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posted by Edward_Bella234
Sorry this one is so short. I'll probably post another one tonight.


“How are you feeling?” he asked in that musical voice.
    “Fine” I lied.
    “Hmm, doesn’t look fine. I think your leg is broken but I’m not positive. How did you injure it?”
    “Well…I slipped out of a tree I was climbing” I muttered embarrassed to tell him I was a 16-year-old who still climbed trees. I chose to tell him the truth, though, rather than lie because I knew he would talk to my parents...
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End of Chapter 6

“Oh yum,” John said reaching for a cinnamon roll “That looks delicious, Carol!”
    “Thank you, John” my mother replied. “Esme, can you go get some eggs from the hen house? I only need about 3 or 4. You can take Charles with you”
    “Okay mother” I replied. I knew what her scheme was. She was trying to get me and Charles to spend some alone time together. “Come on Charles” I said as I turned towards the door. As we walked out, the sun touched my skin warming it. I closed my eyes as I stood on our front porch just...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Hey everyone,
Just in case you were wondering, Esme is 22 years old right now. She is 26 when she is turned into a vampire. Also, I'm sorry I haven't written in a long time. I had family visiting from out of town. Thanks for your patience.

End of Chapter 13

While we waited for Charles’ parents to arrive, I told my parents all about what we did on our honeymoon. Except for the beating part, though they already knew.
A knock on the door announced the Evenson’s arrival.
My went to the door.
“Annika, John.” she greeted them.
Soon we were...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
So this is an article I had written for a fanfic contest. Things happened and It never turned out but I wanted to post this anyway. I'm not sure if I will make it a story or if I'll just have this article but when I've decided, I'll let ya'll know :D
It seemed out lives were crumbling around us. First, the town was calling us ‘freaks’ and ‘the witch twins’. Second, our parents left us. Third, we were being burnt alive. And it was all my...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
I am really getting into this story!!
End of Chpater 5

When I turned back to my dad his eyes were locked with Aunt Alice’s. It took a few seconds before my brain made the connection.
    You’ve been waiting for this! It should be a surprise. I told myself.
    I wasn’t surprised. Not really. I had been expecting this. But I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to leave. To be on the run. I’d miss Grandpa Charlie and Auntie Sue…Who knows how long it would be before I saw them again.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
End of Chapter 18

There was a knock on the door.
    “May I answer it?” Charles asked.
    “Of course” My father answered.
    We all got up and walked to the door way.
    Charles turned the doorknob and the door swung open.
    “Aagg!” Annika screamed. The wobbled and John helped her keep her balance. “Charles!” she screamed. It was ear piercing.
    “Hello Mother” he laughed slightly at her response.
    In the next second her arms were around...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
This is a story that I wrote awhile ago and have decided to continue. So here are the first four Chapters in case you haven't read them.
Chapter 1

My mind was conjuring up so many possibilities as a bounded up the front porch steps to my house. I had been at Jacob’s the whole day and then my mom called and told me to come over with Jacob as soon as possible. I was reaching for the door handle, but the door flew open before I had the chance to open the door.
“Surprise!” A chorus of voices shouted around me. Everyone was there. Mom, dad, Auntie...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Sorry. This Chpater is kind of slow...my apologies. There will be a good one soon. I promise. I keep shortning the time so I can get Charles out of it quicker...
End of Chapter 14

I walked down our little hallway to my bedroom. When I opened the door, the familiar scent of my things welcomed me. I looked around and noticed my suitcase on the floor. Charles’ beside it. I changed into my nightgown and climbed under my covers. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, I fell asleep.

When I awoke, I could hear voices outside of bedroom door.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Dress Esme Likes
Dress Esme Likes
I am sooo sorry I haven't written in forever. I have just had no time to write and I am really sorry!!
End of Chapter 7

I turned my back on her and stormed out of the room. I walked down the hall and went into my bedroom slamming to door as I entered. I didn’t cry. I was to angry for that. Eventually, I decided I’d better go out and clean up the sitting room. As soon as I excited my room I saw Charles leaning against the wall across from my bedroom door.
“Are you alright?” he asked me.
“Fine. I was just going to clean up the mess in...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Esme's Family's Car
Esme's Family's Car
Here is Chapter 4. Sorry, I've been posting them on Twilight series not here.

