ashesandwine Club
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I see it in Rome,
I see it in Tokyo,
Beautiful land surrounding me,
From here to San Francisco.

The barren deserts,
The sweet, sweet sunsets,
The sweltering streets,
And the smouldering cities.

It’s surrounding me,
Almost consuming me,
I need to escape,
To the wide, wide sea.

There it is!
As big as can be!
With starfish and coral,
And all kinds of things!

All kinds of creatures!
From all kinds of places!
With big pink snouts and tiny faces,
Their diversity gets rid of the land’s spaces!

Creatures and nature,
Lovely and free,
All over the wide, wide land,
As free as can be!
posted by ashesandwine
I don't know what will come out of this... I don't know if it will be continued! This is just an experience:P I seriously don't know what will come out of this:S LOL!! It's weird for me because normally I have an idea of what I'm writing:P LOL!!! OK... so: tell me what you think! And if I'll keep it up, I promise it will get better!

"I love you..." Was the last thing I heard from him, as the blade went through his throat in one gracious move. That was it... All that I had ever fought for, all that I knew and loved, lost in one single move! I was lost in the darkness, trap in the sorrow and...
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posted by ashesandwine
In the mood to write:P And I can't write my stories because if I do I'll miss them too much! So... I give this to you! With lots of love! Just a little reminder that I love you all:) And that I'm very thankfull for all of you that have been here for me this last months! I will never regret joining fanpop:) LOVE YOU ALL♥

Even when I ran away,
I can't hide from you...
Even when I hate you,
I can't stop loving you...
Even when I try to forget you,
My mind brings you back!

I love you but still...
I hate who I am with you!
I forgive you but still,
I blame you for being you!
I forever forget you but...
I never stop reminding you!

I keep sinking in misery!
I keep running away from you!
I keep fighting this lost war!
I keep loving you, vengeful angel!
posted by ashesandwine
Today, I'm just like you! I don't know what will come out of this:P eheh! Lets see if something good will come out!
This one is just for Zizou! I love you, hon! Happy you like what I write:)

I was looking for a way! Any way to get out of the darkness I was trapped in... I was lost in this horrid place! A place that I knew I didn't want to be in. Suddenly, I saw a face in the darkness. I tried to focus in the face, I just needed something to hold on to. Who I saw surprised me more that I could even know, I had only seen him twice and one of the times I was in his arms as we flew through the sky......
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posted by ashesandwine
OMG... I missed this story soooo much! But don't blame me, please, it the writers block fault:P LOL!!! So.... enjoy guys:)

“Catherine’s POV”

I try to keep up but life doesn’t let me… I just keep falling and falling into the darkness!

I left Francisca there and ran for as long as I could. I kept thinking of everything that had happened to me since I left home. I had met someone that helped me keep my feet on the ground and not miss home. Francisca was amazing but when I thought that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad I met him! Why? Why couldn’t I just be left...
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posted by edward-lover456
Thx so much ashesandwine you are amazing and so is all my friends
on like edwardcullen865,elena2597 and kirkir you rock and you all are on my list! :)
is all I see when
I look at you I
see grace and
fun and happyness
when I look at all
of you I see lifelong
friends and I see a
new type of family I
see every laugh and tear
you gave me and i'm thankful
to all of you, you Help me when
I'm sad you take me in when I have
no were to go when I look at you I feel
and see amazement.
posted by ashesandwine
Soooooooooooo sorry, guys! I know that it's been very long since I last wrote and even longer since I wrote this, but school started and this term is just plain insane! Toooo busy!
I'll try to update as soon as possible! Love you all! For Amy (best mom ever) I'm very happy for you♥

“I’m not defending him or the ones that followed him, but you have to understand that he wasn’t always like he is today! They have fallen! They are no longer what they were…” I could feel the sadness and pain in his voice as he spoke! I could tell that in their time Odiseas and Vasilis must have been really...
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A new end of year is coming and with it Christmas and New Year are arriving:) I know, I know... HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!! Party:P
I'm happy too! Happy that school is over and that I get to spend Christmas with my family:)
But my family isn't only my aunts, uncles, etc... I consider part of my family lots of people here and even if I can't spend Christmas with you I still want to send you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)
I hope that everyone gets what you want for Christmas or whatever you celebrate:) Because even if you don't celebrate Christmas I know that you must celebrate something and I'm happy that each person has a religion and/or some tradition!
I send to you all my love and hope that next year brings to you everything you want:)

Thanks for being my fans and friends! I'm very happy to have found fanpop this year:) And I hope that next year brings many fun moments and new good friends:)

♥Merry Christmas and Awesome New Year♥
posted by ashesandwine
Last one for today... Maybe tomorrow I'll find others or I'll write new ones:D

I know why you left,
I know why you won't come back,
But knowing doesn't help...
In some way be ahare is harder
Than to be ignorant...

You went away...
I know that and I know
That you won't come back!
However, I still hope that the
Heat of the passion returns,
That the void gets filled,
And that, in all my being,
There is no pain or loss...

