Alternate: The Invisible Character From Death Note Wall

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LovelyLL said …
A... why did you killed yourself... it's a pretty low thing to do! Posted over a year ago
LABB commented…
When Quillsh Wammy determined that he needed to 'copy' or 'back up' L, he chose a live child to mould into his prototype model. Imagine that for just a moment - someone, anyone, being taken into strange premises and told that all you are and were no longer matters. You have no name or purpose beyond becoming somebody else.  Not in the military we-will-make-you-action-man sense nor in any manner of self-improvement like going off to university or training to run a marathon. This isn't even the refining of a Swiss finishing school. This is taking a presumably orphan child and stripping him of all form of self-identity. Not a name to call himself, just a letter. No personality traits that can't also be found in L. No lesser intelligence than what that incredibly once-in-a-lifetime type genius mind can attain. Telling a boy that everything about  himself is so worthless that nothing will do but to reject it all and become the clone of another boy deemed more valuable. over a year ago