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Disney Princess Question

Who's the rudest or most selfish Disney princess?

 incisron posted over a year ago
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Disney Princess  best answer

wavesurf said:

-One of the princesses ( there are three of them) who isn't saving several characters all throughout her adventure, but only tries to save everybody at the end.
-The only princess who doesn't care that her country will go to war because of her choice.
-- The only princess who was NOT tricked by the witch she went to see---but instead bullied the witch until she got what she thought she wanted.
--The only princess who fed her mother a poisoned cake and said to her mother, " I made it special--for you!" (This was a tough moment to swallow).
--The only princess who turned a living family member into a bear just because she disagreed with them.

When you disagree with a parent or another family member, it's far kinder ( and more loving to that person) to try to work out a compromise with them-- or if you're failing to do that-- when you next see an opportunity to move out of their house, then you should really do so, out of respect for their opinions which run counter to yours. (Moving out is the more mature and respectful thing to do-- and is what Ariel did). True, Ariel didn't stay home like Merida did. It's foolish to think children should forever remain with their families. The deciding factor for who is more selfish is this: Ariel didn't go ask the witch for a spell to alter someone else's thinking and behavior, which is what Merida opted for. Ariel did not wish to change her father's perspective on humans, nor his identity as a merman. She only changed who she, herself, was. Merida was different from Ariel. Merida decided she needed to change her mother's whole identity and thought-patterns to match her own perspective. That's turning someone else into a puppet. That's going a step further than normal selfish behavior.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly! I couldn't have said it better myself!
cruella posted over a year ago
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Sparklefairy375 posted over a year ago
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WinterSpirit809 said:
Merida. Definitely
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posted over a year ago 
EmaSomolanyiova said:
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posted over a year ago 
ItIsOlivia said:
Ariel. She disrespects her father, her friends, herself. And selfishly goes after her own desires without thinking or caring about anyone else and what they go through for her.
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posted over a year ago 
but she was in love you have a point was her choice after all
PrincessErika posted over a year ago
lililc said:
Merida is too rude for someone who was raised to be a princess
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posted over a year ago 
The he'll does that mean, not only is it OK to be abrasive and rude as a princess, princess can be rude and abrasive. Although Merida isn't rude, just abrasive, and in the moments she is rude it's EXTREMLY justified. Also, DONT BE SEXIST!!!
PlutoLane posted 8 months ago
UnholyNoise said:
two different traits so:

rudest: probably merida or belle - merida because she is extremely hot tempered and her anger guides her reactions to people. belle is condescending and snobby. i guess tiana works too for being so judgmental to people's faces and how blunt she is about it.

most selfish: definitely ariel, magnified by the lack of getting called out for it in-universe and zero personal growth.
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posted over a year ago 
Sparklefairy375 said:
Rudest: Probably Merida and Jasmine.
Selfish: Umm...maybe Ariel
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posted over a year ago 
misspopularity1 said:
Probably Merida
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posted over a year ago 
anukriti2409 said:
Most Rude: Merida. Her responses are loud, impulsive and driven by emotions and therefore never thought through. She interrupts and cut other people talking and makes a lot of faces.