I know it has a lot of blank space, but it doesn't let me post it if it hasn't a certain size:S
posted by ashesandwine
Ok... second one:) I'm soooo happy that sooo many people liked my fanfiction... :) Thanks to you all, expectly to cici1264 for being the first to comment and to Just_bella for... well, for being you and for the amazing suport:) LOVE YOU ALL:)

"Jasper's POV"

“I was on the couch with Alice. Holding her in my arms. I could feel her love and another emotion in the room: was it envy? I knew that Emmett wanted to go up to Rose, but I didn’t knew that he wanted it so badly! To be jealous of me and Alice just because he couldn’t be with Rose was just too funny!
A mean thought came to my mind and...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok... New chapter! It's been a while since I wrote this story! I missed it:( But it's here now:D YAY!!! I know that it ends up in a weird place but if I kept going it would be to big:P So I promise that I'll write more soon:D EHEH! Thanks to everyone that waited for this:D You are the best:D

Daniel’s POV”

Look for who you need… Love who you find… Live for who you love!

I went home still thinking of everything that had happened! I couldn’t stop thinking of Catherine’s mother… Every time I looked back on what had just happened I could only see her sadness. She was trapped in an unfair...
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posted by ashesandwine
Thanks to MISSLOVATOSTAR1 for the "snow white skin", to Emmett4ever for convincing me to keep it going and for believing in my writing:D But still you're better than me, hon!!! I love your story:D Be sure to check out Emmett4ever spot and her story... It's AWESOME!!! Thanks to everyone for the support and for the comments:D

"Daniel's POV"

My all life as been turned apart, but I have to believe that we will find a way to stay together...Our love is strong and I will not give up until I'm dead or she back in my arms!
I'll remember her full lips, her beautiful green eyes, her light brown hair...
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posted by ashesandwine
Thanks to all my fans... Thanks so the support and thanks to mcs50 for making bookmakers with my poems:D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

A piece of sky
Kept in a bottle.
A piece of sun
Never to be revealed...

A day never forgotten
And forever kept
In the head of an old friend.

A beach found
And turned apart,
In search of a treasure
Never treasure,
Never buried there.

A stolen kiss,
By a famous thief.
A child crying because
She will never find it!

Hope you like it:D
posted by ashesandwine
Ok! This is an early Christmas present to you all! I'm going to my other house (no internet) on tuesday so I won't be able to write:(

“Daniel’s POV”

I hope that one day you will be next to me… I hope that one day I’ll see you again… But most of all I hope for the day when I’ll be able to have you in my arms!

“I miss her… I miss her everyday since she went away! I wish I had her back, but she probably hates me. I could have stop it, but I did nothing!” She looked so innocent in that moment. I could see that she was hurting even if she tried to lock...
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posted by ashesandwine
Seeing that so many of you liked this story I'm going to keep it up:) I have to say, and I'm being as honest as possible, I HAVE NOOOOO IDEA WHAT WILL COME OUT OF THIS! In all my other stories I knew what would come of it, but in this one I have no idea:P LOL!!! So, to all that liked this: here you have it:)
PS: Thank you, Maria, for the amazing names:D

I woke up scared of what would appear in front of me, but all that I saw was my room. Exactly the same as every day!
"What was that? Am I going crazy? Was it just a dream? How did I get home?" I thought still remembering the beautiful angel that...
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posted by ashesandwine
This is a big one:P This is dedicated to Emmett4ever (happy your back:D), to I_Love_Cullen (I missed you), Just_bella and patrisha727 (I love you and your stories) and to Edward-lover456 (a new AWESOME friend:D be sure to check out her story Golden Tear:D)!!!

Love... Ashesandwine:D

“Daniel’s POV”

I wish I could embrace you and never let go… I wish I could take you to the middle of nowhere and stay there: only the two of us…. I wish I could be next to you… I wish that I could see you’re face right now… I wish I could touch you… I wish so many things… In the end, what I truly...
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posted by ashesandwine
I promised this one to Katie, so here it is hon:) I wrote a lot of Imortal Fight so I thought it would be only fair to write a Forbidden Love too:) Hope you like it... I like this chapter, I wrote something I wasn't counting on write:P

“Daniel’s POV”

“Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.” - Alexander Smith.

I missed the old days… The days when we thought nothing bad would ever happen to us… The days when we believed that we could not be broke a part! If we weren’t this immature, if we didn’t believe in the fairy-tales maybe we...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok... so this is my first time, so comment but don't be bad;)Thanks Emmett4ever, Patrisha727, Just_bella, and everyone else for supporting me and liking my story.... This one is for you:D

How could I leave him? How could he leave me? We always knew that we were meant to be together, our love was so strong, so beautiful, so pure.
I couldn't stand to think that we had to be apart, he was everything to me. I live for him just like he lives for me...

I heard a sound behind me and I turned around slowly... I just stopped breathing, he was so beautiful and I was so lucky that he wanted me. He must...
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posted by ashesandwine
To Emmett4ever because she asked me:D

“The note was left with no identification, it was written in a computer so I couldn’t recognize the letter… I enter the house, you and your mother were in the backyard playing, so I went to you.” I started, it was getting harder to hold on!
“So…. Did you went to the Pier? Did you find the person?” Derek was getting curious!
I continued:

“I went to the backyard… Derek and Caroline were playing in the swing, I stayed in the door, just watching them…
“Caroline? Did you see someone put this note on the mail box?” I asked her.
“I’m sorry,...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok.... so, I'm trying fanfiction! Maybe something good will come out of it:P LOL... I want to thank J_b, Emmie and Katie for beliving in me even without reading the story:) This one is for you:) Hope you like it!

"Alice's POV"

I stood there, waiting for him to open the door. Searching his future to see what was happening, but it was all so confusing! I couldn’t see what he would choose to do and I couldn’t understand his choices. Why would he want to leave? He was everything to me and I was to him, or at least so I thought!
I kept waiting, he knew I was here. He could sense my concern and...
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