Writing Character cafe

axemnas posted on May 07, 2011 at 11:03PM
Wrimoers know about this and on here we have a game a bit similar.I borrowed it from the wrimos Its sort of a role play set up. Everyone is encouraged to part take and nobody should feel left out. Any characters from any of your stories are aloud to join in its not like you have to come up with a bran new one just for this thread and you can bring in as many as you want to as well. They all can get a chance to interact and we can get to know each others characters not to mention it might get you views on your stories if someone likes your characters
if any of y'all has ever seen the short ran tv show Nightmare cafe then you know the general idea heres the scenario.

The Astaire cafe is a bit of an odd place; on the outside, it looks like your average malt shop that would seem perfectly normal in whatever world your character happens to be from. However - upon entering, you'll find yourself in England?,Japan?,America?,Jupiter?, the twilight zone? Nobody know's where for sure. Nobody's quite sure where it came from or how the Astaire cafe ended up being this world-between-worlds, but nobody really questions it, probably because nobody knows the answer.

As well as a variety of drinks, both hot and cold, the Astaire cafe serves a variety of snacks. There's a couple of couches over in the corner, and a few armchairs, as well as the standard wooden tables and chairs. There's a TV, too, and an old karaoke machine somewhere; it's not been used in a while, but it still works just fine. The staff and the owner a man called Blackie are friendly but generally don't ask too many questions, leaving the customers to chat amongst themselves for the most part.

the intro for the show is below if you want to watch it i really like the series myself
i'll leave it to you all now i'll start and have my character(s) enter below feel free to jump in at any time have fun

ps if you aren't sure where to start i'll start below plus i have a link posted that could give you a few examples.

pss ignore the last post on the thread
last edited on May 09, 2011 at 03:18AM

Writing 17 replies

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over a year ago axemnas said…
On the winding mysterious highway of route 66' drives Fang on his 43' panhead motorcycle.
but he is not alone someone or something is following him. Sniff, Sniff; hmmm... Fang exhailed out his nose.
"i know that sint" Fang thought.
Fang grabbed his dog tags and used them like a rearview mirror to see who or what was behind him. After a second of looking at the reflection he cranked up the motor and sped off hopeing to get away from that all too familiar sint. He drove down the road then doubled back and turned off at a rest stop area. At that point he drove around back, did a quick wordrobe change then he walked inside the malt shop type cafe and sat at the bar.
"Coke"he said tapping the counter getting his wallet.
His wallet looked like it had been through the tests of time holding on by a single tread.
A man in a tux sat a glass bottle coke in front of him.
"Aren't ya a little young ta be out on your own" The man behind the counter said.
"I'm older than i look" Fang said wittily taking a sip from his coke"i might even be older than you".
The man smirked "names Blackie you running from somethin"
"How'd ya guess" Fang replied somewhat sarcastically.
"I've seen enough guys like you Fang; our customers here;... they're your type crowd" he said gesturing with his cigar in his fingers.
Fang turned his head to look for a second turned back The man was gone.Fang had a look of surprise on his face for a moment then he shrugged and went back to drinking his soda.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
The sharp wind whipped Nike's brown hair all around her face.She frowned, unable to ignore that, thanks to the humidity and strong air, her hair looked wilder and more untamed than ever.
"Stupid weather," she muttered under her breath, buried her hands deeper in her coat's pockets and crossed the road.
A single lamppost shed its light on the cafe snuggling between the tall, brick buildings lying on that side of the road. She entered the malt shop and looked around, letting the door slide closed behind her and running her fingers through her tangled hair. It was pretty late but, as she had been told, Astair cafe was packed with people. Weird people, Nike thought, cringing as a a short, really hairy guy in a flashy, hot pink, tailored suit passed by her, his shoulder brushing against the side of her leg. And, sitting at the bar, his back to her, sipping coke and gazing absentmindedly at a geeky boy playing Super Mario at the corner, she found just the person she were looking for. Fang. She approached him and sat on the empty chair next to him.
He glanced up, his eyes narrowing. He was intimidating -Nike had to give him that. With his muscular body and strong face he needn't have put on that huge leather biker-jacket to make everyone get his message: do not mess with me. She wondered if maybe his jacket served another purpose. Like, hiding his wings.
He coughed, snapping her out of her thoughts. Nike, having been caught staring, wished the shop's low illumination was enough to hide her flushing cheeks. Trying to keep her cool -or, at least, look like she did- she pushed her hair out of her face and fixed her honey-brown eyes on his wondering gaze.
"We need to talk," she told him, and, by the way the corners of his eyes hardened, she knew he had understood what she meant.

