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Writing Question

Why do you write?

Give your reason.
 moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
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Writing  best answer

Dearheart said:
I write because...


Oh, how can I put it into words?

(They were there, just a second ago.
So many reasons, darting and buzzing around in my head
Like dragonflies. Flashes of brilliance, difficult to capture...)

Wait a moment...wait...aha! I've caught some.

I write, because I want to take Color
And translate it into Sound, Smell, Taste and Texture
So that perhaps, I can help a blind man see a sunset.

(That was a bit syrupy, wasn't it?
The sentiment gives me cavities just by looking at it...
But it's true, all the same.)

I write, because I want to tell stories worth telling;
To take someone on a journey through time and space and worlds unknown.
I want to build an escape door for people to slip through;
To let them get lost in another place and forget for a while...
Yet at the same time, give them the courage to come back
And wrestle Reality again with the bit of magic they took away.
And that includes me.

I want to put a band-aid on a scraped-up day,
Make it rain when the sky is too clear,
Paint pictures with verbs and nouns,
Give relief to my restless wanderer of a mind.

I want to shine in a world of darkness;
To ignite the spark that starts the fire and sets the stars ablaze.
I want to put thought into empty minds
And replace apathy with passion.
I want to slay the dragons of my universe
With the sharpness of my words.

I write for the pure joy of doing so.
I write to lose and save my sanity.
I write, because Someone commands me to.
I write, because I must.

For this is the truth:

There is a greater hand guiding my pen
A greater purpose behind the words
A greater story than mine
A greater Author than I
And it is my gift, my delight, my quest
To catch these echoes of greatness
And bind them in ink to a blank page –
And some willing hearts, while I'm at it.

Many may read them, or maybe few.
I am a word-weaver, not a fortune-teller.

But if I can touch just one life, stir one soul, open one pair of eyes...

Then my mission will be complete.

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I write because...


Oh, how can I put it into words?

(They were there, just a second ago.
So many reasons, darting and buzzing around in my head
Like dragonflies. Flashes of brilliance, difficult to capture...)

Wait a moment...wait...aha! I've caught some.

I write, because I want to take Color
And translate it into Sound, Smell, Taste and Texture
So that perhaps, I can help a blind man see a sunset.

(That was a bit syrupy, wasn't it?
The sentiment gives me cavities just by looking at it...
But it's true, all the same.)

I write, because I want to tell stories worth telling;
To take someone on a journey through time and space and worlds unknown.
I want to build an escape door for people to slip through;
To let them get lost in another place and forget for a while...
Yet at the same time, give them the courage to come back 
And wrestle Reality again with the bit of magic they took away.
And that includes me.

I want to put a band-aid on a scraped-up day,
Make it rain when the sky is too clear,
Paint pictures with verbs and nouns,
Give relief to my restless wanderer of a mind.

I want to shine in a world of darkness;
To ignite the spark that starts the fire and sets the stars ablaze.
I want to put thought into empty minds
And replace apathy with passion.
I want to slay the dragons of my universe
With the sharpness of my words.

I write for the pure joy of doing so.
I write to lose and save my sanity.
I write, because Someone commands me to.
I write, because I must.

For this is the truth:

There is a greater hand guiding my pen
A greater purpose behind the words
A greater story than mine
A greater Author than I
And it is my gift, my delight, my quest
To catch these echoes of greatness
And bind them in ink to a blank page –  
And some willing hearts, while I'm at it.

Many may read them, or maybe few.
I am a word-weaver, not a fortune-teller.

But if I can touch just one life, stir one soul, open one pair of eyes...

Then my mission will be complete.
posted over a year ago 
Well said, but remember "Fluency isn't a matter of saying much. It's saying exactly what matters, and nothing else." as said by HaleyDewit
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
best answer. :]
CornChips posted over a year ago
I am writing a Story called Junior The Robot 3(1984)and I have a Quartet of side characters named Blue Pom Pom(Leader), Black Pom Pom(Brains), Red Pom Pom(Muscle) and White Pom Pom(Silly).
seanro posted over a year ago
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cutiegirl01 said:
i write to express myself. i write to get away. i write to feel diffrent. i write because i can.
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posted over a year ago 
Completley true.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
Nice and true answer. ♥
irena83 posted over a year ago
Agreed ;) Writing is a typical hobby for me. Even though I'm not J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Myers, I also truly write for pleasure and to express myself, even if the words don't come straight out. I also do young authors <3
artsybookworm posted over a year ago
Me too :)
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I write to express myself - I can't speak words very well (especially when I'm emotionally upset). It's not that I can't talk, the words just don't come easily when I speak whereas, when I write, they come smoothly and easily.

I write to get my fluffy plot-bunnies down, or a character, or a certain scene that keeps playing in my head.

I write to remember major events in my life - no, not like a diary entry. Most of my poetry is a reflection or "story" of something major that happened in my life.

