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Writing Question


 gosselin8fan1 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

zutaradragon said:
u still b in school? i go out at the begining of the month. u must not b in the U.S...

anyway, what i did was, i tolk a fav. show of mine, picked an episode 2 start from, and whatcha' do is take the series and u twist it and bend it and...*lie* make it your own. this is what my project on.
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u still b in school? i go out at the begining of the month. u must not b in the U.S...

anyway, what i did was, i tolk a fav. show of mine, picked an episode 2 start from, and whatcha' do is take the series and u twist it and bend it and...*lie* make it your own. this is what my project on.
posted over a year ago 
im not in school ive been out since the 7th but im i a summer program for writing
gosselin8fan1 posted over a year ago
that's the best idea on here thanx
gosselin8fan1 posted over a year ago
robothor1111 said:
What topic does this have to be on?
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posted over a year ago 
gosselin8fan1 posted over a year ago
Hmmm...I would take your interests and base if off of that. Is it fiction, non fiction?
robothor1111 posted over a year ago
gosselin8fan1 posted over a year ago
hikaru13 said:
Yeah. Like the answer above, I'd take some interests and try making a story off of that. You could also find a theme for your story. For example, the theme could be something like "Embrace your dreams," or "Without teamwork, you're not a team," or something like that. Once you've got a theme, make a story out of it.

Hope that helped. [Even if it was just a little bit]
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posted over a year ago 
chickencheese said:
Think of an intersting character, think about something you like, then think about what your character could do with that. For example, if you thought of a 12 year old girl who can do magic, and your interest was writing, then you could say that the girl was writing a story, and she found that she was unable to control what she wrote. Then, think about how you could develop that- cause a problem or something.

I hope that helps!
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posted over a year ago 
chonny said:
just write it about any thing! any random thing thats how i get alot of my stories!
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posted over a year ago 
QueenVictoria73 said:
A girl who falls in love with her best friend, and never tells him. Then, he tells her that he is gay, and she is the only one he trusts enough to tell because she is such a good friend. Cheesy stories are easier to write, especially in a time crunch, and it will do fine for something for an english class.
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posted over a year ago 
HecateA said:
It depends what you're insterested in. Love, mystery, scie-fi?
Look up a quote on the Internet and make a story around hat quote.
ex: Shoot for the moon because if you miss, you'll land on the stars
Story: A woman is afraid to try her luck at being a doctor (she's too nervous) so she doesn't and is a teacher or sometething and hates it, but then her daughter is looking for a carreer choice and she's too scared to be a firefighter or somethign but her mom pushes her to do it.
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posted over a year ago 
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