Soooooooo, how was that? I know the end's pretty vague, but, hey! That's what's making it interesting, right? Please tell me if you liked it. If not I have no prob deleting it.
Nike is the character in my new story (it's not a fanfic), btw.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
Interesting very interesting
"What do ya wanna talk about miss?" Fang answered not turning his head to look at her taking another sip of his coke. Somewhat lost in his own train of thought wondering, wondering when he'd have to make his leave and where to go next.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Nike clucked her tongue, her eyes sweeping the cafe. No one seemed to have noticed her not fitting in there except the barman, a guy that looked much younger than he must have been, judging by his classy, 18th century attire and long black hair. He looked too smart, though, to point that out and do anything apart from giving her a questioning look.
"Oh, well, I don't know," she said sarcastically. "Maybe explain what happened the other day at my absolutely normal and mortal school? I saw you, so don't lie to me."
over a year ago axemnas said…
The shadows from the top lights silouette across Fang's face as  turned his head to look at her his hazel eyes glowed with deep remorse.He looked like he was going to cry for a moment his eyes couldn't hide his pain. He closed his eyes a moment, took a breathe and then he spoke "which one was yours?" 
He then closed his eyes for a another moment longer this time.he thought to himself a thought like Christopher Cross probably thought in the movie 'Scarlet street'. 
"I sure could use a drink but then he dispelled the thought and opened his eyes again he appeared to have hardened the way they were to begin with the look they had when she saw him. He then spoke once more.
"I-I've been to quite a bit of schools lately my last pick up for those sons of the b****es pardon my language I don't have anything nicer to say about them my last pick up for those a**holes that I have to work for was..." he shifted his eyes upward as if trying to remember "I believe it was Jefferson high school in Orange county, Southern California" his hand tightened in a fist a moment then he relaxed it once more."then again it could have just as easily been on the east coast. Whats the name of your school?" Fang inquired.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Nike's eyes blazed. Sure, there were more annoying guys in her class than this one, but none of them had ever tried to destroy her school. And now he was acting all high-and-mighty I-don't-really-give-a-damn-i'm-that-cool-a­nd-­bad­ass­. Seriously, who did that guy think he was? Jerk.
"I'm talking about Central Park East High School in Manhattan," she replied and then leaned closer and hissed between her teeth, "I thought you'd remember it seeing as I had to basically drag you outta there before anyoone would come running to see waht all the ruckus was about and call 911."
She jumped at the voice of the barman who right at that moment decided to acknowledge her.
"A blue cherry coke,' she told him and sat back, looking around the shop, wondering if anyone might have heard her. Every weirdo in there seemed pretty much focused on their own business, though, so she turned back to Fang.
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Oh ...yea I remember now;" he said in a soft sigh. He drifted into a flash back to the event as he spoke. 
"Stryker instructed me to work undercover there. Our objective was a girl...a girl by the name of Mary Michele Robinson. It was suppose to be a smooth get in get out operation. no one was suppose to even notice, but something went wrong. Victor came in too early. We had a fall out. "

