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Writing Question


I'm done with writing, thanks to bri-marie and lovepop. I hope you're happy. I quit. :(

Rosemary V.
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
Ooooooo! You write Star Wars fan fiction? Where can I read it?
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

HecateA said:
Constructive criticism shows that a person cares enough and believes enough in your work to show you how to make it rise and shine even brighter, sort-of like a phoenix.

Don't quit. If you quit, how do you know how many best-sellers you've just given up on? Or how many people will keep on checking wherever you publish for updates? Keep going!!!

One of the best-selling authors, Stephenie Meyer, Twilight, The Host, etc, know her? I do. I didn't adore her from the start, the messages of her book didn't rub me the right way etc, but I respected her. She made a fortune writting, that's not easy. And then one of her books got leaked on the interent and bashed and she completely gave up on it. That's why my respect is low for her compared to someone like Rick Riordan, CS Lewis, India Desjardins, JK Rowling, Suzzanah Collins, etc. I think to be a writter you need to have a form of strenght in you, something that makes you stand bye what you created until even you think its done, and something that keeps you going. Find yours and keep. going.
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posted over a year ago 
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1-2vampire posted over a year ago
actually she just got mad a like quit it than her manager talked her into continuing shes still gonna publish it :)
2dolphn97 posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy said:
Don't Give Up Writing! Tell Them Both To Shut The Fuck Up And Continue With What You're Doing! Stay Strong, And Just Please, Don't Give Up! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you, but they hurt my feelings. I'm an author in training, I'm still trying my best!
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
Yeah,don't give up.
emiehs96 posted over a year ago
Yeah, You Got This! :)
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
tellymaster said:
I don't think that you should give up writing completely. Were they constructive criticisms, or were they just being rude? But even then, don't give up all together.
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posted over a year ago 
yes it was
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
M169 said:
What did they say?

YOU SHOULDN'T GIVE UP WRITING! First off was it a "flame" or cunstructive critizism? (There is a VERY fine line between the two. Seccond, if it WAS a flame Then who cares what they say? I mean, writing has several different styles to it. Yours just might not be what their into and, it wa very rude, but you'll have too move on, because if you DO want to be a writer you neeed to learn how to take flames and rejection. And Third, if it was critisism, not a flame, take it as an opritunity to get better

BTW: A "Flame" is insults. Purely ment to hurt the writer like "GO TO HELL THIS SUCKS!" Stuff.
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posted over a year ago 
Constructive critsism
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
than you shouldn't give that up, you should take the critism, it will make you better :)
M169 posted over a year ago
Espeongirl360 said:
Don't evergive up! If you enjoy it, people's comments won't matter one bit. Anyway, you will always get better, and that includes your writing.

Have you ever been stuck on a math problem? it is the same thing. Imagine if you just gave up on all math. That wouldn't be good because you would fail the class and you wouldn't learn anything. Though,you can ask for advice instead, and you will eventually conquer the problem.This advice can come from anybody (Mom, dad, Teacher, Baby sibling, ect.) For example: if you are writing a story and someone doesn't like it, you can ask them what you did wrong. If this advice works for you, this story could become into a wonderful masterpiece.

I am not saying you sill ever be the perfect writer, because I believe that there is NO such thing as perfect writing. There is always one thing out of character and one or two grammer mistakes, but that is no reason to throw anything away.

I know my advice really sucks, but lets say i tried. Please don't stop writing!

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posted over a year ago 
Thank you.
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
First off, I am sorry for hurting your feelings - that was not my intention.

I gave you criticism. I was not wrong or mean or unnecessarily harsh. I told you the errors in your work and how/why you needed to improve on them. I told you you had a good idea (and you did, I didn't lie). I never, ever, inferred or said that you should stop writing or that you were horrible at it.
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posted over a year ago 
Ok. Do you wanna be friends?
StarWarsFan7 posted over a year ago
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Was it YOU!? What did you say???? :D
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
ruby1000 said:
No, no dont give up writing...
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posted over a year ago 
ellie_bellie135 said:
Okay then. It's up to you. If your not willing to stick with writing then that's your choice, but I think it's a stupid one and it means, you've either been told you are crap ever since you started writing, your chucking a tantrum or you're trying to get attention, probably because you can't handle critism. You're welcome. If you really love writing you'll stick with it.

And P.S. If your writing-self-esteem hinges so much on other people's opinions, and you're not writing for yourself or because you enjoy it, maybe you should be willing to make adjustments.
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posted over a year ago 
Shepard14 said:
Don't feel sorry for yourself just because a couple of people didn't like your writing....people like different things and the more you write, the better you will become, trust me :) Read great literature books, study grammar and just write because you love it....not to impress anyone...and if you would....could you send me some of your writing so I can read it? I would love to. Hope you go back to writing!

~Breanna P.
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire said:
You shouldn't give up writing if you like it. When people give constructive criticism it's only to make your writing better. If you can't take criticism then you can't get better. It's as simple as that. Every book, writer, etc.. will get criticism anyway. Harry Potter has had criticism, Lord of the Rings has had criticism, and old classics such as Alice in Wonderland have had criticism. So don't stop simply because of criticism.
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posted over a year ago 
2dolphn97 said:
ok heres what i c going on here. you love our writing and you feel protective over it heck most every1 is unless they dont care. critisism is supposed to help ou get better with your writing but sometimes the critisism can be harsh but it doesnt mean you should give up but hey *shrugs* if its what you want who am i to stop you :)
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posted over a year ago 
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