Club against teen bullying to prevent suicide Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 14

toolak9 said …
it gets better, highschool is only a couple of years. there is no bullying in the "adult" workplace. stay in school , get the best grades you can and get a job, any job,- - do it for yourself, don't let anyone take that away from you. Posted over a year ago
liveevil said …
The boy you punched in the hall today, Committed suicide a few minutes ago.

That girl you called a slut in class today, she's a virgin.

The boy you called lame, He has to work every night to support his family.

That girl you pushed down the other day is already being abused at home.

You think you know them.

Guess what, YOU DON'T!

Re-post if you are against bullying.

I bet 99% of you won't.

Re-post this if your that 1% with a heart <3 Posted over a year ago
Shadow4Realz said …
Nobody deserves to end their life because of bullying Posted over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
i agree Posted over a year ago
blendingfurries said …
Day of Silence is Friday, April 20th. It's to stop bullying in the LGBT Community. Or in other words, a Gay-Straight Alliance.
Wear Red, Rainbow pins, or Rainbow shirts. Or anything about the Day of Silence or LGBT Pride.
Stay Silent!! Posted over a year ago
rusher29 said …
I've known two teenage boys to commited suicide, and it was very hard to stop crying. even thought i didn't know one of the boys very well, i still cried like crazy. one of them commited suicide because of depression and other probs, and the other one, i don't know why he did it. PLEASE STOP BULLYING! Posted over a year ago
rusher29 commented…
is something wrong with me? I hardly knew one of them and couldnt stop crying. I even cry a little every once in a while. what's wrong with me? over a year ago
moviequeen commented…
I know what you mean my brother in law's best friend adam rodriguez committed suicide on February 1st 2005 over a year ago
rusher29 commented…
i'm sorry over a year ago
BloodyMascara_ commented…
Nothing is wrong with you Honey. That kind of pain, never goes away..... over a year ago
ilovesttrinians said …
every 1 i become friends with ends up really hurting me i have been bullied all my life and lost all self conferdens i even had to go to this program coz i just stooped going to school i am so sick of it and they teas me about everything no mater where i go i get bullied i just cant escape it Posted over a year ago
QuinnFabray1998 said …
im all for stopping bullying bring it on Posted over a year ago
BeatleLover4 commented…
good for u? over a year ago
Ginaa100 commented…
@beatleLove4.... whats wrong with you? over a year ago
QuinnFabray1998 commented…
ive been bully and its hard to go to school and face your bullies over a year ago
Spartan2D23 said …
In English class, we are writing persuasive essays. Mine's on stopping bullying. In it, I've talked about how every year, 30,000 teens commit suicide and about depression and so on and so forth. I am very proud of myself since I have been very depressed lately. I'm feeling a lot better now, but these frigging idiot bastards in school are getting worse and worse. Posted over a year ago
KKRiley039142 commented…
sigh, thats how its like at my school, once in 1 week 3 fight broke out :o!! so weird! over a year ago
Spartan2D23 commented…
I once had to defend myself and trip a guy who was punching me (hard) and he became unconcious and I got suspended for "almost killing an inoccent boy you bitch" -Mrs. K. My friend brought in 2 lego pieces and made it into a shape of a gun and was soooo close to being expelled. WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH 2 PIECES OF AN ****ING LEGO, FORMED INTO A SHAPE OF A GUN?!?!?! over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
i don't know but that's fucking retarted -.- over a year ago
BloodyMascara_ commented…
Flip em the bird. THEN FRIGGEN FIGHT BACK! over a year ago
fencingrocks said …
I'm baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what? IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! Posted over a year ago
Spartan2D23 commented…
Uh oh! That is definitley not good to hear! over a year ago
Jakemulliken said …
    If anyone here needs someone to talk to about stuff. Come send me an email. Would love to help you guys anyway i can.
Jake) Posted over a year ago
HecateA said …
Happy Halloween! Posted over a year ago
big smile
fencingrocks said …
Today on the bus, I saw a sign outside of a flower shop that read "BUY A PUMPKIN AND HELP PREVENT SUICIDE". I really want to go buy pumpkins for all of you guys! Posted over a year ago
i-love-percy commented…
lol over a year ago
i-love-percy commented…
that is weird but meaningful over a year ago
CB4evaGiggles commented…
tru.. over a year ago
CatValentine09 commented…
aww thats so nice and a little strange. over a year ago
fencingrocks said …
Hey guys, it's me Kellyy. If it wouldn't be to much of a bother, could you tell all your fans or all of the people your friends with, to join this spott. Posted over a year ago