A 6'6" foot tall, large muscular beast like man in a black trench stood over. A 5'3" foot tall dirty blonde haired teen dressed in a blue with black sleeved muscle shirt. The boy was well built he had his index finger was pointing back and forth between him and the man he was chewing him out. 
"Victor, I thought we had an agreement; this one is mine!" he said in a somewhat loud growling serious p-ed off tone of voice. 
"i got bored anyways, You were taking too long runt" Victor smiled a devilish grin his oversized canines were very prominent in his grin. 
Victor walked over to the feminine body on the floor and grabbed her face his thumb and index claw dug into her cheek. "pretty" Victor said in a hushed voice to himself.Somewhat thinking aloud.
Fang walked over behind him.  "Any-who since when do you enjoy a good 'body snatching'?"  Victor's eyes turned to a squint as he said it. "S-Since I thought about it" Fang replied.
 In the blink of an eye Victor made a rapid swipe and had Fang's throat tight in his grasp. As He raised fang up to eye level. Fang held on to Victor's arm struggling to breathe. Through the strong fist. Victor pulled him close and then he said "Your lying". 
"You had an   anterior motive, you were goina let her LOOSE!!" Victor shouted slinging him against the wall of lockers. Fang's back dented the lockers on impact. The force would of broken a regular mans back. He then sat up and stumbled to his feet. "Okay now I'm mad" Fang said his head down shadows covering his face. As he looked up the shadows lifted and Fang lengthened his claws from his finger tips. He then charged him. Just before he and Victor would of crashed Victor grabbed Fangs wrist and flipped him, causing Fang to land on his head. Victor then stomped on Fang's chest holding his foot there. fang grabbed his foot wincing at the weight of the boot struggling to breathe. Victor leaned on it after twisting it deeper into Fang's chest. "Why do you give a d*** about these weaklings?
I wonder where you learned it. " 

"I-I" Fang closed his eyes tight "I learned it, o-on my own" Fang said slammed  his feet back flipping Victor off. 
Victor growled and started slashing at Fang he dodged and his claws went into a locker and got stuck he then jerked the lockers causing to fly back towards Fang, but he jump just in time. Taking a hovering flight just short of the ceiling. 
Victor lurched up the lockers and bounced off and slashed Fang's throat and he dropped to the floor. Fang grabbed his throat putting pressure on his wound. Victor then walked over and kneeled over him.
"I outta rip them wings a yours right off your back.
I didn't get ya too deep When ya heal up head out to the rondevew point. Your lucky I don't make you find your own way back" Victor then kicked Fang in the head.
The present-
"and everything went black and i only have a fuzzy memory of being dragged away from the scene of the fight but thanks anyway miss" Fang said taking a swig of  his coke finishing it off.
"Blackie, another coke" Fang called.
Fang looked down, looked back up and said "The girl..., Mary... Was she a friend of yours?" 
Blackie then walked over his cigar in his finger tips he pried the caps off the glass bottles and sat them down and took another puff of his cigar. 
"thirsty today you two" Blackie remarked. 
Fang then murmured "at this point a belt of scotch would hit the spot"  Blackie smirked at the irony of the statement.
Nike didn't hear Fangs remark.
Fang rubbed the back of his neck then he drank some coke
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Nike brought the bottle of blue coke in front of her and cupped her hands around it, intertwining her fingers. She welcomed the cold seeping in her skin. It helped her focus and clear her head from the images that kept coming uninvited in front of her mind's eyes: the school's locker room a mess; lockers crashed and stuff overturned; Fang just lying there looking unconscious, an impressive pair of wings sprouting from his back having literally been ripped open; and Mary, who Nike had been waiting for at the hall outside, nowhere to be seen. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to make it all go away -the destruction, the horror, the blood. But they wouldn't budge, no matter how hard she wanted them to. They stayed there, reminding her that bad, unnatural, unbelievable -in a bad way- things happened in the real world, too, and not just in her world -the world she would get trapped in at night and have to fight her way to find herself still alive in the morning. Nighteden.
Not meeting Fang's eyes, she spoke in a voice that she hoped didn't betray her thoughts and feelings. "Mary..." she hesitated. "I don't know her all that much," she told him, emphasizing the present tense. "She is just the new girl and has been assigned to be my lab-partner and I am sort of helping her learn the ropes and stuff..." Nike paused, biting her lip at how wrong it sounded, talking about Mary in the present. But she was not going to give up all hope, even if she went against all the evidence. She'd only stop when she found her or saw her lying pale white, still and unbreathing.
"Who..." she continued, confused, "who is Stryker and...Victor, and...who are you, and what did you wanna do with Mary?"
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Stryker, Col. William Stryker is head of an secret organization known as weapon X and he is my commanding officer next to Victor which i'll get into that later. He as my superior forces me to do various missions one of them being his version of a witch hunt. In the last couple of years he has started this new thing in the program that he calls eliminating the problem before it happens he has i and many others like and not like me go around the world more specifically America though and arrest mutants. Personally i don't like the idear at all but i haven't really a choice either. That was the objective of our mission when we picked up miss Robinson."
Fang paused for a moment and took a sip of his coke and then began the second part of his explanation.
"Now i'll tell you a little bit about myself. I have been with weapon X my entire life and i don't remember it all anyways. I have worked WWII,cold war,Korea,Nam,desert storm, and the current one we're in now i also do a great number of other things but i'd rather not spare the grimmesing details. Looking back thinking about it now i can't help but weep at a lot of my kills. Some...-Some of them,... I'll be right back" Fang got up from his seat and ran into the mens room and collapsed over the toilet blowing chunks in the bowl. As he was doing it his mind began drifting back to a moment in Vietnam one time when he was working with the green berets.

