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Writing Question

please good writers help!!!!!!!!! :[

ok i get rele good ideas for stories but once i start writing it sounds really like cheesy nd boring plus im not tht good at grammer so any advice? :/
thnk you all so much this helped ALOT :]
livyolife4 posted over a year ago
just go with ur gut even if u think its crap read it to a friend see wat theyvthink
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
 livyolife4 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

abbibrodie said:
In order to help yourself really progress as a writer, it can help to get a good beta reader. An honest and experienced beta reader can be beneficial to even the most confident of writers. This is someone who will read your stuff, edit out any grammar/spelling errors, and be brutally honest with you about technique/style/plot points, but in a constructive way.

If you want to write, it is also really important to read as much as you can. The more you surround yourself and familiarise yourself with good literature (this doesn't mean 100% classic novels though), the more you will recognise your own errors or flaws, and learn how to rectify them in the best way.

Also, this may sound obvious, but practise really does make perfect. Practise, practise, then do some more. With practise, you will learn how to take an idea you find 'cheesy', and adapt it into something full of tension, or a really sympathetic piece. Just do the work, and you'll get there. One of the biggest problems for a writer, is not writing. Get into the habit of sitting down and doing it frequently, and that's half the battle won.

This one may sound stupid, but trust me on it: Get out of the habit of using 'text-speak' outside of text messages. It's lazy, and does nothing for you when it comes to sitting down and writing something real. If you stop concentrating for a while, any of those tics can slip in, and it makes ALL writing look messy.

This final one is the most important of all: PROOF READ. When you finish writing something, scan through it once and correct any glaring errors you see. Then put it down, and come back to it the next day with fresh eyes. Your first draft is all heart, but you can attack it with your head on the second read. Be honest with yourself about what reads well and what doesn't. If any spellings or anything look wrong, look them up. There's no shame in it. Google is fantastic for checking up on grammar rules and spelling changes.

Whatever advice anyone gives you, just remember this: writing should primarily be a personal thing. If you don't enjoy it, why do it? Write what you know, and what you love. Everything else will follow.
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posted over a year ago 
123cosmo4 said:
NO matter hos cheesy the idea is, never give up on it. I write incredibly crazy stories, like dogs from outer space, dinosaur hunters, etc. if you have faith in it and you're a talented writer, it will turn out.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
well if you type them up here i can edit and revise it for you
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
my first stories were crap,too,but the things I write now are incredible.just keep writing,if you have talent you will write good stuff someday
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posted over a year ago 
summer448 said:
become a playwriter :D
lol thats what i am
a playwriter is the person who comes up for all the movies and stuff :]
not much writing involved :]
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posted over a year ago 
ILoveWemma said:
Your own work is never cheesy or boring. its original to you and you alone. You may think it is but it really isnt. Just whenever you write make sure its coming straight from your heart and youre not concentrating on how it sounds. Just let go of all your worries and write.=]
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posted over a year ago 
Lolly4me2 said:
I say get different opinions on your writing pieces. I write articles, and I for one think they're really stupid. BUT, everyone else I know loves them, and I'll ask, "Why?". It's because they are cheesey and depressing! I still don't get it...

You just have to find out what your peers want to read about. My friends happen to love romantic depression. So what? If people here like cheesy, WRITE CHEESY! If they don't, Hell, write it anyway! It's all about having fun. Oh, and the grammar problem? Just read more. ;)
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I say get different opinions on your writing pieces. I write articles, and I for one think they're really stupid. BUT, everyone else I know loves them, and I'll ask, "Why?". It's because they are cheesey and depressing! I still don't get it...

You just have to find out what your peers want to read about. My friends happen to love romantic depression. So what? If people here like cheesy, WRITE CHEESY! If they don't, Hell, write it anyway! It's all about having fun. Oh, and the grammar problem? Just read more. ;)
posted over a year ago 
QueenVictoria73 said:
Don't worry about grammar and spelling, that's why they have the red and green squiggly lines on Microsoft word, duh! And really, you are as good of a writer as you think you are. The more effort you put into crafting your sentences and imagining your story, the better your writing will be. The more you write and read, the more ideas will come to you and you will get quicker at finding the words you want to express your ideas. Read novels or works that are the same type of thing you want to write, but beware of stealing ideas. If your English teacher assigns you a project that you are interested in, consider it practice for what you really want to write and put 110% into it. Here's my specific advise on writing stories-Diagram your story ideas out before you start writing. It is easy to get carried away with describing your characters too much, but at the same time you want to know your characters inside and out, so make a chart off all of them and describe every inch of them, just to get your thoughts straight, and only include some of what the readers need to know in the finished work. Before you write the version you really want to work with, write it all out with the first words that come to your mind, and print that out as a reference while you write it carefully. general rule of thumb, the more major a character, the less you should come flat out and describe them, and the more you should reveal gradually through their actions. Minor characters can have a little blurb when they are introduced about what they look like, but only include features that are necessary for the reader to know or that are interesting. An example of what not to do is in The Maltese Falcon, blech. Whenever you are using a metaphor to describe something, always make sure it is something no one has ever use before. If yo ever you catch yourself using a cliche, stop and think of something really creative, and it will make you sound marvelous. ( don't actually use this, but an example could be instead of "she had creamy skin" it could be "she had skin like smooth, perfectly whisked, vanilla rum cake batter")If you are using the third person, use your own writing voice. I'm not saying be conversational, but don't force yourself to use language you aren't comfortable with. Of course you want to sound crafty, but don't use so many academic words it sounds stuffy. Also don't try to sound old fashioned or legend-y when writing fantasy, I could explain why, but i don't want to offend people like Christopher Paolini. Use active voice as much as possible. Have a purpose for writing, chose a lesson you want to teach by this story at the heart of it, so it actually has substance. Beware of Mary-Sues, but don't be anal about it, some characters that have Mary-Sue symptoms are just interesting, but too much is no good.

I keep this book by my bed, it has really good advice and I think all aspiring writers should have it. link
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posted over a year ago 
JessieJam55 said:
you have to think what would make you want to read a story and put those elements into your work. then use your feelings and expierences to draw on emotions for the characters. Make them relatable. then have a proofreader and do spell check. No story is a wrong story, keep trying, it'll come.
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire said:
if when you write a book, you dont like it afterwards, rewrite it, for if the writer doesn't like the plot, then there's a problem. :)

idk just thats all i could think of.
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posted over a year ago 
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