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Writing Question

Why did you start writing?

ME : one day i dreamt an awsome dream and i didn't wanted to forgot it so i wrote it down,then i realized that i like writing and so it began.Now i'm writing and i'm haveing fun.
If it woodn't be for that dream i wood never started writing.
Dreams are always a great source of ideas for writing :)
-sapherequeen- posted over a year ago
 ladycountry posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

TheDon0603 said:
Well I started out with a complete obsession with reading. Once I read all the books at my library, i stil wanted to hear stories, so I wrote my own.
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posted over a year ago 
lauren777222 said:
ME:I was oringinally trained asan artist.But one day,I gotso mad at my parents,a painting couldn't explain it.So I wrote a story.Most of my first stories were of grief,no I've inlighted.At school,I've been sent to parish competions and won school contests,too.Right now,I'm rightin a novel called,"Trails of Blood"
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posted over a year ago 
whats ur story about??
theanimemaster posted over a year ago
It's about a vampire(Alycee or Aly for short)@her dhampire bff,(Elizabeth or Beth for short)and vamp. authorty is after them so they r tryin to escape
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
MJangellover said:
Really I don't know why ,but I just started two years ago ,I wrote poems and I just loved the rhythm ,really it was always attracting me through studying the language , but I gave up writing ,cause I felt that would be little silly,little ridiculous, really I did Then I figured out that's my god gift, really I love writing story from reading it !!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Hinata-Snow said:
If I write a poem, to express my emotions. I started writing fanfic cause I wanted to do an experiment.
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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
I wrote a short story for English class in 6th grade and it was (seriously) 9 times longer than allowed. My teacher pulled me aside and evaluated me in a long interviewish thing. She then talked with my mom and they both realized that I had a gift for writing. I fell in love with writing and creating my own little escapes.
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posted over a year ago 
Harrypotter148 said:
I don't know really when is was little I began writing short storied out of the blue, and I never stopped
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posted over a year ago 
Kadaj said:
Me, oh, I started writing to escape my dark times. Writing helped me forget about my troubles and taught me to look forward and not into the past.
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posted over a year ago 
theanimemaster said:
Well...when I had to do essays in elementary school, I wasn't very good at making sentences. But thanks to my family and friends I eventually learned how. So I always found myself making up ideas for a story so I wrote them down. Then I found myself writing those stories. I was having fun, but then my hand would hurt because then i write really fast with more ideas popping into my head. It was like this wierd race thing with my brain and hand. So then, when i finished the story, it came out really good and loooong. So i kept writing. If it weren't for my family anf friends, i would be like "SCREW WRITING!!!!" XD
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
I am not sure considering I was not very good at english at school but while at school I did write poems and that started me off. Then in my teens I thought a fantacy job for me would be to be a writer if I could do anything and as an adult i realised I could do it anyway what ever else happened in my life than my brother bought me for Christmas 1999 a laptop and since then when ever I can I write. It also means things that happen to me in real life I write down as if its another person and one day the situation may end up in a story. It means I can get things I am worrying about out of my head onto paper where its there if I need but leaves my head clear for other things so its useful too.
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posted over a year ago 
darkbloodofhell said:
The reason why I started to write is because I loved to tell many stories.
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posted over a year ago 
Espeongirl360 said:
Well, I started to enjoy writing in my free time last year in grade seven.

I didn't really realise that I loved writing, but I always payed attention and tried my best in ELA. My stories would always be longer and more discriptive than other peoples, and I payed extra attention to my grammer.

One day, my princable (and my ELA teacher) came up to me and said "Lexie, out of my thirty years of teaching, I haven't seen such a talented writer. You should think about it when searching for a career."

Of coarse, I wanted nothing to do with writing. Usually, you want to do the last thing the adults want you to do..... but I actually started enjoying writing. People would compliment me and I would try even harder. I hate to admit it, but I want to know everything about writing now.

So ya, I pretty much write only because I am good at it and it's fun.
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posted over a year ago 
Vampiyaa said:
my thing is that i watched a movie and really like the storyline so i did the usual kid thing and wrote a 19 page book almost exactly like the movie (come on, i was in 5th grade then, what did u expect?) then i realized i loved writing so i developed it into an independent story that turned from 19 pgs to 349 pgs. then i kept getting weird dreams and wrote them down and now i have 17 stories on a to-do-list <:D
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posted over a year ago 
XRoryX said:
I honestly have no idea. Who knows why a six year old does anything? I just really wanted to. I loved reading, and I wrote things in school, and then I just realized how much I liked it. I then just started doing it more and more. I couldn't imagine not doing it now.
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posted over a year ago 
zutaradragon said:
when i was 5 and learned my alphabet and how 2 make letters wit a pencil!
so...about the same time i learned how 2 draw...and not have stick people...

actually, it was kinda an accident. we had 2 write a short story 4 school and mine was about 5 pages....when it only had 2 b one side of a page...*shrugs*

it a crow! :D
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when i was 5 and learned my alphabet and how 2 make letters wit a pencil!
so...about the same time i learned how 2 draw...and not have stick people...

