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Writing Question

Have any of you been in Depression & writing helped you get your feelight out?

yes it helped me
vampire1504 posted over a year ago
Kitty1525 posted over a year ago
Firewriter posted over a year ago
 vampire1504 posted over a year ago
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Writing  best answer

LabraLege said:
Writing and painting with gouache was the only things that helped me. Nobody could help me, except myself. I played with words and talked about everything I feel in some poetry. The colours and shapes on the paper presented monsters in my head and my other thoughts... And it was strangely good to feel them in front of me without dusk... Sorry for being too wide, but I wanted to write that ... well, writing helps :)
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posted over a year ago 
Wow! That was deep.
dsdsdrsf posted over a year ago
that was so deep it really touched me so i voted best answer
TOKIO posted over a year ago
U must have a gift in writteing becuz thay was touching but thats my thought
Kachetes posted over a year ago
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OneFoggyNight said:
About a year ago, my older sister killed herself. I started to cut myself after that and everyone worried. They couldnt stop me from it, so my grandma bought me a journal for my birthday. She told me that it would help me face my sister's death. At first, I didnt write in it, but then one day I was bored and my parents took away everything sharp I owned so I begun writing a story. It didnt really involve what had happened to me, but it really helped take my mind away from it and eventually vanished the pain. I stopped cutting myself, I stopped going out into the woods at night hoping a cyote would eat me.To this day,I am still writing and I write every single day.I am now planning to become a novelist.
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posted over a year ago 
If your being serious, that is really sad and amazing at the same time.
Allieee posted over a year ago
everyone has their own way of expressing things and for some it's writing
Duncan-lover1 posted over a year ago
If you are being honest God bless your soul. You are an amazing person for finding away to help your self. This may be a little late to say, but my condolences to you and your family.
hobbit1121 posted over a year ago
harold said:
Yes (reading "feelight" as feelings).
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posted over a year ago 
...and "no" at the same time. Some of us have, some of us haven't. For me, I've been able to express my feelings through writing that I haven't been able to healthfully express otherwise, but that doesn't get them "out" in the way or excising or ameliorating them. In general, I've found that expressing my feelings (good, bad or indifferent) doesn't reduce the amount of time I need to feel them, but NOT expressing them greatly increases the time that I feel negative emotions...and I get additional negative emotions packed on when I don't express them, which I then have to express or not in turn. For instance, if I'm depressed and I don't express that, I might get self-pity and resentment added on to that. Then I have three negative emotions to handle, rather than just the one. If I write about them, I'm a lot less likely to add other negative emotions to the mix, but it still takes me a while to play out the first emotion, even if I write about it.
harold posted over a year ago
u like to type i type alot but tht tht much when i get mad at somebody
sexygirl572 posted over a year ago
scogburn said:
Yes, writing helps alot when I'm depressed or upset. Keeping on daily journal can help too. It's a constructive way to work through your feelings. sometimes a story or poem can be inspired from writing this way.
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
an escape from depression is forward away,writing easier,reading,becomes the weight of a book hurling through the air to the meeting of ms wall. pen is mightier than the sword. not all can write,but many can leave more than their mark;-]
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posted over a year ago 
shenelopefan said:
Actually, I believe that the best that had came out of me, were born from feelings such as depression or anger, and even sometimes frustation. I've been writting for a year now, I started writting because I've lost the man I love and I still love. No, he didn't die, actually he is my friend, stupid isn't it? Well, I lost him because I used to be so proud that I denied loving him... Now I'm having the consecuences of my acts... So, the point is that almost everything I writte is for him, to him and about him... Because of what happened with him, I've started to have serius depressions and I was alone a long time, I didn't let anyone knew how bad I was feelling and it got worse and worse until one day I showed a storie to my best friend and she understood me in every way. She made me realize how wrong I was. yes, sometimes I get depressed by the same subject but at least I know I'm not alone. So, my best advice is, even if it is fine feeling upset or depressed sometimes and you pass your feelings on the writting , please don't aislate yourself, because lonliness is an horrible monster to figth against to. If you're too depressed, show your stories to someone that you can trust because holding it in is the worst desicion you can make... Please, don't make the mistake that I had...
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, that´s so sad
shenny14 posted over a year ago
krystylmomo said:
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posted over a year ago 
LilyRoeScott said:
Yeah, a little. I kind of play out my feelings into the sotry. And I even have made a story about my life...
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posted over a year ago 
Quiztzhadrch said:
Writing is hard work when writing to be read by others. If you write for cathartic purposes, however, that's different.. you won't share your writing with anyone so it doesnt matter if you misspell, make gramatical errors, ect. Depression is an awful disease that prevents you from caring about -anything- including writing or reaching out for help. So, fortunately, if you write to feel better, then you might not be depressed, you might just be feeling melancholy or a little emotionaly conflicted. Depression is an entirely different issue.
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Writing is hard work when writing to be read by others. If you write for cathartic purposes, however, that's different.. you won't share your writing with anyone so it doesnt matter if you misspell, make gramatical errors, ect. Depression is an awful disease that prevents you from caring about -anything- including writing or reaching out for help. So, fortunately, if you write to feel better, then you might not be depressed, you might just be feeling melancholy or a little emotionaly conflicted. Depression is an entirely different issue.
posted over a year ago 
teamalice_0 said:
yes really bad
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire said:
well, yeah, mostly. Sometimes it's to escape the world of homework and reality, that's why make favourite gonre is fantasy cause it's so unreal and all! But I love writing anyway, but when my boyfrend cheated on me (i found him giving a hikey to this slut called Joline :( >:@) i started writing the book im writing, and so now i got hooked, and im gonna send it to a publisher! I neva thought i'd say it, but
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posted over a year ago 
i meen genre
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
twilight0girl said:
acutally i put myself into depression for a short story but then writting got me out of it so ya i guess so
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posted over a year ago 
Night-Sky said:
Hmm...I don't know. I think it was more a place for me to escape to rather than the actual act of writing. During what I think was when I was in the worst of my depression, I kind of retreated into my own world. I actually find that the song "Imaganary" by Evanescence fit's me quite well, with that. I didn't often write exactly what I was feeling. I started writing again about a year before the depression, So I didn't start because of depression. I think writing helped me a bit, though. I think.
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan-lover1 posted over a year ago
happygrrrr said:
Sometimes writting is the only thing that helps.
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posted over a year ago 
music_girl120 said:
It some times help but I always just turn on my music it helps alot
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posted over a year ago 
same here
Duncan-lover1 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Yes. Actually, I have.. :)
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Yes. Actually, I have.. :)
posted over a year ago 
dylin1 said:
You have NO idea! It helped me so much! It still is! Writing is a miracle!