A man about 5'9" dressed in a green berets uniform with a helicopter headset on is briefing his men on an operation holding on to the handle bar for support.His name is Col. Kirby he was a strong stern and politically conservative man who had strong principals.
"Alright men you have your orders lets move out!" Each of the men one by one with a Parachute on jumped out. When it came to Fang Kirby stopped him and said something to him.
"Wait! a minute soldier, how old are ya name your name and rank, and why don't you have a parachute on?"
Fang replied "I'm older than i look, Name: Capt. Fang Daniels" Fang then jumped out. Kirby yelled back at him.
"WAIT!!, ah he's not just another new member of my crew the son of a b**** is NUTTS!!!" Then he jumped out after him. One at a time they unfurled their parachutes when it came to Fang's turn he opened his wings. When they were on the ground Fang continued his sentence he told Kirby on the copter. "I don't need one"
Kirby astonished shook his head and said "No you don't welcome to our troop"
They all traveled through the jungle that is nam for quite some time shooting at those that shot first watching for booby-traps then once they got to the nearby village they saw a sight that would make even the strongest willed unemotional man shiver. A body was staked to a bambu pole. The head was found on another stake quite a ways away Fang approached the body and grabbed the dogtags they read: Corporal Sanders,Edward Bloodtype:O Religion:Baptist age:19 serial No.:750024063.

the present- Fang barfed up a few more chunks of liquid and then wiped his face and cleaned up in the mirror and headed back out to his seat with Nike.
"Hi i'm back now i'll finish my sentence some of them unneeded some of them pure innocence but a lot of them deserved every bit of it and those innocent ones they get me right in the conscience, there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about the ones i remember"
Fang took a sip of his coke and started on his last topic.
"Victor Creed aka Sabretooth, he's my coworker, my superior, my partner and my worst enemy. He's been in the program about as many years as i have. Only he enjoys every second of it everything he does with weapon x is of his own free will with one limitation.
He's older and stronger than me so he would gain power over me easily over the years. He could almost be called my father loosely of course. he taught me the ropes when i was little for the most part. His little brother was the only one that could really talk him out of something but thats not important and i don't think i need to elaborate much more.
Why don't ya tell me a bit about yourself?"
Fang then called back to Blackie. "Hey,Blackie could i have a cheeseburger,please sir."
Blackie shook his head and asked "What do ya want on it?"
Fang replied "the cheese,burger and the bun hold every thing else"
Fang then asked Nike "Would you like anything I'd be happy to treat you to somethin?"
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Nike couldn't do anything else but shake her head at his offer. A feeling of dread had spread inside her, numbing her, choking her.
Fang had killed people. He said he had regreted some, but, still. He had killed people. And now he was in a...'witch hunt' or whatever. That's why he'd gone after Mary. But, Mary was no witch, was she? Nike had never seen her doing anything that suggested the use of any magical powers. She would know if anything like that would happen, wouldn't she? Plus, she had never seen her in Nighteden.
She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, thinking hard at the same time.
He had sked her sbout herself.
She took another breath.
She had to answer.
Inhale, exhale.
And tell him what?
Her hands started trembling. She couldn't help it. They just did.
Get a grip! she ordered herself and clenched her teeth.
She would answer him.
"Well," she said out loud. "My name is Nicole Burnett. I prefer to be called Nike, though. Plus, that's how I'm known in Nighteden. Nike the Mage Priestess. The witch."
There, she had said it.
She gripped the bottle of coke tighter and looked up at him, face set and eyes hard, daring him to try anything.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
Blackie took the order and went back to the chef

