Writing Writer's Group Session 1, August 11th, 2008

Cinders posted on Aug 11, 2008 at 04:30AM
This Writers Group opened at 9:30PM PDT on August 10th and closed at 9:30PM PDT on August 11th.

Sorry this was late, I got distracted by every day life.

The Prompt:

This comes straight from one of the last prompts I received. First of all, choose either "You" or "I." Then follow it with the phrase, "shouldn't have shot the dog."

And take it from there.

You/I shouldn't have shot the dog...

Alternative Prompt

If you're unsatisfied with that, here's an alternative prompt: Write something involving at least three of the seven deadly sins in creative ways. For reference, the seven deadly sins are: greed, sloth, gluttony, lust, wrath, pride, and envy.

You may post responses to this prompt in the next twenty-four hours. You may also post other work you're toying with, or create something completely new in the next twenty-four hours. Remember the Three Fs, and get writing, writers!

The Three F's

#1) Follow: First of all, the problem for most unpublished writers (and sometimes even published writers) is that it's difficult to garner a willing audience. By being a member of this group, you will need to pledge to read the work that is presented to the session. You should follow along with what's been posted. We are a group of friends who wish to support each other, and reading each other's work is a large part of that.

#2) Feedback: By joining the writer's group, you are pledging to both submit and comment on other user's work. Now you don't have to comment on EVERYTHING if you find you have nothing to say. But do at least comment on one writer's work every session you participate in. You do not need to submit something every session, and you do not need to participate in every session.

#3) Fairness: Be respectful of your fellow writers. Feel free to critique politely. We all love questions. The best form of critique is questions, I find. So feel free to ask questions. A good question is, "But what happened to the gun?" A bad question is, "Why is your plot so stupid?" This is a SAFE ZONE and we should all feel safe sharing our work here, with each other, even and especially if it's a work in progress.
last edited on Aug 24, 2008 at 03:21AM

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