Animal Guardians Club
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There are many reasons why people abandon their dogs. Generally, it is not the dog's fault and often the decision to take a dog to an animal shelter is based not on emotion but on convenience. It is representative of a society lacking strong values--everything is disposable, including pets. People are encouraged to use excuses for their own behavior--it always is someone else's fault. In this case, it's the dog's fault!

Having a dog is a commitment to that animal for 10-15 years and should be a well thought out family decision based on a thorough investigation of the breed and breeder. Most...
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posted by ITF
(written by ITF - also known as TheShadowWarrior - in memory of all the little goldfish in the world)

Here I swim, round and round
Same old thing, round and round
From morning's dawn to evening's light
I swim in circles day and night
My keeper's coming. Something new?
No, it's not. Just the same tasteless food.
Friends all gone and my water's stale,
I wanted a paradise, instead I got a jail.
What did I do? What have I done?
This bowl on the counter top, it ain't no fun.

Here I stay, round and round
In constant misery, round and round
People came to take a look
Like I was just a picture from a book,
No one...
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posted by ITF
The man with the metal rod returns today
He summons me in the most painful way
It burns. It stings. It's scorching hot.
I yell, "please stop!" He will not

To the rack; I brace for the worst
He violates me again; this time's not the first
Back to my cage, to wonder how long
Yearning for answers to what I've done wrong?

Nine months later the answer arrives
I now have someone for whom to survive
Three times I've felt love, one being today
Three times, as well, it's been taken away.

My milk is for you, not him all
You enjoy what you eat, but remember my calls
When the cheese melts nicely...
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Many people give money to charities believing their money will be used to help people in need. They don't always realize that their money may instead be used to fund testing on animals. While some people believe animal testing is necessary, there are now many humane ways to learn about disease and to test medical treatments, methods that are actually more effective than testing on animals and that do not cause pain and death to innocent creatures.
Here are just a few of the charities that currently fund testing on animals. If you object to testing on animals, let these charities know you cannot...
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Heifer whines could be human cries
closer comes the screaming knife
this beautiful creature must die
this beautiful creature must die
a death for no reason
and death for no reason is MURDER
and the flesh you so fancifully fry
is not succulent, tasty or nice
it is death for no reason
and death for no reason is MURDER
and the calf that you carve with a smile
and the turkey you festively slice
do you know how animals die?
kitchen aromas aren't very homely
it's not "comforting", "cheery" or "kind"
it's sizzling blood and the unholy stench
it's not "natural", "normal" or kind
the flesh you so fancifully fry
the meat in your mouth
as you savour the flavour
who hears when animals cry?
posted by ITF
Our theme for this month is the animals killed for food in the meat, poultry and seafood industries. So post all you can, all over Fanpop, and lets tell people where their food really comes from. And post it on this club too.
And if you still eat meat, read this.

15 Reasons to Stop Eating Meat
By Royce Carlson

Global meat consumption has increased from under 50 million tons annually to over 200 million tons in the last 50 years. The amount of animal manure produced in the U.S. is 130 times greater than the amount of human waste. This is causing more environmental and health problems than ever...
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