cause i want to make a difference in the worl.
MsIloveJustin posted over a year ago
2Dfan said:
Sure! It is important for vegetarians to support each other. Let me know if you want to talk!

And don't let the jokes get you down. If you stick it out, eventually everyone will see you are serious about it and give up making fun of it. Be proud that you are vegetarian! We are the minority now, but we are growing!
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posted over a year ago 
glelsey said:
Sometimes people can be harsh when they find out you're a vegetarian, especially if it's still something fairly new to you. But don't worry, you'll make lots of friends here. :)

From my own experiences, the people most prone to anti-vegetarianism have been generally either immature or defensive.

Sometimes people made anti-veg jokes in school, but it was always from the crowd that enforced peer pressure - the ones that complained about anyone who was unalike them! So no surprise there. XD

Another group who I've known to be anti-veg at times are meat-eating animal lovers. They're usually the ones who get very defensive about it, but again if they're animal lovers then that makes sense too. (not all meat-eating animal lovers are like that though - many of them are completely understanding and accepting!)

Hmm, once I was told off by a meat-eater for not making proper use of my canines. That's a new one. :D They claimed, "we were meant to eat meat!" To that I say, "I'm not what I'm meant to be; I'm what I can be!"

It's not all bad though. I've had some funny experiences too. :) There was a guy in my college class who was really over-the-top aware about me being vegetarian. He once asked me, "do you like dried fruit?" I replied, "not very much," and then he said, "has that got anything to do with being vegetarian?" He then acted like he didn't really know what he was talking about either. XD

But anytime you feel like chatting I'm here. :) I've been vegetarian for over half of my life now, so chances are I can relate to a lot of the weird things other vegetarians go through!
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posted over a year ago 
Attirox2 said:
I know this is kind of late but I want to still answer this question. So I completley understand your situation because I am 13 and I started being a Vegetarian about 3-4 months ago and it hasn't been easy. I mean my grandma won't even eat around me and my younger sister and parents tease me with meat constantly. Imean I am the type of person that has been subject to bullying but this was very strange coming from my parents. So what I did is I had to sit down and tell them that I was making a 360 turn in the right direction and that they had to support me. And over time they listened and excepted it and even tried it for a little while. So my best advice to you (if you still need it) is to try and have a heart to heart and let them know you are serious and comitted! :D
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posted over a year ago 
KandiGhostcat said:
Of course! I know what it feels like to be lonely and it's not fun. I can't be a vegetarian until I grow up (which I find stupid) but we can help each other be ready for vegetarianism. People just think it's funny to make fun of us when it's not. Your family and friends aren't probably familiar with a vegetarian yet. As time goes by they'll get more and more familiar with it. I am also the only one in my family who's a veg too so you're not alone! :)
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posted over a year ago 
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