Writing A New Game

ryans_love posted on Jun 10, 2009 at 12:11AM
you can write however much you want, but it has to include the phrase "i have the most sought-after nose in London."

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over a year ago harold said…
"Don't you know who I am??" the customer was shrieking. Elaine rolled her eyes and finished clearing the table, walking away from the altercation by the reception podium; not having to deal with customers like that witch was one consolation for not getting the maitre'd job last month. Working the floor was hard work, yes, but she at least could escalate issues to someone above her. "I'm Petra Givens! I have the most famous lips in the West End!" Now she started to giggle, and hurried into the kitchen, dropping off the dirty dishes to Pierre, his arms elbows-deep in suds. Pierre scowled, thinking Elaine was laughing at giving him more scut work. Elaine shook her head, put a finger on her lips, then cupped her ear to indicate he should listen. Then she pushed the door open again, and the model's shrill nasal tones were still audible "I have the most sought-after nose in London! There must be a table for my group!" Elaine smirked at Pierre, who shrugged with a smile and resumed his scrubbing. Elaine went to get the next table's plates, wondering which body parts Petra would claim title to next. The best elbow in Southwark? The best ass in Cardiff?
over a year ago liissaaxx said…
It wasn't long before another customer shouted in a voice fit for a mouse, "I have the most sought-after nose in London. Bring me a drink this instant". With another roll of the eyes Elaine ignored the drunk and continued collecting the dirty plates. She had almost cleared all the dishes when something hard connected with her body, sending her falling. It was Petra. A fight had broken out between Petra and the drunk, the violence starting over who's got the most sought-after nose in all of London. Petra was trying to back away, she didn't want a fight but the mad drunk wouldn't let her leave.