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Writing Question

Novel swap???

currently I'm writing a novel based in Wales and i was wondering is there anyone who lives in the UK,Europe or knows a lot about Wales? that could help me repair some ethnic errors or anything that would be considered an error in custom,time period or in general in my story. I did quite a bit of research for it but i know i still have a lot to learn.

Brief description: A young Welsh born American, Larry Talbot returns to his homeland in Wales,United Kingdom, due to the death of his beloved elder brother. What seemed to be a bright future for Larry and his father takes a quick rapid turn for the worst when while rescuing a local girl from a wolf he is bitten in the struggle. Now the fine line between reality and fiction seem to become hazy for Larry as he has visions of a wolf and finds the evidence of his dreams and reality to be uncannily too overwhelmingly common for it to be a coincidence.

these are just some things that i did off of a template as sort of guidelines not all are majorly relevant
Known Issues: since its a draft i know the spelling and grammar needs work and one chapter seems to have a point where it leads to a dead end unless i revise the chapter before its read.

Critique Requested: Anything that you could help me pull off some killer twist and turns like in Shutter island Anything you think would help the story flow better, input on characters,input on how i could get the accents across a bit better,input on how i could do the flashbacks, etc.

Critique Tolerance:you can be blunt,you don't have to sugar code it, my only request is useful constructive criticism

Experience & Goals:I've written another novel never published,this is my first screenplay to novel adaptation,that i WILL complete as soon as i can when my creative flow gets back on the story line it decided to switch gears after working on it a whole month, I plan to get it in good enough shape where it can be published in the
Novel swap???
axemnas posted over a year ago
its based in the year 1941
axemnas posted over a year ago
 axemnas posted over a year ago
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