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Writing Question

Help needed with a plothole: can vampires 'make' their hearts beat?

So, I'm writing a story about a girl discovering a supernatural world parallel to her own. The twist is, the ordinary world has been shocked by the discovery of vampires, and they're being hunted down and put into 'reserves'.
Every student and every working person has to undergo a bi-annual 'MediCheck', where they basically check if you're human. I've found ways for my vampires to evade things like a blood test and a body temperature test (including them spreading rumors about themselves so they can easily pass other normal vampire 'marks', like not being able to be seen in a mirror). Anyway, I've just discovered a huuuuge plothole: vampires' hearts don't beat.
In 'my' mythology, blood sort of kick-starts the vampire's body again: the blood flows, albeit very slowly, the blood enables a vampire to heal and use their supernatural abilities, even lets their hair and nails grow again (albeit very, very slowly), and most importantly, let them control the muscles of their body. So would it be too implausible to give them control over the muscles of their hearts, so they could make their heart beat by choice, like they can breathe by choice but it's not necessary?
Wow, that's one big infodump :') Sorry for the tl;dr, and I kind of gave away more of my story than I wanted to
Lunaste posted over a year ago
lol dw
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
i really hate vamp books but it actually sounds good maybe the absense of a love story hmmm.... if u do this right it could actually be pretty popular
bookworm12345 posted over a year ago
one flaw in this, even when your dead, hair and nails grow, its the same thing with vampires, it's a good idea but do some research
Potter-rulez posted over a year ago
 Lunaste posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

ellieoth said:
I am also really interested in vampires and other creatures!!!I really love your story!!!Great twist!!!!I believe that vampires can make their hearts beat!As they have control over their muscles and they are extremely strong,they could probably 'make' them beat!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks! I guess I will work that in, they can make their heart beat but it's mostly an annoyance and unnecessary use of strength for them to do it all the time :)
Lunaste posted over a year ago
Yes,it is!!!However ,they can do it in order to pass the bi-annual 'MediCheck'!
ellieoth posted over a year ago
vamp_grl_123 said:
i think thats an awsome twist. i never heard of that in any vamp book i wote or read...and i am obsessed w/ vamps...(can u tell by my name)
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posted over a year ago 
nataliespn said:
I agree with ellieoth.And I love your idea!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
AgentCoop said:
Well you already said that in your established mytholgy a vampire is able to control the muscles in his/her body. There's your answer, as the heart is essentially a big muscle!
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posted over a year ago 
Haha, I guess I had my own answer, mostly wanted to know if people would find it plausible! Thanks!
Lunaste posted over a year ago
BiteMeCullen107 said:
You could make a type of cure for that makes vampires humans for a day or for as long as you want. It was on an episode in Moonlight.
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posted over a year ago 
Hmm, that's a nice idea, but the point is that these vampires have all these little tricks to circumvent exposure, I try not to have magic in my world :) but thanks :D
Lunaste posted over a year ago
aww! thats kinda my idea: they're 1/2 human a day a week until they're 18 lol!
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
harold said:
No, I don't think it plausible to have any creature have voluntary control over their involuntary muscles. If so, the vampires wouldn't be able to do anything other than concentrating on making all their systems operate so they don't die. That answers your request.

However, in you detail you say that the blood flows, albeit very slowly. This means that vampires' hearts DO beat - there's no way for the blood to flow otherwise. So make it that vampire hearts beat INvoluntarily, when there's blood in their system. They get brighter, more energetic, better color, their hearts beat, in every way more human (and more likely to pass inspection), when they've just fed.

That's a very interesting premise, and allows for a nice escalation between the humans and vampires, as each side figures out a new test/trick to find/avoid the others. After the humans figure out that undead hearts can beat, for instance, they have to capture and study them in order to figure out a new way to tell them apart. Cool.
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire said:
great idea! and your story; your choice.
e.g, im writing about vampires also and in mine they bleed but their blood is heatless and black and they can be born and when younger than 18, they have a day a week they're 1/2 human until they're 18 and stop aging or they can age later etc... also, there r 2 types of vamps in my story... oops said too much! but in mine, i made it how i wish vampires were!
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posted over a year ago 
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