Fang then held his hand out welcomely for her to shake and said "It's nice to meet you miss Nike."
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
"I'm serious," Nike said, not taking his hand. "You probably think I'm crazy but here's the deal: there is this place I go whenever i fall asleep -including napping during school and in the afternoon- called Nighteden, okay? It's way more complicated than that, but I go there, every time. It's like a mythical place or something -the kind they make video-games about? Well, I go there, and am a witch. Until resently, I thought that I had magic powers only in Nighteden, but, guess what? I can do pretty much everything I want here, too!" She paused and sighed. Oh, great, she thought. Now I'm rambling. "Bottom line, I'm not joking. So don't try anything stupid or you'll be asking for it, okay? I don't care who you are or who you're working for. I'll kick your ass if you do so much as raise a finger to threaten me."
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang raised his hands up in front of him making a gesture similar to a surrender gesture.
"Wow,wait a minute i'm not interested in causing you any problems"
He then dug in his pocket and pulled out a picture and looked at it a second then laid it face down on his right side.
"I aint goin' after no one i don't have ta my job is to do what i'm told but i aint goin to work overtime for some thin i'm against"
Fang picked up the photograph again and looked at it longer this time. It's a photo of him and some Marine vets from WWII. Fang said in a low tone about the sound of a whisper.
"I'm fine with protecting our country fightin in the wars. When it was us versus the Nazi's it was pretty clear cut who was the bad guy even when we were fightin the soviets it was still pretty notable, but this this just aint right i feel like i'm commitin treasin against my fellow man. Pickin up american's because they're mutants completely goes against my own principals and i caint do anythin about it.
It drives me up the WALL!!" Fang then slammed his fist on the counter rattling his drink, and placed his finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes in frustration.

Blackie then came out with the burgers and sat them down on the counter.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Blackie came and went and Nike just stared at Fang all the while, not quite knowing where to start. Her mouth had a will of her own, though, as she found herself asking stupidly:
"You've been to World War II?"
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Yeah" Fang answered his eyes still shut he then looked up and said "I grew up there" He then grabbed the ketchup bottle and pored it on his burger and fries."Though it seems so long ago now i still can't help but think about it considering everything i know just about came from the marines. I may look like a teenager but my mind is beyond it"
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Wow. That's what Nike thought. Fang had been at the WW2... For a history nerd like her, that was a pretty big deal. She was tempted to start shooting questions about the battlefield and the fights, but, seeing his expression, she said instead:
"Was it that bad?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang smirked a sec and said somewhat humorously "It was hell" He then took a bite of his burger sat back and continued. "But occasionally you'd find some good in all the mess, i guess its true about that expression almost every cloud has a silver lining i'm not one for cliches but that experience suits it. i made a lot of good friends during the effort as well as enemies which is pretty much unavoidable" Fang looked at Nike he could tell she was interested. "Are there any questions you'd like to ask me about it?"
last edited over a year ago