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Writing Question

Am I writing too many books at once?

I'm sort of writing *coughs* four books at once...well, two are still being planned...but still!
I work on one for a while, work on another, and so on. Am i working too hard?
oh wait scratch that......eight xDDDD
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
oh yeah I also have like 9000000 more ideas on my head that are forming this very second that are just waiting to go BAM!!!
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
Even my sister thinks I write too much now T_T why is everyone out to get me?!?! (That sounded paranoid O_O)
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
 OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
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Writing Answers

VMars4ever said:
It's only wrong when you start to mix up the stories. I myself write numerous books at once but keep notes to remind myself of the one I'm on, unless the story lines completely differ from the others, like ones with fantasy and realistic fiction. But, no you're not crazy; you're enthusiastic and eccentric, and that's what's necessary to write anything of the least interest, otherwise the book would end up boring, simple and generic. If you ever need advice on writing, I'm here to help.
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posted over a year ago 
I like you awnser.;)
emmaterry posted over a year ago
VMars4ever posted over a year ago
phew you had me worried o_o; xD
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
XOsmileyariXO said:
yes!!!! ur crazy!! just relax. get one story out at a time. if you work ur ass off, u might get tired and stop. or u might get confused about wich 1 ur writin at the moment. once u finish 1 story, u start the other. keep wat u've already done but come back 2 it. if u writie more than 2 books at a time, u might not realize that the books have the same storiline. if u do them after each other, u can start with a new mind and a fresh imagination!! hope it helpzzzzzz!!
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posted over a year ago 
heheheh...thats the thing.... i remember whatts going on in each story without getting confused :D xD
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
no! she/he isn't crazy!!!!!!!! or that means i am too... hmmm
emmett posted over a year ago
Im also crazy then.
emmaterry posted over a year ago
lol lots of ppl are crazi
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
emmaterry said:
No!!!Im writing 7 at a time.
You need to start Writing books to remember them.
Its good and all to write a few words too remember
But it wont work.
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posted over a year ago 
wow!! thats heaps! :)
emmett posted over a year ago
thats so awesome!! You must be a great writer! :)
emmett posted over a year ago
i like contributing
emmett posted over a year ago
Well... thanks for the great writing comment.
emmaterry posted over a year ago
vampiremnm7 said:
Well if you are working too hard then so am i. Im writting 7 stories at the moment, so dont worry about it - as long as you can keep them seperated in ur mind and not think u wrote something in one that you didn't then you should be all good.
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posted over a year ago 
emmett posted over a year ago
hello :)
emmett posted over a year ago
emmett posted over a year ago
vampiremnm7 posted over a year ago
Lestat37 said:
I guess you don't if you have enough time to fix every of them.

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posted over a year ago 
Who says I don't get it all right the first time? I dont need to fix them o_o
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
ultimatefan6 said:
wow... iff you can do that ur awesome!
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posted over a year ago 
It's not a lot ._.'''
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
June4 said:
I think u r writing too many books once but i have to say that's great
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posted over a year ago 
Once again... It's not a lot... ._.''
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
yes it is
June4 posted over a year ago
oh, come on, haha, ur making me laugh
June4 posted over a year ago
Angel_W said:
HELL YEAH! i can not write even one! four together?!well i think you can give me some ideas:P ;)
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posted over a year ago 
It's not a lot!! D:
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
it is....!
Angel_W posted over a year ago
Angel_W posted over a year ago
1-2vampire said:
yeh. right one book at a time, and write your ideas down i a notebook or sumthing so you dont forget them, if you write them all at once its like whooo what am i doing?
so just calm down, and right down your ideas and come back to them once you finished the one your writing.
it helped me anyway coz i kept getting loads of ideas llooll it was funnny tho :D
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posted over a year ago 
._. seriously people it's not a lot!
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
xSoulOfFury said:
Heh, yes I do Foggert. Can ya guess who I am? xD (Pssssssst, Im Tyler-Kun. xD)
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posted over a year ago 
I will call in the nun D:<
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
(and meh name ish F-O-G >.<)
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
XOsmileyariXO posted over a year ago
lilacool said:
Do what u feel lik. But try to sort out ur time,like one book at 3-4,second book at 4-5 etc.
Hop this helped

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posted over a year ago 
That's a good idea but I like the way I'm doing it :D
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
Cutebutcrazy-- said:
not really im doing the same thing though im writin 15
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posted over a year ago 
15 isn't a lot either :P
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
ShadowRocksxxx said:
i don't think there's anythiong wrong with so long as your coping. if you can remember and write about more than one storyline at a time then why not? just remember that you don't have to write them all at once, you can keep notes of new ideas. by the way, how do you find the time to write so many books at once?
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posted over a year ago 
._.''' I guess I have a lot of free time..?
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
Naw I'm just constanlty working on them, in and outside of my head. Always.
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
i know what you mean. i love making things up - people, places, stories - in my head but they never make it onto paper. they just kinda stay there, in my brain. i don't have a lot of free time. my lovely teachers have been giving me tons of homework lately >:( but we get to write a story in english :) so im good.
ShadowRocksxxx posted over a year ago
:D I'm writing a (short) story in english too xD
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Well, I don't think you're crazy or you're working hard or anything :)

Just deeply talented.....
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posted over a year ago 
haha talented xD riiiight
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
and yaaaaay I'm not crazy ^-^
OneFoggyNight posted over a year ago
tamryn545 said:
1st hi ari,2nd 11 books thats going 2 take u 4ever!!!!!don't u think ur going a little overboard?!?!?!?!pick the book u like the best or are the farthest with and run with that idea!but don't go writing 80million books at one time chika!!!!!!!!ITS JUST PLAIN CRAZY!!TOO MUCH ON UR WRITTING PLATE!!!!!!!!AND IF U REALLY WANTED 2 WRITIE A BOOK U WOULDN'T WRITE 11!?!?!?!?!NOW WOULD U?take this in2 sum serious consideration b4 u get ur topics confused and wen u publish u wont have 2 many readers because itll b confusing n two different things in 1 !!!!!!get it got it good!!!!!now go pick ONE book!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lollipopszx3 said:
11 books now? I bet now you've started writing like 17 books. That's not a lot. It isn't! I'm like writing a bunch of books! If you are posting them online, keep your readers entertained with new books and it'll all work out! Okay if you start failing school, then yeah it's starting to become a lot. Write ideas in a notebook or post short chapters! Then you won't over-work (o.O)
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posted over a year ago 
Friendly_Girl said:
No, i also write a lot of books at once. That's because I have too many ideas.
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posted over a year ago 
Aquamarina said:
One of my favourite authors said in an interview that every story you want to write deserves all the ambition, concentration and ideas you can bring up; so don't write many books at once. I also often started different stories at the same time until I saw this interview on Youtube and thought about her words. Since then, I always force myself to keep on one story and it really IS better, believe me. Of course, I take notes whenever I have a new idea or I write short stories, poems, song texts etc., but in general, I concentrate on one story now.
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posted over a year ago 
chickencheese said:
If you're able to keep each story going and write it well, then no, you're fine :)
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posted over a year ago 
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