Most Selfish: Ariel. Walking away from your family, and not get even bothered with it. 3 days, she went onto living on land with a stranger just to enjoy herself. She could truly forget her origins, her family so easily. What had always bothered me about Ariel is not she took Ursula's help, she was naive, immature and hurt. Teenage do things like this in rush of a moment. What bothers me is that she could just pack up and leave. How cold is that. How truly selfish. And the end is just horrific, sparing a pitiful glance to her father after being converted into a worm, her first concern was to save Eric all over again. She just forgets about her dad who made a herculean sacrifice for her daughter. That was the most selfish thing I have ever seen. And of course, not an ounce of realization of her mistake ever.
Another selfish act was that she never cared for Eric's feelings. She just put herself all over him, in his life. Just kiss me! was all her agenda. Never bothered to know if he's already seeing someone, whether he likes her or not.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with wavesuf
kristenfan10109 posted over a year ago
^Ariel overheard-- while listening in on the birthday celebration aboard Eric's ship-- that Eric was STILL single. Eric EVEN SAID as much in his own words: --> Grimsby: Yes, I commissioned it myself. Of course, I had hoped it would be a wedding present, but . . . Eric: Come on, Grim, don't start. Look, you're not still sore because I didn't fall for the princess of Glauerhaven, are you? Grimsby: Oh, Eric, it isn't me alone. The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl. Eric: Well, she's out there somewhere. I just - I just haven't found her yet. Grimsby: Well, perhaps you haven't been looking hard enough. Eric: Believe me, Grim, when I find her I'll know - without a doubt. It'll just - bam! - hit me - like lightning. (Lightning and thunder appear and the sky grows dark.) Eric is NOT still seeing the princess of Glauerhaven. Eric said that he failed to fall for her! THAT'S NOT someone who is already seeing somebody. That's somebody who is single and looking, STILL. Furthermore, Ariel didn't throw herself at Eric. Ariel actually saved his life, first. Then Ariel spent three days of Disney romance time getting to KNOW Eric, second. And as for the final culminating battle? Ariel ATTACKED Ursula for turning Triton into a sea polyp, and tried to chokehold her BEFORE Eric EVEN SHOWED UP!!! Ariel was already trying to save her dad, BEFORE Eric came on the scene!!! Fine. Blatantly lie about the whole movie, if you want to. I'm sorry you think Ariel is the worst for leaving her family behind...but her dad was a controlling, oppressive, abusive jerk, and REFUSED to compromise with Ariel. He was the hardnosed one, and refused to allow his daughter to think differently than he did. THAT was WHY Ariel LEFT in the first place! I think Ariel was entitled to leave after her father blatantly DESTROYED the love he had for his daughter, by blowing up everything in Ariel's grotto. That's NOT a sign of parental love!!!!! If leaving makes Ariel selfish in your eyes, then so be it. But it was better than taking a spell from Ursula, and turning her father into a puppet for her own personal gain. That's crossing the moral boundary into compelling your parent to become a slave to your needs. Merida went the route of turning her mother into a yes-man for her wants, Ariel left the ocean, and did not compel her father to change his mind on humans, nor did she blackmail her father into making her a human. Triton CHOSE what he did to Ariel's mermaid tail out of his own free will.
wavesurf posted over a year ago
@wavesurf: We have a lot of different views regarding Ariel and Merida. I'll just say, let's agree to disagree. Only thing, when you say " go ahead and blatantly lie about the movie", it looks like an allegation because I'm interpreting the movie from my understanding while you are telling me yours.
anukriti2409 posted over a year ago
^^Come on, don't be too biased with your favorite princess and don't overreacting with any other people's opinion (whether negative or positive) towards her.
Sparklefairy375 posted over a year ago
MaryZaki said:

She hurt her family the most.
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posted over a year ago 
PrincessErika said:
And what about Aurora?
She seems bored living with the fairies and when they told her not to fall in love with a stranger she just ignored them

Ariel was just too curious to me and she didn't think about it a lot.

Wasn't also Pocahontas as impulsive as Ariel ,or maybe more when she fall for J.Smith the enemy of her village and even more in the 2nd movie and she completely forgot about him like he never exist

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posted over a year ago 
notbrandyss said:
Jasmine. Y'all give Ariel flack, but at least Ariel wasn't the sole heir to her kingdom. Jasmine runs away and knows little of her kingdom and economics and she's hailed as some super queen or something.
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posted over a year ago 
You have a point
PrincessErika posted over a year ago
plot twist: they're both selfish
UnholyNoise posted over a year ago
PlutoLane said:
This isn't an answer, but a statement on people's choices. Firstly, Merida shouldn't be one of the top answers. She may steal some things, but it has only been shown as food that was going to be served to her family, and it was only two small things out of the mountains of food her family is served. Furthermore, she may come off as a bit rude, but it's only a small amount that most people are, and most of her major rudeness is seen in scenes where she's extremely stressed. I mean I would hate Disney and Pixar if they didn't show how mad she is throughout the movie with the type of stress she has to go through. Not only that, but people keep saying she was "bullying" the witch, no she wasn't, not only was she stressed at the time but the witch being so eccentric and hyper with brooms walking on there own of course made her probably overstimulated and snappy. Also, she didn't want to turn her mom into a bear, heck she didn't want to hurt her at all, and let me tell you most people, and me, would run away, poison, or hurt there parents if they tried to put them through an arranged marriage, but no she just wanted somthing to make her mom change her mind on the arranged marriage, which is honestly very smart and the best thing she could've done. And I will fight anyone who says she's rude for her abrasive nature, not only is it a breath of fresh air from the agreeable nice female leads Disney always had at that time, it gives her character, and makes sense due to the fact that she has been shown getting along and preferring to hang out with her father, who is alone very abrasive, so of course she'd take after him mostly. Secondly, Ariel isn't selfish, expecting somone to never follow there dreams and not supporting them, despite being there "family" is selfish. I will die on this hill, she just wanted to go where she could be truly happy, THATS NOT SELFISH!!!
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posted 8 months ago 
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