Wuthering Heights Is Heathcliff the perfect lover?

samjhart posted on Jul 07, 2009 at 10:38AM
I've heard from a lot of fans that they believe that Heathcliff is in fact they perfect lover. Thoughts?
I've heard from a lot of fans that they believe that Heathcliff is in fact they perfect lover. Though

Wuthering Heights 27 replies

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over a year ago CalantheRose said…
He would be, but only if you were perfect, and never got on his bad side. He was too violent for my liking, although I do understand why he ended up like that with Hindley treating him as he did.
over a year ago samjhart said…
Ummm yeah but then again who is 'perfect'? A lot of fans I know think that Heathcliff is the best lover there is but only became twisted and sadistic because of his pining over Catherine. Whereas, I don't think its true. Catherine knew this, she warns Isabella from Heathcliff, she understands that they are 'same' ie. selfish in the extreme. Their selfishness (in the case of Heathcliff too) can hurt as many people as possible but those two MUST have what they desire. In that respect, no.
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
My opinion is that he was a little too 'passionate' and drastic.
I mean, he was in love with Catherine and it was indeed a very beautiful story but he was violent and rude! When I finished the book I felt like Heathcliff was one of my least favourite characters - even though I confess that he was quite interesting, things like what he did to Isabella and to everybody around him (Cathy, Hareton, etc) made me realise he was selfish.
So my answer is no, I don't think he is the perfect lover :)
over a year ago samjhart said…
^Lol BlackSandals it took me three reads to come that conclusion. Like many readers I was enchanted be the idea of a lover who would do absolutley ANYTHING for the one he loves. The idea of being desired so deeply was quite seductive. Took me a while to while realise that he was actually an awful character, totally sadistic
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
^ :P I believe that that was Heathcliff's problem: to do anything for the one he loves. He got obsessed... I don't wanna be stupid here but I actually thought he was a bit of a jerk! lol, I mean he came out of nowhere and ok he was treated badly by Hindley, but he became so abusive!

I've only read the book once and it was one of those books that really got to me! I spent a few days reading it and couldn't stop thinking about the story and the characters... That never happened with any other book before xD
over a year ago samjhart said…
^I'm so glad we're on the same wavelength BlackSandals! I always thought that people put forward the Heathcliff's abuse by Hindley to try and explain his behaviour towards others. Tbh, he is a jerk I mean he treats his own wife like crap, holds a grudge against Edgar for years because he marrieed Catherine. Its like she was a piece of property that got away and Edgar had to suffer materialistically to give Heathcliff some peace. Personally, I think that ummm his abusive nature became a habit - he was abusive for the sake of it cz if you think about it he was suicidal for so many years. All he wanted to do is crawl up and die.

yes, I understand about thinking about the book alot - it was very complex and pretty confusing. I didn't know what to think for a while
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
All he wanted to do is crawl up and die.
I lol'ed :p

I agree with you. I hated the way he was with Isabella. Grr, he married her they had a child and he was so cold and heartless! Why did he have to do that? Just to hurt her and get back at Edgar for marrying Catherine. To be honest I didn't like Catherine (senior) that much... She married Edgar and he was a great husband and she didn't appreciate that.

The only characters I truly love are Hareton (I have a thing for him xD) and Cathy. I was so happy that they got married!
over a year ago samjhart said…
Yes, if he there was a worst spousal award - Heathcliff would get it hands down. He abused her physically, mentally and probably sexually too. Eugh. It was disgusting and all for who? Catherine - the one who chose Edgar over him knowing his sadistic and cruel side. I don't like Catherine (snr) - she didn't appreciate Edgar who went out of his way to make her happy. I mean what Victorian era gentleman would do that? The majority of them were egoistic and wound up in their own issues - much like Heathcliff :D

I love Hareton too! seriously love him hehe :D he for me is the perfect lover. he loves Cathy and waits for her in a sense to realise... he doesn't take it out on her or Linton. He accepts Cathy is Linton's wife at first, and then cares for her when nobody else except Nelly would. Its totally sweet
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
I agree with everything you said :D
It was totally disturbing the Heathcliff/Isabella thing. He took advantage of her knowing that she was naïve :/ Not to mention when Heathcliff kidnapped Cathy and made her marry Linton (he was so mean! Even though in the 2009 adaptation Linton wasn't very well written, IMO).