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posted over a year ago 
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
(halleluja chorus plays)
dylin1 posted over a year ago
CullenProperty said:
My friend, Michele, gave me a journal in 2007 to vent out all my feelings on paper instead of on people & every year since then she's given me a journal to write in. It really does help and that way I don't have to hurt anyone, although I do sometimes, but mostly the writing is all I need. Whenever I'm feeling down, I write pep talks in my journal to myself & sometimes it works, sometimes I wanna punch someone's face out. Writing is a miracle worker, one word is worth a million more.
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posted over a year ago 
zps said:
Yes,of course![and more than once]
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posted over a year ago 
firechick said:
sometimes i just have to put it on paper or a computer it helps me clear my head.
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posted over a year ago 
axemnas said:
I've been stuck in a depression for quite some time now one of my docs recommended a shrink at the moment while my depression is worsening waiting for an answer to whether i have a mental disorder passed down to me I've been writing i wouldn't necessarily say it has improved my disposition but it has given me a way to vent escape reality and add some life experience to my novel its one of the few things that i get up in the morning for.
Dreams...Dreams are like a place where you can live out fantasy's and writing is the next closest thing to them and if dreams are actually reality and reality's the dream then I'm having a nightmare and my actuality is heaven
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posted over a year ago 
chickencheese said:
No. LOL.
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posted over a year ago 
ruby1000 said:
Yup, I have depression and it helps me so much XD
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posted over a year ago 
rosethorn said:
no thats what friends are for ( no offence intended to anyone who said yes)
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan-lover1 said:
I dont know if writing helped me but it did feel good to know that someone knows what you want them to know about you
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posted over a year ago 
xXSweeneyXx said:
I have clinical depression but I refuse to use antidepressants, so I cope with it by writing. :3
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posted over a year ago 
RemindMe said:
Yerh, pretty much!
I sometimes write diary. And it do really help me!
I've many bad moments, and then when it's too much, i read. Just read all my thougts down.
NOBODY may see it!
I've told mo mother, that if she'll ever gonna se it, it will be when i'm dead :i

(Do not own the picture)
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Yerh, pretty much!
I sometimes write diary. And it do really help me!
I've many bad moments, and then when it's too much, i read. Just read all my thougts down.
NOBODY may see it! 
I've told mo mother, that if she'll ever gonna se it, it will be when i'm dead :i

(Do not own the picture)
posted over a year ago 
Marika_1996 said:
I think yes. When I'm depressed, I just sit and write sad things. Killing the main character sometimes help ;)
Anyway, I'll never show it to anybody, so the world can forget about these stories. Sorry.
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
I have never been totally depressed but writing helps get feelings out of me onto the paper and that makes me feel better.
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posted over a year ago 
zoruluna said:
All the time.
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posted over a year ago 
terra_rocker said:
writing songs and stories helps me feel better write 1st person so i can escspe the world and be there where i dont stress i cry its amazing
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posted over a year ago 
AlalinaBond said:
Yes, because I find that writing is a release of my emotions and has reallly helped me through some tough times.
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posted over a year ago 
fanfangirlfan said:
YES.... Totally.
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posted over a year ago 
Potter-rulez said:
Yea, I'm currently writing stories about characters who are depressed, and i killed one off, that really hurt
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posted over a year ago 
One of the ones is up in articles, called 'tears'
Potter-rulez posted over a year ago
ZekiYuro said:
Yes,I write diary a lot and it helps me always
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posted over a year ago 
CnfzldUnicorn said:
Well... I never had depression but for a case of the blues, i always listen to my fave music, chill in some comfy clothes, and draw

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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
I don't know... sometimes I'm depressed and writing helps, other times I can't find any motivation to write. :L
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posted over a year ago 
dyufozeon said:
Whenever I'm feeling sad or depressed I write my thoughts down, that makes me feel lighter, like I just unloaded a burden.
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posted over a year ago 
sparkles3 said:
yeah. definitely.
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posted over a year ago 
1016362 said:
no why ?????????
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posted over a year ago 
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