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Writing Question

Does the first chapter of the story I'm writing make the rest of the story sound great?

So this is a different version of STAR WARS.
Anikan had been captured and Padme went after him.

Anikan sat in the corner of the smal jail cell.His eyes
were red from crying. "This is all my falt!" He said.
"I should have listened to Padme and now they're going to kill both of us know!" "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Padme
screamed. "Oh no!"Anikan yelled. "They must have killed
here!" At that moment Padme walked in rubbing her
back. A droid was behind her with a gun pointed at her
back. The droid shoved her in the cell. Oh good she's alive,Anikan thought. "They wipped my back!" Padme said. At that moment Obi-wan cut into the wall.
"OBI-WAN!!!!!" Padme and Anikan yelled. "Shhhhh,"
Obi-wan said quietly.

So that's what the first chapter is. Please answer.
I ment They must have killed her!
puppygirl12114 posted over a year ago
 puppygirl12114 posted over a year ago
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