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Writing Question

Have you ever read a book that's made you paranoid or scared?

The first book that ever frightened me was The Big Friendly Giant. I was in third grade, and when I read it, I got extremely scared because I thought a giant would kinap me.

I haven't felt this in a long time, but now I'm reading Lord of the Flies, and the unknown beat is scaring me, along with their creepy chant ... [i]Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in/Spill her blood." *shudders* I couldn't even go upstairs without my three-year-old brother accompanying me.

So, what book has creeped you out?
 DracoLuver posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

Duncan_Courtney said:
Actually, the book "Coraline" freaked me RIGHT out, it was just so twisted and weird. It probably didn't help that I read the majority of it at night, but it was a good read. Freaky, but good.
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posted over a year ago 
Andressa_Weld said:
I once read a brazilian book named "Descanse em paz meu amor". It made paranoid and very scared.
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I once read a brazilian book named "Descanse em paz meu amor". It made paranoid and very scared.
posted over a year ago 
But right now it doesn't make me scared anymore, I was a kid when I first read it, about 8 years old.
Andressa_Weld posted over a year ago
TheDon0603 said:
Lord of the Flies is the only book I've ever been afraid of.
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posted over a year ago 
axemnas said:
Shutter island, it made me paranoid after i read it, but thats about it
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Shutter island, it made me paranoid after i read it, but thats about it
posted over a year ago 
Also the Legend of sleepy hallow- Washington Irving
axemnas posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart" has crept me out a couple times. :s
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posted over a year ago 
I love that story!! =D
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
It is amazing :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
Harrypotter148 said:
Nightmarys it freaked me out at this one part i was in my room with a dim light. and i though i heard noises ha
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
yes. its called you cant scare me. and it kept me from sleeping for the whole weekend.
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posted over a year ago 
2dolphn97 said:
Just about everything I read has something supernatural in it so like it has made me soooo paranoid about things in my room and like something could get me but I luv them so much that I don't care lol
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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
There are a few movies and plays, and a few campfire stories that have scared the living crap out of me, but no books that I can recall.
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posted over a year ago 
teamdimitri6 said:
I read the book "Blood Promise" from the Vampire Academy series when I was camping one weekend. We were set up next to another family's trailer that had blood-red curtains... People would come drop off pale people w/ sunglasses and huge coolers, but no one would come out during the day. We were convinced they were and I was the only person awake one night and I was reading the book and a girl was in a mansion that belonged to evil vampires and the girl said she "escaped through a window that had blood-red curtains" so i was freaked out the whole night lol lol
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posted over a year ago 
river_goddess said:
Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of the House of Usher, and the Black Cat all gave me nightmares for years.
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posted over a year ago 
MaybeBlue said:
"The Monstrumologist" is truly scary. I refused to get out of because I thought one of the monsters from the book would jump out from under my bed and eat me. o_O
"The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp" wasn't scary, but it did make me paranoid. Every time something weird would happen, I would think "Omigod, OIPEP's coming to get me!!"
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posted over a year ago 
krissynaytowhow said:
i did but i forgot what its called
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posted over a year ago 
urwhatur said:
"American Psycho". Enough said.
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posted over a year ago 
tigerseye43 said:
well i really like books that are kinda scary but Janet Evanovich her Stephanie plum books make me paranoid b/c stephanie is a bounty hunter and all the people she trys to get al least one of them trys to kill her. but i still love those books :)
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posted over a year ago 
Blu-e said:
Yes !
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posted over a year ago 
trixieKitten said:
I'm almost done with this... the characters are all super creepy, and paranoia plays a huge part in each story.
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I'm almost done with this... the characters are all super creepy, and paranoia plays a huge part in each story.
posted over a year ago 
Chaann94 said:
Well the last book that I read that really creeped me out was when I was five. I read this book about a crocodile living in the sewer and that crocodile bit people when they were um... disposing waste in the toilet. I'm a girl and I peed standing up for a month! How? Well I remember standing on the seat... and falling off pretty much every time. I think that was when I first broke my arm...

Funny how your imagination can get to you, huh?
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posted over a year ago 
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