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Atheists plan to hand out X-Rated Bibles in response to Christian bias

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Addicting Info – Atheists Plan To Hand Out X-Rated Bibles In Florida Schools And Conservative ‘Christians’ Only Have Themselves To Blame
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Atheists Plan To Hand Out X-Rated Bibles In Florida Schools And Conservative ‘Christians’ Only Have Themselves To Blame
Author: Stephen D Foster Jr October 24, 2014 5:56 pm
Florida schools are being put in yet another impossible position after allowing conservative “Christians” to hand out religious materials to students last year.
Because Christians were allowed to have access to students at Orange County Public Schools, the floodgates have officially been opened as other religious groups line up to pass out their own materials. In August, a judge ruled that the school must welcome the Satanic Temple, which has created an activity book for children giving them instructions on ways to be inclusive of others.
Now, atheists want their opportunity to distribute materials to students. And conservatives are going to flip out when they discover what children are going to be exposed to thanks to their own obsession with forcing religion upon schools.
In protest of the school allowing religious groups to participate in National Religious Freedom Day, the Freedom From Religion Foundation intends to join the party themselves armed with their own pamplets and books for students to read.
One book they plan to bring is “Jesus Is Dead,” by Robert Price, which the school has banned in the past, claiming that it isn’t age appropriate. You know, because letting Christians distribute a book that includes 1,318 violent passages and instances of rape, adultery, and polygamy is just peachy.
Well, if school officials didn’t like that book, they certainly aren’t going to like this one.
The FFRF also plans to hand out copies of a pamphlet titled “An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible,” which includes an image of a Bible sexually assaulting a woman who is trying to escape.
According to Andrew Seidel, an attorney for FFRF, the pamphlet is far less inappropriate for high school students than anything that’s in the Bible.
I think if you look at the content of that brochure and what is actually in the Bible, and some of the things that are in the Bible in terms of sex and compare that to the cover [of the pamphlet], the cover is pretty tame compared to anything that is in the Bible.
The school, however, is already suggesting that they will try to block the FFRF from handing out their materials, which would violate the rights of atheists while demonstrating a bias that favors Christians. In a statement, Orange County Public Schools communications director Katherine Marsh said:
[The media] have perpetuated this terrible rumor that Satanists are coming in. It is incorrect to say that at this time this organization has asked for and received clearance to hand out this pamphlet in Orange County Public Schools.
Perhaps school officials are confused about what religious freedom means. After all, they’re certainly confused about what separation of church and state means. If the school is unwilling to ban a book as violent and sexist as the Bible from being handed out to their students, they should allow atheists and satanists to hand out whatever religious materials they want. The materials may offend school officials, parents, and some students, but many are offended by the Bible as well. The fact is, if anyone seriously objects to these materials being handed out, they only have themselves to blame. Because the school allowed Christians to hand out religious materials to students in a public school where separation of church and state is supposed to be observed, they opened the doors for other groups to distribute their own materials.
That means atheists and satanists have the right to be represented in schools and it doesn’t matter how many temper tantrums are thrown by conservative “Christians” in protest. If they get to try to force their beliefs down the throats of students, then every religious group has the right to do the same. And if conservative “Christians” don’t like it, they should support separation of church and state and obey it. That’s the only solution to satisfy everyone.
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