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Writing Question

What absolutely terrifies you?

Believe me, this will definitely help me as a writer if you reply...
What absolutely terrifies you?
is that werewolf "assaulting" the lady??? Now that *points at picture* really terrifies me
huddysmacked posted over a year ago
Same here
18wanda posted over a year ago
*shrinks away* ohmygedd
flabaloobalah posted over a year ago
 sapherequeen posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

huddysmacked said:
Well besides the picture above this answer, I can say that what terrifies me the most is death.

I know it sounds simple but think about it. When you die there's nothing more, you are never gonna return, what is it like? You lose everything, you don't remember anything, you are dead. You are lost, you will actually some day die and be nothing else, With tons of things developing after you die and you don't get to know them.

That's my biggest fear, hope it helps.
If you meant something as monsters... Twilight vampires are sooo scary *shifty eyes*
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posted over a year ago 
one i agree about the death thing i mean how many more years is there going to be will the earth make is to 4000 years but yet i think then your soul comes back as the same person but in a differant body and you don't remember eneything from your past lives.... two the Twilight vampires arn't scary.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
I was joking with the Twilight thing ;) And yeah that's the bad part of me that I love soo much my life that I wouldn't like to believe that I would come back but not remembering anything from my past life...
huddysmacked posted over a year ago
It helps a lot :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
BiteMeCullen107 said:
drowning... think about it if your drowning like you know how to swim but something is pulling you down you panic and when you panic you use all your energy and you want to breath... losing my husband or kid - if i had one - to me it would just seem different then losing any one ells.
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posted over a year ago 
I can swim like a fish
18wanda posted over a year ago
U know what really terrifies me know is Crows every time i see one it seems to be watching me.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
LilyRoeScott said:
Clowns... I hate clowns, they scare the hell out of me...
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posted over a year ago 
They are creepy but I'm not terrified of them
18wanda posted over a year ago
They're terrifying
mrsspencereid posted over a year ago
123Susan123 said:
I'm terrified of the thought I could be all alone later in my life. I'm scared people will leave me, and I won't or can't stop them.

I'm scared of water, too, I don't know why. I can't breathe very well when I'm in the water. Kind of hyperventilating. Very weird.
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posted over a year ago 
Hoshi-san said:
i know im just 12 years old but sometimes i get scared of the night
because im in the computer and i heard noises which make me scare and i never look out the window couse theres a feeling that a skeleton pop out of the window(yeah its silly but it get me scared) and sometimes wen i go to sleep my bed in close to the door and i dont turn on the light i just jump t my bed from the door with out touching my rooms floor because i get scared that there could be an insect or something on the floor...or maybe blood on the floor

im to big to get scared of the night but im still scared
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posted over a year ago 
i was the same way till i started readint Twilight now the night doesn't scare me because they say that vampire are the worst night creature ever and now i think of them as my angels.
BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
Don't worry, I feel that way too, sometimes. And thank you, you gave me a ton of ideas for stories :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
Aisuanime said:
Oh god other than clowns and puppets (yes, laugh if you want cuz i always do XD) is... losing a loved one I guess. What can be more horrible then that? Although rape scares me...same with choking in your own puke XP. Blah Im all creeped out just thinking bout it...
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
Cancer. It practically eats you from inside out. Then you have to have medicine that hurts you even more and makes your hair fall out.
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posted over a year ago 
That is scary. Good answer, dusty
18wanda posted over a year ago
dragonrider said:
unexplained noises at night. I hate noises when I am trying to asleep that's why I have a fan on because at least I know what that noise is. I'm afraid of Cancer as well. I am also afraid that I won't find the right man.
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posted over a year ago 
Common fears, yes.
18wanda posted over a year ago
18wanda said:
I am worried my career won't take off as an author and I will have to live in the alleyways of Chicago in Hoovervilles(cardboard boxes) begging for change with a tin cup.
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posted over a year ago 
im not that scared becuse of my career not takeing off becuse i want get a degree in archetecture and writting
Thalia_huntress posted over a year ago
So do I but it still could happen
18wanda posted over a year ago
That does help...
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
living in a hooverville is the hard knock life (annie reference lol)
flabaloobalah posted over a year ago
LadyVampire said:
I only scared of spiders
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posted over a year ago 
LUV_4_BIEBER said:
Horrible creatures.
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
A bird coming indoors I know everyone else may think I am mad but truely it really scares me. The thought that one day my parents will not be alive anymore. I am also scared of the unknown I need to know whats happening all the time and also change of any sort worries me. So hope that helps.
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posted over a year ago 
MarMar_XigLux said:
Well, besides the picture above, the things that terrify me the most are Insects and Fire.
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posted over a year ago 
Summer_Leanne said:
Well, let's see:
Sewer rats
Anything that stings (including scorpions)
relationships that end tragically (fatally, etc..)
Lack of knowledge
Blinding pride
Being told "no." (sounds childish, but for quiet people such as myself, it's scary)
And, in some cases, human beings
~Hope this helped you! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Rockstar343 said:
Well hmm that picture is weird. I have to say what does the trick is spiders being in my shower before i get in and thats it really. I dont get scared that easily because latly scarry movies and everything that is supposed to be terrifying really doesnt do anything. And i only watched 2 that where scarry and thats it.
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posted over a year ago 
para-scence said:
Being burried alive... speaking in public...
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posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
Faces where there aren't supposed to be faces
Anything involving creepy reflections in mirrors
Small, cramped spaces
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posted over a year ago 
Insight357 said:
Death, spiders, and burning alive...
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posted over a year ago 
LexisFaith said:
My love leaving me-just the thought makes me sick- spiders, demons..lets see...ummm...not making it far enough to have an adult life of my own. You know, kids, husband, great job...
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posted over a year ago 
txter32 said:
I'm terrified of many things. Mostly, I find myself afraid of being by doors and windows at night. We've had problems with people trying to break in at night... so.... i'm kinda freaked
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posted over a year ago 
roseteaxx said:
Insanity. I mean, real insanity, not, "oh, me and my friends are so crazy because we are so weird," but actual insanity. That is scary stuff.
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posted over a year ago 
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