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Writing Question

Can teenagers write novels? Help!

I am 13 years old and I have almost completed a 50 thousand word manuscript for a novel. It only struck me this morning that, even though my writing is better than most adults, my age might put publishers and agents off. Is it possible for a teenager to get a book published? Or should I wait a few years before trying?
This girl author that I read from started publishing her books @ 14 u can publish it
2dolphn97 posted over a year ago
 black_13 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

bri-marie said:
Of course it's possible for you to be published. Lots of authors were published as teens: Christopher Paolini, Amelia At-Water Rhodes (who was your age, 13, when she published her first book), Walter Farley, Mary Shelly.

Waiting is entirely up to you. Although, personally, if you feel you're ready now, I don't see you having a lot to loose by throwing your manuscript out there.
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posted over a year ago 
pink-bookworm said:
Yea they don't care what age you are just how good you write so if your writing is good enough go for it.
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posted over a year ago 
foreveraMJJFan said:
im sure you 17 and i have been working on a novel since i was about 15.....
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posted over a year ago 
lauren777222 said:
Yez they can in fact plzz read the sample of mine it is "I know whythe caged heart beats
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posted over a year ago 
ttmrktmnrfn0830 said:
Well, my 15th birthday is at the end of August, and I'm working a couple of books at the moment. My English teachers say that I definitely have a knack for writing. I was the best writer in my eighth grade class, and I think I might have a shot. That's what I wanna do when I'm done with school, too
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
go ahead and try. The worst that can happen in you have to wait a while
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posted over a year ago 
CherryCrush100 said:
Yes of course you can be published, lots of writers got published when they were in their teen years xxx
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posted over a year ago 
MaybeBlue said:
I think any publisher would be impressed that you have a fifty-thousand word manuscript. Just because you're 13 doesn't automatically make it impossible for you to publish a book. I have a friend who had a book published when she was 14. I say you should go for it! Age is but a number.
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posted over a year ago 
fangs286 said:
hell ya the youngest author in the world was 8 when he got his book published.heres the proof.
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posted over a year ago 
Whoa, that's a young age .
Kiraa_Killer posted over a year ago
kenzichu said:
yes christopher paolini was a teen when he published eragon it was a #1 new york times bestseller and a lot more people published books before they were teens
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posted over a year ago 
chattycandy said:
yes anyone can cause if you read the outsiders she was 16 or 17 when i was published
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posted over a year ago 
thanks all you guys for your support!!! its cool to have support!
black_13 posted over a year ago
roseteaxx said:
Of course! I read a (published) novel written by a 14 year old not too long ago! There should be no problem, as long as the story is well-written, well-developed, interesting and with deep characters :D So go for it! :)
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posted over a year ago 
vskparaimer said:
Of course they can. Anyone can. I think your age won't matter (haha, I'm not much older xd), and even if you're not succesful, don't give up, but work on your novel, improve, and try again. If you know it's worth it, then it is. <3
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posted over a year ago 
animegothgirl13 said:
hey i say go for it i just started on a book called "the valler" and i plan on putting it on here when im done but it will take a while. :D
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posted over a year ago 
chickencheese said:
Go for it! The worst that can happen is that they'll refuse to publish it!
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
Definately. My parents and grandparents have always said nothings impossible give it a go and see what happens if you fail you have nothing to be ashamed of as you have had a go. So yes go and see what happens and if you manage it come back here and tell us all about it. Its something I have dreampt of doing for years but I have never had the cash and so far none of my stories are finished. GOOD LUCK
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posted over a year ago 
Kiraa_Killer said:
You should publish it anytime you want, I hear many people who published their novels at a younger age .
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posted over a year ago 
BJA said:
personally-yes, we can, iv been doing that since i was eleven+not my best but still savedx to the computer+i think it's kewl to see about the auther...teens reveal more of themselves in thur writing than adults..
personally...just putting that answer out thur
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posted over a year ago 
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