My mother and I finished collecting the eggs and made our way back to the house. She would most likely expect me to tell my father at dinner time so I wouldn‘t disappoint her. My mother and I made soup and bread for dinner. We sat down to eat and said our prayers. At first, we ate our dinner in silence but then I decided it was time to tell father. “Poppa?” I said to him.
“Yes? What is it Esme?” he asked.
“I have decided what I wanted to do with my future.”...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
“What do you think mother?” I asked her. Her opinion was very important to me.
“Well, I think he is a very nice man, Esme. I think he could be perfect for you.”
Perfect for me. How would she know who is perfect for me? “I don’t know mother. I don’t even really know him…”
“You could always get to know him first honey”
“But father wants to know in a few days!” I complained. What would I ever do?
“Then get to know him for a few days,” she suggested. “Go out to dinner with him or something”
“I guess your right. I’ll try to get to know him.”
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posted by Edward_Bella234
I hope you like this part. Dragging this part on and on is no fun. Vampirization will be the fun part to write!!! :P


When we entered the house, I went straight for my room. My leg was killing me.
“Esme,” my father called my name from the doorway. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
“Of course father” I replied as I moved my way onto the sofa.
He came and sat across from me in the rocking chair never looking at my face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him. My curiosity leaked into the tone of my voice.
“Nothing’s wrong....
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posted by Edward_Bella234
One of my fave chapters so far. I don't know why, it just is.
This one if for just_bella. I'm glad that you love it so much and sorry I didn't get this up when I said I would.
End of Chapter 17

“Hello Esme” he said to me in his sugar sweet voice. I just stared at him in wonder, not responding. “I’ve missed you” he continued, not looking at me like I was crazy for just staring at him.
    I shook my head in a quick movement in attempt to clear my thought. “Carlisle” Just saying his name sent a chill through me....
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posted by Edward_Bella234
I was sooo excited to write this chapter!! Hope you like it!!

chapter 16

Carl and Charles talked for awhile. I think things about the military but I wasn’t listening very closely and probably wouldn’t have understood anyway.
    I was off in my mind just thinking about how peaceful my life would be when Charles left it. How serene it would be.
    After about twenty minute. Carl led Charles to the front door. He had explained everything before and now Charles was going.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
The waiting was so awful it was almost physically painful. Once we had found a way to avoid the attack, we were all so excited we didn’t think about what would happen in the mean time.
    Now it was just sitting around all day waiting for aunt Alice to have a vision of our fate.
    Of course Uncle Emmett wasn’t happy. He was very violent. My mother didn’t like that at all, but it was who he was. You could see in his eyes the craving he had to fight the Volturi.
    Everyone else was excited about the plan. Although nobody exactly...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Ok, I know this is a really short chapter but it is the end of a part so I had to finish it there. There will be a long one next.
End of Chapter 15

“Mother” I called out.
    She turned around and gasped when she saw Carl. A few seconds was all it took for her to absorb the fact that he was wearing a uniform and understand that he was part of the military.
    “Esme. Who is this?”
    Carl was the one to answer. “Hello ma’am. You must be Carol Platt. My name is Carl Smith. I...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
hey everyone!!! Thanks for reading my story I really appreciate it!! I don't really have anything to say....

End of Chapter 12

“What are we going to do today?” I asked Charles after a few minutes. I was afraid of him, sure, but that fear seemed to fade during the day. The sun seemed to give me more confidence.
    “Sightseeing,” he replied “lets go.”
    So all day we walked around town. There were tons cute boutiques that we went into. Surprisingly, Charles bought me three dresses.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
OMG, I am sooo sorry I haaven't written in awhile. I really have no excuse so I am just REALLY sorry!! :(
Anyway, I know this one is really short so I have a long chapter 13 waiting on paper for me to type out. if I am on schedule, it will be up tomorrow at the latest. Tonight if I'm early.
End of Chapter 11

“I know,” I took a deep breath to steady myself. “Charles…has been beating me, father”
    “What?!” he exclaimed in surprise. Apparently he hadn’t been expecting that.
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Ok, this chapter is dedicated to just_bella for helping me through my writers block. Thanks for the amazing advice!!!!

End of Chapter 10

I stood up as fast as I could but my foot got tangled of the sheets and I fell onto the floor. I bumped my arm and bit my lip to stop from screaming. I bit it so hard I started to bleed.
    “Stand up Esme!”
    I got to my feet. “Sorry”
    “Don’t apologize. Tonight will be worse than you could ever imagine. You have no idea of how mad you...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Ok, I won't be able to write for at least three days so I am ending with this. I hope you like it and I doupt any of you will be crying as much as I was. This story is messing with my emotions. Anyway, for all you Charles haters, this is going to make you hate him more.
End of Chapter 9

I nodded not wanting him to hurt me anymore. My cheek was stinging under my hand.
    “Get up you pathetic mess” He said turning away from me.
    I got to my feet. Suddenly he turned around and walked back to me hand...
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