My Gallery

164 photos (click to enlarge)
U.S.A 0671143087 photo
U. S. A
he is so sexy in overalls...hehe ;) 0671143087 photo
he is so sexy in overalls... hehe ;)
his too sweet..... 0671143087 photo
his too sweet.....
see david love his fans so much...... 0671143087 photo
see david love his fans so much......
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so cute kiss kiss muah!!.... 0671143087 photo
so cute kiss kiss muah!!....
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owww david need to shave that belly.....:/ but he still is sexy :o 0671143087 photo
owww david need to shave that belly.....:/ but he still is sexy : o
i don
i don&# 39; t.....
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my favorite picture....XDXD 0671143087 photo
my favorite picture.... XDXD
awwww how get off of him his mine.....onlyy...haha <3<3 0671143087 photo
awwww how cute.... now get off of him his mine..... onlyy... haha & lt; 3& lt; 3
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