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Writing Question

Help needed!!

So i've finally decided to go ahead with the elementals story that has been stuck in planning stages since a year.... and i need a bit of help...

The elementals are more powerful when combined together as pairs but i don't really know which combination makes more sense, Air&Water, Fire&Earth or Air&Fire, Water&Earth??

Also... well the plot is a bit fuzzy to me, i can't seem to nail down something that's a bit unique and yet similar to HP or LOTR kinda story.... i'm trying to get ideas from anyone possible!!!!

The only things decided are that the story takes place in a diff world (should there be only one world? or 4 worlds for each element?) and that each elemental has the ability to transform into a mythical/magical creature... and well what i'm looking for is kinda like maybe the story revolves around a quest of sorts? or maybe there's a special school for elementals to train them and the main 4 characters find that there's a prophecy that involves them to battle some darkness....

I really wanna write a fantasy story based on elementals but i can't find the perfect plot, any idea will help!!! I'll give props to whoever gives me an idea.... 5 people answer, all 5 get props!!!
 iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

bri-marie said:
There's a few problems about asking for ideas with this:

1 - You shouldn't write to please your readers. By asking for our ideas on what you should write, you're giving us what you think we want the read. There's far too many people with diverse tastes for that to end well.

2- We aren't the ones writing this. We shouldn't be the ones making the plot and filling in those tiny details - you're the writer. That's your job.

3- If the plot hasn't come, then you obviously haven't found the right inspiration to have it come to you. Personally, I don't want to read a story where the author wasn't inspired.

Relax. It'll come when it comes - there's no hurry.
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posted over a year ago 
Hmm, I get what u mean, thanks for the feedback.... I guess ur right about the lack of inspiration.... I'm kinda trying to see if I can work without the usual source of my inspiration, I think it's not working, still thanks!!!
iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
No problem.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
theonlyexeption said:
i found that Air&water makes more sense to me, because the power of air would lift the water out of the ocean.
I would do there are four worlds, one for each element, and mythical creatures roam each world, the powers of the mythical creatures being from the element world.
You can have your story take place in one of the worlds. Perhaps the fire world? Since fire is cool. You can have a camp or whatever being for all kids with the power to use fire (or whatever corresponding world).
Then, one day, four kids can come, and 3 will be from powers from other worlds. And that is not supposed to happen until the great professey unleashes.
You would have to make up the rest on your own=)

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posted over a year ago 
Right, I see what u mean by air and water being a bit more logical. Thanks!! I'll keep ur idea in mind as well....
iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
BlazeSmoke said:
I agree, I think you should have the four different worlds. But instead, change views, from four different kids, who each live in a different world. The problem could be like that there is a monster in each world.

Fire: Dragon
Earth: Green Giant
Water: Lochness monster....?
Air: An eagle or some sort of powerful bird

So from there, each of the monsters escape and enter the different worlds, destroying everything in their path. But if one of the monsters are killed, the entire world that the monster lived in dies, including all the people in it. Like, the only way a fire dragon could die is if it enters the water world and is extinguished. Something that like. Enjoy!

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posted over a year ago 
ooo wow, i like this.... i did eventually come up with a plot, but i will definitely keep ur idea in mind.... this sounds really interesting, thanks!!!!
iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
Insight357 said:
you should have four separate worlds and u should put the element pairs together more diverse. but thts my opinion
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posted over a year ago 
hmm sounds alright, thanks!!!
iceprincess7492 posted over a year ago
no prob xD
Insight357 posted over a year ago
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