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Writing Question

hey i am stuck on creating charecters for my stories, and thats usualy what im est at! can anyone help me on how to creat charecters, PLEASE!!

 snowpea posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

Nayeli53 said:
well, the way i create my characters is by observing how poeple act and look. my book has a mix of traits from my friends, people ive seen on tv, family, or just people who i just see while im at the store or something. the fun part of it is that u can mix up thier looks and attitides to make up new characters. the hard part is nameing the charracter, sorry, icant help u with that!!!
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posted over a year ago 
its fine i have pleanty of names, thank you very much.
snowpea posted over a year ago
iluvtheshow said:
Okay this is kinda of a toughey cause its different for every writer. I start with a real physical person that I like or dislike.(Depending on the character) I take that person's personality and come up with a back story that's completely different from the real, yet still explains there personality and motivations. I hope that helped :)
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posted over a year ago 
thank you this hepled
snowpea posted over a year ago
Free_Spirit said:
well every age group has a way of acting,little kids are curious, a little bit older they like to get praise and approval from an adult. At thirteen kids are more aware of each other and like to experiment in life. AT like 15 it is the same thing but on a different level. At like 20 kids show a sort of freedom from not having o go to school.., and if i went on i'm afraid my computer might fall asleep. But what i'm saying is that you can base characters on their age and what kids are usually like at their age, but also switch so maybe a young girl is mature for her age being forced into it by her environment. Lol, if my essay there helped at all, great. Also (sorry theres more lol) if keep things sort of real if your doing a story about this world, so don't make a character to brave at the start, otherwise there is no change in them throught the story. Okay Now im finished.. wait theres more, nah kidding
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posted over a year ago 
this one helped the best :) thank you so much
snowpea posted over a year ago
Free_Spirit posted over a year ago
Night-Sky said:
Hm...Well, I create my characters in a variety of ways. Watching people, how they act, I find that help.
Uh...People you know.
Names, as well. Just looking at different names ussually makes me think of a character to go with it :p

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posted over a year ago 
thank you this helped.
snowpea posted over a year ago
Sacred_Love1550 said:
Well, usually my characters are derived from people I know, or characters in shows or books, but most of the time I make up my own characters. Once I have the personality down, I come up or look up unique names that fit the character's personality... Hope that helped ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
thank you it did
snowpea posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
Think stereotypes. I know it might seem bad but you can change them up once you got the stereotype
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posted over a year ago 
thank you
snowpea posted over a year ago
MissDalya said:
relaxe your-self ....things like this just come
from everything around you. =D
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posted over a year ago 
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