Your last paragraph are MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY <3 :D

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago samjhart said…
Thnx for agreeing lol yep Heathcliff is definitley foul - he's possessed majority of the time in the book :D Tom Hardy in the 09 version made me hate him even more - played it incredibly well :) Linton was really bad in the 09 version I feel really bad but umm I jus wanted him to die already :/ matthew m was probz the BEST Hareton - he was to die for :D his eyes, voice, puppies (literally) and his innocence *drools*
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
OMG I love Tom Hardy as Heathcliff! He was perfect :D
I think everybody was really well in the 09 version except, as we said already, Linton. He was very innocent and in the book he isn't by any means.

ahah, I saw the version where Matthew Macfadyen played Hareton... OH GOD :D But I think the guy that played Hareton in the 09 v. was really well casted too! (can't remember his name LOL)
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over a year ago samjhart said…
Linton was probably the weakest link in the production - no doubt. Charlotte Riley was good but she seemed to have been steam-rolled by Tom Hardy he was jus - wow but then again he did it to everyone. Orla Brady is probz my fave Catherine tho :) I jus wish they had developed the 2nd generation better in the 09 version :/ but Hareton was nice - in a good way I liked this version of the character :)
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
wish they had developed the 2nd generation better in the 09 version
I agree. Even though Tom Hardy outshined every person in that cast, anyways :P

Another thing I noticed in the 09 v. is that there was no Mr. Lockwood! He was quite important in the book...
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over a year ago samjhart said…
Yep I noticed too! Mr Lockwood is supposed to be the clumsy comic-relief lol but seriously it would have been nice to get a glimpse of the pompous outside world :D But the way they wrote the script meant there was no need for a narrator - heck there's no need for Nelly either :(

that's why umm there's so many intimate scenes all over the place - pretty uncomfortable and unnecessary at times I think
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
I think the story needed Mr Lockwood. He's in the book for a reason... but yeah I agree, the intimate scenes were totally unnecessary and the series could have lived without it ;) and in the Isabella/Heath scene it was even more awkward because they had to hide Tom's tattoos LOL
over a year ago samjhart said…
Wait what Tom has tatoos?!
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
ahah yep. And I believe its in both arms xD
ahah yep. And I believe its in both arms xD
over a year ago samjhart said…
over a year ago samjhart said…
Yummy lol what are they of?
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
:P I don't know actually... I'm gonna try and find more pics of his tattoos :D
over a year ago samjhart said…
big smile
Yay! You're gonna get props for that lol :D
Its strange I thought I preferred guys without tatoos but Tom is so hawt in them lol
I wonder if he's got a spot?
over a year ago BlackSandals said…
big smile
LOL d'aww *hugs*
Dunno, I don't think so.. If you make one I'll join ;) fanpop needs MOAR tom hardy 8D ahah
over a year ago samjhart said…
*hugs back* :D
I got your message btw and a huge shock! I was like 'no Tom no!!' they make a cute couple but its not fair to his kid and the mother of his child :( but then again - the Sun reported it so God knows how accurate the speculation is *rolls eyes*

and yeah I'll make him a spot tomz! but I'm tooooo tired right. but you better add stuff when I make it! that reminds me gotta make one for guy and meg...
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over a year ago samjhart said…
big smile
hey :)

I've made a spot for Tom if you wonna join

over a year ago BlackSandals said…
big smile
OMG GUY AND MEG FROM ROBIN HOOD? :D plz plz I'll join like in a heartbeat. I loved them sooo much !

I joined Tom's spot. Gonna add stuff, don't worry :p

well yeah, its the Sun so you never know xD
over a year ago samjhart said…
hey, I made the guy/meg spot for you :) Enjoy!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Amy3422 said…
A LOT of people think Heathcliff is the perfect lover?

That would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary.