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Writing Question

How would you write out a one sided telephone conversation?

Would it be something like:

"Hello?... Oh, hey Marcus. What's up?... What? When did this happen?... Is she alright?... Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll be right over."

Or would it be better this way:

"Hello?" he answered the phone. "Oh, hey Marcus. What's up?" He paused "What? When did this happen?" he looked surprized ...and so on

Or would it be some other way? Can you please show an example?
Thank you.
Please note that you made a mistake. You said he looked surprised. How is that possible when you're on the phone with him? You gotta take note of these things to succeed in writing. Of course, I made stupid mistakes before too...I somehow ended up making some very embarrassing spelling mistakes and also wrote that my mother was dying when I meant to write my mother was driving.....
Okuni posted over a year ago
The narrorator is observing a phone call. I forgot to specify that.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
Otherwise, I would have included the other half of the conversation.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
 cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

iluvtheshow said:
Well I like both. I think the easiest way to write a one sided phone conversation is to write it from the point of view of a person observing. Ex:

An soft buzz broke our light conversation. Marcus swiped phone off the coffee table and I got the feeling he wasn't expecting a call. I almost laughed when I heard how gruffly he answered.

"Hello." And the change happened in seconds. Whatever the person said changed his entire demeanor. Immediately my smile vanished. Something was definitely wrong.

"Marcus! When did it happen? Is she all right?"

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posted over a year ago 
chickencheese said:
I would probably do it the first way you suggested. I think that sounds great the way it is.
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posted over a year ago 
zutaradragon said:
i did this with an entire story once. heres how i did it...
"so, uuu, y r u wandering around the middle of no where? trying 2 find a place 2 sleep?! theres a town up ahead, u don't u go there? u already tryed that, hu. thats a problem, cuz the next town is 20 miles away. that's the one u came from! wait, how long have u been wandering around!? 2 months! o my..."
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posted over a year ago 
i know i didn't us ur story line.
zutaradragon posted over a year ago
bookworm12345 said:
I write one sided convesations by writing both sides then talking only the side that would be in the story I don't no I find it easiest if I have the other persons diolouge while writing the conversation
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posted over a year ago 
shomill said:
I think the first way is better. That's what I usually do (I'm not saying it's right, but I do it anyway). Don't add every pause, just mention if he looks over at a clock or another person, if it's appropriate, or maybe if his expression changes due to what the person on the other end is saying.
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posted over a year ago 
MileySelena982 said:
I do it this way,

"Hello"..."Oh, her Marcus. What's up?"..."What? When did this happen?"..."Is she alright?"..."Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll be right over."

That the reader knows there's something going on between the sentences, not just one long one.
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posted over a year ago 
Okuni said:
You should write out something that is slightly more detailed and it cannot be too rushed, or it will look like you didn't put in enough effort. The first one is good, but I suggest the second method, but with more emphasis on how 'Marcus' was responding. The first one is better off used in quick, short calls that only last like half a minute.
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posted over a year ago 
It would not be possible to know how Marcus is responding because the narrorator is not on the phone.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
Oh so that's it. Sorry, mistook this for a first-person narrative story. So it's in third person?
Okuni posted over a year ago
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