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Writing Question

Question:(Specifically for Silent Hill game or movie fans)

I have an idea for a Silent Hill spinoff novel, and was wondering if I posted it here would anyone read it? (It takes place in the Game's universe, but if you've only seen the movies, it won't be hard to understand if you haven't played the games) Anyway, here's the summary:
___________________________________________Nathan Harper has always believed there was something strange about his life, he was raised by his Uncle Frank, who had always acted suspicious about his parents, who Nathan had never met, as they left after he was only five years old. Now sixteen years old, Nathan recieves a letter from his father, beckoning him to come to where he claims to be, the seemingly abandoned town of Silent Hill, despite warnings from his uncle and his only friend, Nathan heads out to the town, and comes to face with a demonic world that threatens to trap him within Silent Hill for eternity.
There will be lots of refrences to the games, and maybe even some from the movies. Anyway, I've completed the Prolouge and Chapter 1, if anyone wants to read it let me know.
 adamk posted over a year ago
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