And I write because it's enjoyable and a great stress relief. Have a bad day? Fix it by beating up one of your characters in your story ;)
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posted over a year ago 
I like that. My reason, is that I want to give my whole self to something. Something that shows all of me, and not just part of me.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
juicyjossy9 said:
I always wrote to say what I can't tell anybody... which is a lot! Words, music and the Moon are my best friends ever.
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posted over a year ago 
Mine too,especially music. Makes me feel better.
irena83 posted over a year ago
LunaShay said:
Because it lets me express myself,and let my imagination out instead of just keeping it locked up in my head for no one to hear,also to be creative.
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posted over a year ago 
same here :)
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
I agree.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
chickencheese said:
Depends. I write stories and fanfictions (Merlin) because I enjoy it. I usually write poemsa dn the occaisional song to express myself when I can't find any other words to say what I need to say- to get rid of those feelings.
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posted over a year ago 
MissKnowItAll said:
I'm a writer. Most of the people in my family were born writers. And when you are a writer, it's something you can't stop doing.
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posted over a year ago 
So true.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
mrs_robertp said:
Well, its kinda who I am.
I always have a notebook for ideas, and one for the story outline, one for the stories.
I LOVE to write. I can't function without it.
There's about seventeen different stories, and they all have the same characters. ANd that's those characters alone. I love writing, I can't imagine life without it.
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posted over a year ago 
i do that to what r ur caraters names
lolll posted over a year ago
which ones? lol I have Stacey, Ivy, Kaitylyn, Sam, Jacob, (not because of twilight) and lots more
mrs_robertp posted over a year ago
I know don't you hate that! I meant to take Renesme for one of my stories because I think it's a pretty name and I only use it in her full name which is hardly ever, but then I realised I had a James, an Alice and a Jacob. I was cheesed. So I thought I should PROBABLY chang some names :)
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
Lol, probably. I just love those names!
mrs_robertp posted over a year ago
lolll said:
I write cuz sometimes i gata let things out and if i say it out loud it would hurt alot of people.
Sometimes its just to show people that writing is more than words on a paper. Its what lets people express them selves with getting hust or hurting someone else.Writing is my life.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree completly.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
I admire that you can hold it in long enough to write about it. I'm renound for blurting crap out without thinking and putting my foot in it.
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
irena83 said:
Although the writing itself doesn't make bad things go away, however that's the best way i can express myself. Every single word has its depth and meaning, the true feeling are on the paper.
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posted over a year ago 
Absolutly true.
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
teashaC said:
ok i write because there r things in my life that have personal backgrounds i need to get my anger out i need to get my love out so i write a lot of things about darkness trying to find my way out of this hell hole that im in trying to break through this box and back to safty i write so much its crazy i write because i express myself and my feelings to others who dont no my story or mylife
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posted over a year ago 
same here
chickencheese posted over a year ago
Espeongirl360 said:
Writing is who I am. It makes me unique at school because once i start on a writing project, I don't want it to end. I don't know why, but it is hard for me to show my feelings with speech, but in words on paper, the words flow through me.

Whenever I am upset, these poetic words start banging against the sides of my mind. They won't go away unless I grab one of my many note books and spill my heart out in poetry.

I don't know how my story idea's come to mind. That will always be a mystery. My brother wants to become a writer to, but he HATES ELA and only enjoys writing in Creative Writing.The strange thing is, my parents aren't good at writing at all.
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
I write to put things in my mind onto paper or on to the computer so that its out of my head. I also have a wish to one day have writing published. Sometimes its just because I want to remember something I thought of and want to read it later.
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posted over a year ago 
Niss12 said:
i love writing (in my native language coz i learned 3 diffrent languages )because when you write you creat your own world but i just can't write in english coz i'm always stopped by the fact of that i'm not so good in this languge
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posted over a year ago 
HarryPLover said:
Writing is my way out. For some it's music and for others it's writing. For Me It's writing. I dont throw fits are scream and yell when something happens to me. I scribble all down on a journal or type it up. Writing is the one thing(other than God's vast creation) that expands my imagination. Me being a teenager, writing lets me be control of something. To know that it's my story, and I can make it have any twist and turns I want is very encouraging. I just love to write.(: -Jazzy
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posted over a year ago 
Delilah_Scruggs said:
It may sound odd, but I don't have a reason to why I write. The only way I know how to explain it is that I write because I can't keep these words inside my heart. I write to release my imagination. To let it take me to new heights. That's the reason I write.
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
To free my imagination :)
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posted over a year ago 
samuraibond005 said:
i may seem emotionless when you talk to me but deep inside i am an emo, i write to express my feelings, usually in the form of quotes or long papers discussing my point of view on things
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posted over a year ago 
rayray36 said:
I write cause it inspires me,calms me down,and sends me into my own little world^^
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah it relaxes me too :)
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
werewolflover said:
Well,to put it simply.I enjoy it.I find writing a great way to relax after a hectic day.It's entertaining.And also,I write stories because I can't find books I want to read,I make them myself.Writing takes me back in time,or forward,to another world even!I really feel like I'm in the piece if I write it myself.
I write every chance I get,whether its working on an unfinished story,just a random subject that popped into my head,or something I really want to do.
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posted over a year ago 
Good breason. ;)
moodystuff449 posted over a year ago
That can't find any good books thing is another HUGE reason I write! I completly agree!
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
ellie_bellie135 said:
Lots of reasons. But the biggest one is probably because I have all these awesome characters and ideas and I want to share them with people.
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posted over a year ago 
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