Dren Wall

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AIfiction said …
"I Love You, Dren"

(Feel Free to Drewl over Dren in the comments...) Posted over a year ago
AIfiction commented…
This is actually the ideal place to Drewl over Dren. You won't look stupid in front of anyone cause there's _nobody here_ :-D over a year ago
AIfiction commented…
This is a Dren movie. The whole plot revolves around Dren. Frankly I was annoyed when someone created a favorite character poll in another group and only Clive and Elsa were options. You're afraid of Dren, that's why! Cause you know that otherwise Dren would win. over a year ago
AIfiction said …
Ok... I just posted this to the forum (not knowing how hard this would be for Fanpop newbies like myself to find), but I just wanted to drop everyone a note that there is also a Spice club (for the movie, not just the character) on here:


I just didn't want others to have to "stumble upon this" the way I had to.

Anyway.... I'm sort of a Dren fanatic at the moment, but I do love the whole movie. All Splice fans are friends I just haven't made yet. Posted over a year ago