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What's "scene"?

"Scene" is a state of mind. It's a lifestyle that revolves around music. It's a fashion sense. It contains the modern day punk rock rebelliousness. It is a standard of living that uses emotion an music to express each individual.

Why screamo and hip hop?

I've always thought that the type of music you make has a lot to do with where you come from and what you grew up around. We're four poor kids from Albuquerque, so I think that has a lot to do with what we do and what music we make. We grew up in the "scene" and always listened to that type of music, but we also love hip hop and rap. I feel it's pretty hard to compromise our sound.

It's no real secret as to what we are about. We are all about a good time, getting messed up and hangin' out with our homies. That's exactly what our music is about.
All these haters are just jealous cuz they dont get as much money ,and fame as they do..... As far as I can see Haters watch the vids and listen to the music just so that they can hate but actually im glad they hate cuz its making everyone aware that brokeNCYDE is out there and they tell their friends go listen to this stuff and see how crappy it actually is So they go and look at it and listen and most say Jeez This is soo freakin..... AWESOME!!!!!! So then they eventually convince them to listen to other songs then the ex-haters turn out to say THIS IS SOOO BEAST =3 So those haters I love you guys <3 and the haters that never change their minds are obviously retarted cuz they dont know what real music is. So Everyone out there Who knows bc-13 is beast and u are in the crun fam Then I love you guys So keep listening to the best bands like this brokeNCYDE,Dot Dot Curve,J Biggs, etc. Know that you know what real music is, Peace out Crunk Fam. :)