Biggerstaff Family Truth or Dare

GemonkDruid posted on Mar 12, 2011 at 09:21AM

I dunno. I was bored.

last edited on Mar 29, 2011 at 06:35AM

Biggerstaff Family 654 replies

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over a year ago TempAleksdaDawg said…
TWOLL?!?!?!? Dat's lick da secund tome 2day I'vvvveeee bean kald dat!
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Why must you annoy me like this?
over a year ago TempAleksdaDawg said…
If u do'nt lick me woods, ignoy dem.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
I've already reported you (several times)
over a year ago jodarchy said…
argh do you have to be here too lol, alex i get you are being a very dedicated troll lol but please the bad grammar is hurting my eyes lol
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
shoooo, troll! shoooo!
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
I'm sorry I haven't updated this forum. 'm not in a good mood right now.

What was my dare?

Oh, and hullo Auntie :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
hullo, niece :) and I really don't know :O
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
over a year ago alexthedog said…
Malloy, I was the troll. Long story. I was pretending to be a troll pretending to be myself. It was an April Fool's Day Joke.
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
lol I know :D I was trying to banish the troll-part is all:P
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
truth :)
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
er... bang marry kill:
peter pettigrew
fenrir greyback
viktor dashkov (I trust you know who he is because of your username ;))
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
Bang:Fenrir Greyback
Marry:Viktor Dashkov
Kill:Peter Pettigrew
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
haha okay then :D truth me? :)
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
how old where you when you had your first kiss? :) it was the first thing that came into my head
over a year ago jodarchy said…
ewww u would really bang the furball lol, have you seen his teeth lmao
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
er... truth be told, not yet ;)
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
I pick truth again :)
over a year ago KateKicksAss said…
How do you play online Truth or Dare?
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
well you dare people to write love messages on YKI's wall, or -gag- upload 10 pics of Edweird...
and truth works normally :D
izzy, have you ever been in love? like, really and truly in love?
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I pick truth, as always :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Bang: Sirius (down doggy style *wink*)
Marry: Remus
Kill: James
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
NUUUUUUUUUU JAMEEEEES<3 but fair enough about Sirius ;)
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Oh boohoo, get over it. ^^
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
someone truuuuuth meeeeee
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
Answer to my truth: I have no idea if it was love but there was guy who i liked for over a year, he datedmy friend and then they broke up and a while late he dated me, we then broke up and u eventually got over him, but for all i know it was love.

I also have a boyfriend now and god knows if it really is love or not.....
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
oh indeed ;)
now truth me :DD
over a year ago IzzyOzera said…
Bang Marry Kill:
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
Bang Harry
Marry Ron
Kill Dumbledore (he's old anyway)
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
DARE ME, y'all.

over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
biggerstaff troll, whoever you are, you're cruel and unusual. now what are you trying to accomplish, exactly, by infiltrating our ranks?
Draco -- pick the spot of a random book/tv-show/movie (something you haven't read/seen) and go proclaim your love for Twilight on the wall ;)
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Biggerstaff troll? Didn't know that was possible

Oh great, Auntie. Fine.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
I'm so getting banned from that wall :P


If anyone comments, am I allowed to say that it was for a dare?
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
yeah... eventually.
but hey I just figured - it's april fool's day. now which one of us would pretend to be a troll...?
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
GD, most likely. Agree?
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Auntie ... it's not you, is it? o.o

(I feel like I'm in a horror movie)
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
haha nope, not me. I wish I'd thought of it though :D
and yeah, GD does seem likely. her or boo. but neither of them should be online now...
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
hm, who else then? :S

Hmmmm, Alex isn't on, so he couldn't be trolling. (It's like 11 where he lives). Um...
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
well... Gred's online -- butI kinda doubt it's her.
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
Okay so I just kinda realised that it could still be you.
In fact, it probably is you. Taking a leaf out of Alex's book.
I really hope (for your sake) that I'm wrong :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
you, troll. you.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…

Why is the troll here? :/
over a year ago Gred_and_Forge said…
Oh, I get it now.
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
ah indeed :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
yours. because it's your fiirst turn, you automatically get truth. who are you?
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Or Mikey will get you :P
Or Mikey will get you :P