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Writing Question

Do you want to be an editor? =)

Hello fellow Poppers (is that our name?)! =)

I recently began working on a new website called Editors For You. It will be a site where young, aspiring writers can come and have their work edited by a number of young editors. Emphasis on YOUNG. When I think of editors, I think of old people, who are strict and stuff.... I don't know why. But this site is going to be focused on young editors providing help to young writers, and old writers too.

Anyway, time to get to the point. I am very close to being done with the site, but I don't want to publish it when it's not completely done yet. So unfortunately, I have no link for any of you to go to.

But if you would like to be an editor for my site, if you could just email me here: and I shall email you back with further details. I'm looking for really great editors who I know will do an excellent job with any person they help, so don't get mad if I make you answer lots of questions and stuff before finally telling you whether you've been accepted or not.

Also, you can even email me if you want screenshots of the site. Since I don't know how to post images here. Also, if you want to be one of the first people who gets their work edited by any of us young editors (once the site is done and dusted), you can message me on here or email me and I'll put you on top of the Waiting List ^.^

Yeah, so thanks and tell your friends and everyone about this. If you're a part of any other writing site, publish on the forums there as well. I'll be going around the writing sites I'm on anyway :)
Do you want to be an editor? =)
 Bella_Dhampir posted over a year ago
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