Container Gardening Club
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posted by bburns898
The Simple Garden 12"x12" planter Green
The Simple Garden 12"x12" planter Green
Most people don't know exactly how much water to give a plant, they just know it needs water. They will continually water the plant day after day thinking that it is doing good, when it really is doing more harm than good.

Too much water can lead to root rotting, death of your plant, and a big mess. Good results never come from overwatering your plants, but how do you know if you have given your plant too much water? Several products have been introduced to the market to try and help novice gardeners by telling them when to water or even automatically water the plants. The problem with most...
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posted by lucygoosey
Creating a container garden is quite simple. You can grow most varieties of herbs and vegetables in pots or other containers. Some types will be too large for container gardening, but you can often find dwarf varieties of your favorites.

You will need to choose a container that has holes in the bottom for drainage. To find the right size, look up the approximate depth of the roots of the plant you wish to grow, and get a container that is 4-6 inches deeper than that.

Use a good quality potting soil or organic compost as your potting material. You can place some large gravel or broken pottery pieces in the bottom to help prevent soil from spilling out the bottom and aid in drainage.