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Writing Question

Crisis. How to get inspiration?

Crisis... It happened to me before, but I could find a way to express my feelings eventually. And this "eventually" was usually in 1-2 months. But it's been six months since my last inspiration, I am depressed, I can't find right words to write something...
What do you do, when you can't think of something to write? (Help me please..)
 LabraLege posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

harold said:
1. Read. Read stuff you enjoy, read stuff that is challenging for you, read something you normally wouldn't read, read stuff your friends or fellow fans have written.

2. Critique the writing you've read. As part of the criticism, think about how you would have written it differently.

3. Write some non-fiction: write a movie review, poetry, instructions on how to use something, an interview with someone, or even a transcript of an overheard conversation (VERY useful for modeling dialogue).

4. Buy a newspaper, take a story at random, and turn it into fiction.

5. Write a journal. This is actually the first thing I thought of when I read your question, because every writer should keep a journal. Then, when you have a dearth of ideas, you can flip open your journal and explore some of the ideas you've captured there.

6. Use one or more of the writing prompts posted here (in the Writing club, as part of the writer's group or in the club links) or elsewhere as a jumping-off point.

7. Write stream-of-consciousness: put your pen to paper, start with a sentence, and write as fast as you can whatever comes into your head. Fill a page that way, then stop, take a break, and come back later to review what you've written. Often you'll find some good nuggets there.
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posted over a year ago 
wild-bby said:
I'd just think about my life. You could try to look back at personal experiences, or go out one day and take special notice of the little things that you always miss. Even the little things in life brings some ideas, like when I was in a train or out watching football. I write supernatural and fantasy so I usually look at my life and take and turn memories out of it to fit in a story. Look at your friends and family for inspiration on characters because there's bound to be some interesting ones in the mix! You don't have to, but what I sometimes do is look up into the sky and try to picture images in the clouds.
Also you could borrow inspiration from tv shows, movies,books and transform it into something new and original. Sometimes I randomly flip through the dictionary and point randomly at a word and try to invision a sentence or a plot around it.
Also I day dream a lot and take inspiration from them and my dreams.

Well, that's what I do, hope it helps in any way!
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posted over a year ago 
Irina92 said:
mm to tell u the truth i just wait..sooner or later i'll think of sth! yeah i had that too! i couldn't write a think for about one year! and then suddenly inspiration came and i wrote in three weeks a whole book of poems!!! but u can also write things bout subjects u like and inspire u even u don't really know wat to write... e.g. i usually write bout nature and peoples feelings and thoughts so i could just start writing bout it wat would come to my mind! day by day u'll think of sth i'm sure!
hope i helped u a bit..:)
(ps do u like writing stories or poems?)
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posted over a year ago 
I tried both, but poems always sound too pessimistic and stories remind me of a diary entries , so... I like both :))) thanks for help!
LabraLege posted over a year ago
BellaCullen8318 said:
Look at random pages in the dictionary.... when I see a weird word I start brainstorming.......
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posted over a year ago 
thats intresting-I'm gonna try that!
summerfrog posted over a year ago
haha thats cool.. i mite try it heheh
labi-has-ocd posted over a year ago
happygrrrr said:
I get inspiration from life, my feelings and intreacting with people. I like to talk to people I wouldn't normal talk to. Other times I watch or read something that makes me overcome with emotion. Oh and FYI if you just broke up with someone stay away from the love stories! It can be bad! I mean it even if it was a friend you stopped talking to, the whole thing may back fire.
Happy writting:)
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posted over a year ago 
Stay away from love stories... good one :))) thanks
LabraLege posted over a year ago
summerfrog said:
maybe you should go back and read the things that you wrote before and that may give you inspiration
to write more...thats what works for me
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posted over a year ago 
same ! :)
labi-has-ocd posted over a year ago
Sephisis17 said:
Well is what I do: Take at least one hour for yourself, when nobody's at home, or at night when everybody's sleeping, and try to think what you feel inside. And puuf, there you go. Hope I've been helpful.
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posted over a year ago 
I tried this thing, but thinking becomes like "What I feel, what I feel..." :))) I need more than hour... much more. Thank you
LabraLege posted over a year ago
Sorry I couldn't help! :[
Sephisis17 posted over a year ago
If I say Thank you it means I find your answer useful :)
LabraLege posted over a year ago
kk o.O
Sephisis17 posted over a year ago
courtorbin said:
You know what? I'm a artist and an author at the same time. and I love to go and look at wonderful and mysterious artwork. and with the strangest pieces I think of little stories behind it. I write it down. What I learned from a famous author, is that, the more you write the better you get. So that's what I do when I have writers block with my novels. I take a break, get my mind off of it, look at pictures and things just come to me.
I don't know if that helped. But that's just me.
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posted over a year ago 
Lie_to_Me_123 said:
I listen to music. I just hear a certain line of a song and a whole story comes into my head! Or I hear a song on the radio and listen to the story of the song and I get an idea from that. Hope you find that helpful :)
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posted over a year ago 
this works for me too! it's fun!
ryans_love posted over a year ago
monsy38 said:
Think about what you like, like a tv sjow , than think about what would be a good episode or what would happen if a new character was added, or even change an episode a bit to another way in which you like. Think, also about people,yourself, or historic figures and think about what they lived through. In music, write about why you think that the song was written, how it came to be, or the meaning behind it.
For random stories, think about your dreams and mix them a bit till they have a plot (I did that with my story "weird dream")or even grab the closest thing next to you and even if it's just a coke bottle you can still write a story about it. I'm sure that even a coke bottle has a story to tell. Or, do what i did, write an article about trying to write an article, when you have all those thoughts traveling through your head and not being able to decide on which one to pick.
animals are good for stories too. Even plants. Imagine what a flower could be thinking, what its wishes are. what it does when no one is looking. Maybe it has been the witness of an interesting event. It all depends on looking beyond what normal people see. writters turn the impossible into reality in an even better way than anyone because it's inside the mind of people that they will see this so they will think, feel, hear, and smell things more vividly. Inspiration will hit you if you just look beyond.
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posted over a year ago 
ryans_love said:
something i find fun is this: for a character, i think of someone in my life (you don't have to like them) and write a fictional story about them. it doesn't have to be anything special, just enough to get your brain working.
i often look at the titles of books and tv episodes to get inspired. for example: P.D. James' The Murder Room. just write what ever image comes first to your mind.
hope this helps!
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posted over a year ago 
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