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Writing Question

Could you guys help me with the start of a story pwease? :)

So, I have this really good idea for story but I have no idea how to start it! D: I'll try to give you the gist of it.

Okay, it's a relatively modern setting but, there's still slave markets. The main character is a girl (I haven't got any names either so if you could help with that too it'd be great) The girl and her brother are slaves to this family who live in a small town. There's this big city miles and miles away from their town where this guy she's in love with lives (I haven't figured out how they met...) and every so often portals to the city open up in random places that only certain people can use, the main character being one of them. Anyway, whenever she can find a portal she sneaks out to the city, with the help of her brother, to meet the guy she loves.

Anyway that's the gist of things, I've got a bunch of complications planned for it and stuffs but if you could just help me with the start that'd be great! Even writing this has set off a bunch of ideas!
Thanking you all in advance! :)
 DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

emilyroxx said:
Oh no! *Facepalm* I'm writing a story that also has a magical portal that appears in diffrent places!! :( Oh well, I'll help you out... How about the main character messes up, or does something wrong, that would upset her masters, and then while she's running away, she accidentally finds the portal. Unless you've planned that out already.... Anything else you need help with? I'm good at coming up with names, I'll just need the characters description first. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks, that'll really help! :)
DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
You're welcome.
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
Figure out where the slave comes from first, then google, I dunno, Tanzanian names and pick one you like.

You should start when they get sold. So her hoping her family would stay together. Sadly seperation was one of a gazillion problems with slavery.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you, that names thing's a really good idea! :)
DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
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