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Writing Question

Help with a name change please :)

I have been writing this story, and the main characters name is Bree Hunter. But as I am writing I'm not liking the name Bree much anymore. I was wondering if you guys could help me, give me ideas of some girls names.

She is a tough girl, she is a fighter and would rather die then be a helpless little girl. (She is 22) Her job is fighting demons and she only trust her close friends and family.
 Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

Moonlight_Kitty said:
Okay what I think you should do is make Bree her nickname. You could name her Brayden or something like that, and her friends or close aquaintences could call her Bree every once in a while.
I think Bree is a cute name.
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posted over a year ago 
POPclogger216 said:

Hope this helps! :)
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
Try this website. It has some cool names :)

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posted over a year ago 
Evil Baby Names XD
Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
txter32 said:
I like the name Bree, but for some reason the name Maycee sticks out to me(: hope this helps!
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posted over a year ago 
MaeLynn said:
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posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
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posted over a year ago 
MaybeBlue said:
I like using for names. I'm terrible at trying to think them up on my own. DX This really helps me come up with ideas.
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posted over a year ago 
breebree446 said:
EXCUSE ME?!?! The name Bree is AWESOME!
Lol, just kidding ;D

If she's tough, why not try a unisex name? (A name that could be used for both a boy or girl.)
Taylor, Cameron, Dani, Peyton, Brandy, or Jamie.
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posted over a year ago 
I was thinking about that. I have been having so much trouble with this characters name. First it was Alex but that did not fit her and now Bree is just not working. (When i said i did not like it i meant for the Character :)
Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
Lol, I know. I was just kidding. And it's okay. I have trouble naming characters too :)
breebree446 posted over a year ago
nglenn9 said:
I agree with breebree^. a unisex name is great for a tough female character. Like maybe Brice or Shane.Or maybe a beautifull and feminine name to offset and balance her strength. Like Eponine or Mila.
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posted over a year ago 
Or Elizabeth or something like that.
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
nglenn9 posted over a year ago
emilloman said:
Alex (or Aly)
Kate (or Katie)
Thats all I can think of that might sound good with those.
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posted over a year ago 
Solefitjar27 said:
Maybe you're looking for the wrong thing here. Bree wants to be seen as tough among her peers and family, so maybe you should be looking for a girly name so Bree has more reason to want to be tough. Then you have the chance to add backstories and much more detail if she hates her name and just wants to be one of the guys.


And, if you think my idea is dumb, and you want tomboy names, then I am with Levi 100%.
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posted over a year ago 
dinavidscuitee said:
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posted over a year ago 
as a nickname that everyone calls her
dinavidscuitee posted over a year ago
Camilie39 said:
Keira or Jillian. They go pretty well with her family name too and they sound like fighting names... According to me :) Hope it helps!
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posted over a year ago 
KissOfDoom said:
You could give her a clearly female name but a boyish nickname. Like Samantha-Sam, Alexandra-Alex, Mckenzie-Kenn, Danielle-Danny etc.
Also here's an idea: maybe when she was a kid her parents wanted her to act and dress like a "girly" type of girl against her will or tried to teach her that girls can't do the same things as guys. And that's why she does anything to prove she's tough.
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posted over a year ago 
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