World of Warriors Warriors should gain popularity

krystalp4evar posted on Jun 30, 2009 at 08:49PM
I only know 1 person who reads the warriors series it should really be more popular

World of Warriors 14 replies

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over a year ago 18wanda said…
It really should. All my friends read warriors, but they aren't here on fanpop.
over a year ago krystalp4evar said…
warriors rocks it NEEDS to be more popular!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
Totally. It is a great series, but grown ups and other people think warriors is a kiddlywinks baby series because it is about cats.
over a year ago krystalp4evar said…
yup they do but it is totalt not! it has things that little kids would not understand fully!
over a year ago silverflare1520 said…
Adults dont no squat because they dont read the series. I dont think theyd want "little kiddies" to read about death or whatever else is to mature for them
over a year ago krystalp4evar said…
over a year ago Delir said…
I totally agree with you. You know there is another site on fanpop about warriors. its called firestar. I made. look it up.
over a year ago krystalp4evar said…
thats cool! il totaly look at itXD!
over a year ago anakin_fan81 said…
i keep telling my friend to read warriors but she thinks it sounds dumb.
over a year ago krystalp4evar said…
Yea i know how that is i tried introducing it to a couple of my book loving friends and they said that it looked too boring!
over a year ago wolfpelt said…
I agree cuz evrybodys like those are stupid they r about CATS
over a year ago ttmrktmnrfn0830 said…
I ♥ the original series! I finished it in 2 weeks. I read Bluestar's Prophecy in 1 day (couldn't put it down!)

-♥Graystripe and Silverstream 4evr! :'(♥
over a year ago ttmrktmnrfn0830 said…
If people think that this series is for kids, they got another thing coming! Really, do you think 5th graders will read about gore, scandal, drama, and death? I don't think so! My brother is in 5th grade, and he didn't understand the series. He barely read the first book! >:(

-♥Graystripe and Silverstream 4evr! :'(♥
over a year ago zaray13 said…
omg thaks just wrong how warriors isnt popular and my little sister is 10 and loves the series thank goodness for that and like 3 1/2 of my freinds love the series