actually, it was kinda an accident. we had 2 write a short story 4 school and mine was about 5 pages....when it only had 2 b one side of a page...*shrugs*

it a crow! :D
posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
i heard australia could not write any more nursery stories as good as banjo, i dont like being told no you cant;-]
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posted over a year ago 
meow_girl said:
I had recently joined a website and I noticed a lot of people were posting their own stories, and I had just finished reading twilight, so I decided to post a vampire story. And I dunno, I guess I just really enjoyed it, so I kept writing. It's a bit embarrassing now because I don't like that website or twilight anymore. So it makes me happy to remember that I've actually been coming up with stories since I was 4-6 years old. It took me a while to realize that originally that little game I had come up with as a kid was more of a story than anything else. I doubt I'll ever write it but it's a bit of a long term goal now to make it TV show.
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posted over a year ago 
ilovehouse345 said:
Well I origanaly wrote/listened to music when I was upset or having a really strong emotion.but nothin could really explain what I was going mom in rehab,my dad in jail,my best friend and I no longer talking,my grandfather died and just basic in the begining of seventh grade I got a
notebook, my pen and started writing and haven't stopped's been abou a year now and I'm almost 13 and I've wrote about 50 stories so far and I don't plan on stopping.
Wiring is way o get it out when nothing else can, it takes your
feeling and puts them down on paper.

Inremeber when my ela teacher came and asked if I liked writing.I told her I write to myself and I write stories on the Internet alot for others to read.she told me that I had potential and that I should think of becomeing a writer. She told me the storie I wrote was the bat in the class. It was about a girl,with snowy white hair and blue eyes. She was always differnt from everyone else, and only talked and shared her secrets with one person, her best friend heather. And heather learns some things are very strange about her life.she turns out to be a spirit but is givin a soul so she can fit In in he real world.( I didn't think it was that good but she gave my a 110% do I'm not arguing...)

so writing has always just been somehing for's like I can't live without it,no matter what I do I need to have my stories with me.
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posted over a year ago 
tellymaster said:
I'm not really sure. I started writing when I was about 7 or 8. I was reading a lot of books about animals (Ragweed, Wind in the Willows, Charlotte's Web, etc.) and a story about animals just sort of came to me. So I went to the computer and I wrote a short little thing. I guess I could say I was inspired by animals.
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posted over a year ago 
axemnas said:
I started writing in 3rd grade but that was primarily cause it was required and I wrote some pretty good stories at the time
But I really didn't start writing for myself till 7th grade when I had one of those dreams that you can count on one hand it Was so vivid I could almost touch it as soon as I woke up I wrote it down and the following night the dream continued where. It left off and I ended up getting an entire novel over nighT
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
When I was 15 one of my best friends lied to me about having multiple sclerosis (not sure if that's correct)and caused my other friends to leave the school.I was left with her and I hated her. Then I started writing song lyrics,which didn't only improve my English writing skills,but also my writing itself.I'm writing stories,too,but it started with lyrics.
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posted over a year ago 
Alieana said:
I started writing when I was in second grade. It was bad... I cringe whenever I read it. I kind of drifted away from it until sixth grade. We had to write a fantasy. I wrote mine about talking squirrels and the main one gets betrayed by his best friend. I recieved an award for it so it got me back into writing. So here I am now, still writing.
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
My friend and i used to make up stories and tell them to each other during the summer. When school came back along, we started writing them and giving them to each other at lunch. Now ive tried to branch out with what i write about. I try to send messages that i wish i could show others, but not by actually telling them.
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posted over a year ago 
larouxbestfan said:
Because i'm always forming so many different stories in my head and i want to write them down so that i have room to think of a different one!
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posted over a year ago 
-sapherequeen- said:
..I'm not really sure. There isn't a specific reason as to why I started writing, I just..did, really. I was writing stories since I was little, maybe around four-years-old? I would take stacks of white paper, staple them together, and have that be my books, then write in them. xD

But this is irrelevent to the question..

I don't think there was necessarily a reason as to why I started writing. Although I was inspired by many books I've read and authors I admired, this did contribute to my beginning to be a writer. :)
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
I honestly don't even know. I've been writing for as long as I can remember - so long that the reason's been forgotten.

Now, though, I write to express myself. I'm far better telling my thoughts through writing then I am by speaking. And it's a great way for me to let off steam.
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posted over a year ago 
ladyshela said:
Writing is what keeps me sane. It's how I vent. My first true story is a Lost Boys fan fic. It's not done yet but I'm working on other things at the moment. I've had a lot of unfortunate things happen in life and writing is what has kept me out of an institution. :)
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posted over a year ago 
flabaloobalah said:
well first i read and read so they said write and write
then i started going thru a bunch of tough crap so it helps to kinda write it down but make up different characters and scenarios
finally everyone says i have a vivid memory and imagination
the only thing is my parents snoop on all my stuff which isnt fair so i just write where they dont know and act all weird and emo and whatnot...
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posted over a year ago 
coriann said:
uh, idk i just love to write:)
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posted over a year ago 
teamdimitri6 said:
I like reading and writing because I can be in a different place or life if mine sucks at the moment and it's a great way to express emotions and creativity
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posted over a year ago 
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