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Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Homosexuality in Issue 12



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First Brian Lynch has been teasing fans with the possibilty of a kiss happening between Spike and Angel in After the Fall (hasn't happened yet, doubt it will) and now this.

Not that I find anything wrong with it, believe me, but Buffy just never seemed to be at all into female/female encounters. And not only that but it seems like she's using her.

I can see a number of characters having same sex inclinations. Darla, Drusilla, Spike, Angel(us), Xander (based on comments from him about Spike, Riley, and Angel), Andrew, Faith, and even Dawn. But I just can't see it with Buffy.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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It doesn't really surprise me. When she first noticed who the cinnamon lip balm belonged to, she didn't seem that freaked. And in issue 11, she seemed more weary than put-off. Buffy has a kinky side, we've seen that before. I doubt she'll ever swear-off men, but Buffy being bi is believable enough.
posted over a year ago.
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See, it's not that that bothers me. It's the statements that she jumps into bed with Satsu because she's lonely. It sounds just like what she did with Spike in season six, and hasn't she learned yet that using someone for sex isn't right?

And honestly, if Buffy was going to sleep with a woman the only one I can see her doing that with is Faith. Just like the only man I can see Spike ever sleeping with is Angel.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Hahaha, Faith wants Buffy, but I think that Buffy's kinda creeped out by Faith. But I can see her sleeping with lots of people. But I see what you're saying. Here she goes using someone else to dull the lonely ache. That's pretty much it.
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah. But now it's making me think more and more than Satsu is going to be the betrayer, because she is in love with Buffy. If Buffy scorns her, she might go down a different road than Spike did, and instead betray.
posted over a year ago.
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Oooh, good point. I think you're onto something.
posted over a year ago.
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Cardassia said:
Well, folks, I for one didn't like that turn of the heroine's life in Season 8... but I got to say, I do like how her (by Season 10) ex-girlfriend, Satsu, turned out to be far more mature in the intervening years since their relationship ended peacably; she'd grown up a lot in terms of behavior, and their reunion was most definitely fascinating around about somewhere early in Season 10 from what I recall... Satsu had joined the US military, it appears; and was surprisingly ladylike in her conduct as a guest.
I don't support the relationships like that, or extramarital sex for that matter, but the *people*, I got to say, are useful to me in trying to "tame myself" about that disapproval, into a truly fraternal attitude- which is exactly what I'm after manufacturing here within myself. No guarantee that it'll work, though, but it's worth it to try!
Sincerely happy to be able to comment on this;
posted over a year ago.