2D vs. Murdoc Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-6 of 6

kornlover said …
happy birthday mudz! Posted over a year ago
Sonamy4Ever231 said …
Shadera: Is this a love or hate fan club?
Snivy: I think it's aaaaa hate(?) fan club. I mean it says 'vs' soooo...
Shadera: Surely doesn't look like it. *looks at pics* I like it.
Snivy: Of course you do. You watch 2D and Murdoc when they-
Shadera: You watch too!
Shadera: And sometimes it's just me, or me and Cyborg, or me and Noodle. And then sometimes I get caught.
Snivy: And you wonder why Murdoc doesn't like you.
Shadera: He knows he can't live without me. Posted over a year ago
Sprinter23 said …
Look, guys, the yaoi stuff is fabulous, but I really didn't envision this club becoming a slash spot. If you want a slash spot, go make one. Got it? Cuz I made this club and this isn't what I had in mind. Posted over a year ago
C-GODZILLA commented…
agree! over a year ago
invadermorgan3 commented…
i removed my pics sorry bout that over a year ago
C-GODZILLA commented…
@Sprinter23, i know right? >:T over a year ago
_2-D_ said …
this club scares me..... o_o
Posted over a year ago
Sprinter23 commented…
I'M SORRY!!! That's my fault. I made this one. over a year ago
sabbyloves2d commented…
Who invented the hole "2D loves Murdoc" thing?I really don't think there gay.And I think 2D's right,this club is scary. over a year ago
Sonamy4Ever231 commented…
Shadera- Hey! Don't talk about my couple! Snivy- Shadera, no! Shadera- No! Fuck you, Snivy! These bitches are getting on my nerves! Snviy- I really wish you'd stop. Shadera- Tough luck bitch! I'm already started! Who do you guys think you are?! Snivy- Ignore her. She's just another crazed fan. Shadera- Fuck you! I thought you were a fan too. Snivy- I am. I just don't want another fight. over a year ago
Sprinter23 said …
Sometimes I like Murdoc more and sometimes I like 2D more, but it's usually 2D. Actually for the last few days I've been more into Murdoc...haha he's just so funny and sometimes he's pretty sexy. And I'm even more fascinated by the fact that he's so demonic. Posted over a year ago
siren_ commented…
hes what?! h-how do u think hes sxy?! *almost pukes*...wait......dont answer that. over a year ago
Sprinter23 commented…
well, I'm not the ONLY one, I swear!!! I'm mostly into 2D over a year ago
siren_ commented…
AH!!! *hides* XD over a year ago
KKRiley039142 said …
Well... since ive got nothin' to say but this...YEAAHHHH!!! LONG LIVE THE GORILLAZ!!! THANK YOU SPRINTER23! XD Posted over a year ago
Sprinter23 commented…
;) np over a year ago