Writing Writer's Block(Yes, there is a way you can help yourself!)

18wanda posted on Oct 20, 2009 at 11:32PM
We all know what Writer's Block is. It is that little mosquito that comes back no matter how many times you shoo it away. And I have some tips for you people who are ready to pull their hair out because you just can't think your way out of this one!
1. Don't force yourself to think of ideas. Simply wait for inspiration to come then write. Then you have the drive to do it and you get that tickly feeling inside that always comes with a good idea.
2. Don't write the story before it is planned. Improvising is good in some occasions but if you are unsure of what you are going to do, make storyboards and plans so you can actually write your way out of the first chapter!!!
3. Think of the main climax in the story ahead of time. Maybe not when you first start the story, but maybe keep it in mind as you write so you can forshadow this event.

In my opinion, writing a story is like dog sledding, only you are the dog pulling the sled. If you try to turn around and face the sled(writer's block that is chasing you)it will run you flat and conquer you. BUT if you stay ahead of the game, it won't catch you! Keep this in mind and don't commit suicide because you are a worthless sack who can't make words.
Pencils are not things you cast spells on and they magically write stories! Take fate in your own hands.

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over a year ago breebree446 said…
Good advice 18Wanda.
over a year ago robothor1111 said…
Those are fab ideas!
over a year ago XDRoseLuvsHP said…
Thank you so much! Haha, for me it's like, I know what is going to happen, just not how to get there with action and suspense and stuff :P