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HBO confirms two more Game of Thrones episode titles, releases descriptions

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called HBO confirms two more Game of Thrones episode titles, releases descriptions | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Hot off the season premiere, HBO has officially released to the press more information about two upcoming
The second episode will be titled “Home,” and the third episode of the season will be called “Oathbreaker” as previously reported,
Along with the titles comes official synopses and confirmation of which GoT writer will be handling which episode.
Other HBO playdates: May 1 (11:30 p.m., 1:30 a.m.), 2 (12:15 a.m.), 3 (9:00 p.m., 4:00 a.m.), 5 (12:15 a.m.), 6 (9:00 p.m.), 7 (11:50 p.m.) and 13 (8:00 p.m.)
HBO2 playdates: May 2 (8:30 p.m.) 6 (1:00 a.m.), 7 (4:00 p.m.), 8 (8:00 p.m.) and 28 (5:00 p.m.)
Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) trains with the Three-Eyed Raven (Max von Sydow). In King’s Landing, Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) advises Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman). Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) demands good news, but has to make his own. At Castle Black, the Night’s Watch stands behind Thorne (Owen Teale). Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) proposes a plan, and Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) entertains other proposals.
Written by Dave Hill; directed by Jeremy Podeswa.
Other HBO playdates: May 8 (11:30 p.m., 2:00 a.m.), 9 (11:40 p.m.), 10 (9:00 p.m., 4:25 a.m.), 12 (11:00 p.m.), 13 (9:00 p.m.), 14 (10:00 p.m.) and 20 (8:00 p.m.)
HBO2 playdates: May 9 (8:30 p.m.), 13 (1:15 a.m.), 14 (4:45 p.m.), 15 (8:00 p.m.) and 28 (6:00 p.m.)
Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce). Arya (Maisie Williams) trains to be No One. Varys (Conleth Hill) finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift.
Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Dan Sackheim.
So we have Dave Hill, who wrote last season’s “Sons of the Harpy” writing next week’s episode, “Home” which will feature the return of both Bran Stark and Balon Greyjoy.
Benioff and Weiss will be writing the third episode of the season, where Bran will be meeting the past. Flashbacks are Coming! But as usual, many of the episode phrases and sentences are so vague as to be useless. “Ramsay gets a gift.” Well if there’s anyone who deserves no gift, it’s Ramsay.
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What if Sansa is the one who legitimizes Jon Snow in the show after the battle for Winterfell when Rickon dies?
It’s not the “Home” episode though. It’s “Oathbreaker”.
Looking forward to seeing Patrick Malahide again. The Kingsmoot is coming!
I thought both of these titles had been officially confirmed since the 17th:
I got excited when I saw this article, thinking that with Episodes 4 and 5 confirmed, we could see if they matched #s 4 and 5 from our supposed list of ten.
Oh good.. that gift for Ramsey is gonna be Rickon, fookin Smalljon Umber.
Is it possible, that they still do the Jeyne Pool storyline, now that the Boltons lost Sansa?
“Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) entertains other proposals”
I think I know what gift that is, and I’m not pleased.
By the looks of it we might not get anything from the Wall or Sansa in episode 3. Delaying the inevitable just like TWD.
OMG … I’m really worried about that gift … I hope it’s the death of Roose and Fat Walda and not Rickon.
I hope Ramsay’s gift isn’t Rickon. I will be so sad if he or Osha dies.
Greyhounds next episode! So Balon will get at least one scene before
wonder what proposals he entertains? Will we see Euron this episode?
Home. Oh it sounds so unlike Game of Thrones. Hopefully more of Sansa being an absolute boss, looks like the show is doing the Lady Stoneheart story line through Sansa this season. It’s going to be lovely.
Ramsay deserves only one gift. A knife and a bold Sansa to wield it!
Anyone think Bran will open episode 2? I think he’ll have the first scene.
Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) entertains other proposals.
I think Jon does get brought back in episode 2 and they end it on a cliffhanger and they wont show us what happens after until episode 4?
I hope they’re just hiding the description about the Wall in episode 3 for a surprise…….
Makes sense, in Ep2 preview Ramsey wants to storm Castle Black. On his way there in Ep3 he stopes by Last Hearth to find Umbers pissed about Jon letting the wildlings trough the wall and hands Rickon over to Ramsey who returns with him to Winterfell and sends Jon the Pink Letter.
“Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) entertains other proposals”
I think I know what gift that is, and I’m not pleased.
Euron already? Do you think Balon will have just the one scene/episode this season and die in “Home”
What does “Balon Greyjoy entertains other proposals”, mean? Does it mean we get Euron next episode!?
Just out of interest why do people think “The Gift” will be Rickon? I must have missed something somewhere. Is it just wild speculation or is there substance to it.
From the synopsis I can’t really tell what Oathbreaker would refer to. So maybe it refers to Bran’s storyline. Could be in a vision in which an oath in the past was broken.
Apart from that, could Daeny maybe miss next week? And I feel we should meet Sam as well. Sansa is in next episode according to the Preview.
I really hope the gift Ramsay gets will be like some pants or a new shirt.
Episode 2: looking forward to “Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) demands good news, but has to make his own” the most! 😀 R&V! Episode 3: Daenerys at Vaes Dothrak. Bran sees children playing at Winterfell (past)? What answer does Varys find? Who the Harpy is?
Wylie: From the synopsis I can’t really tell what Oathbreaker would refer to.
Ramsay’s “gift” and the one who is giving him the gift – breaking an oath.
He could have two short scenes or a longer one like Sansa and Theon did in episode 1.
That’d be a massive round trip, when his plan all along is to attack Castle Black. Also, LH is to the East of Castle Black so Ramsay would have to pass there first. My guess is Ramsays gift is either news of Rickon or Sansas whereabouts, or a dead Walda. Surely it’s too soon for Rickon to be taken by the Boltons?
I’m also intruiged by this new WF Maester that we’ve seen twice in episode 1.
Hoyti Von Totiy: Makes sense, in Ep2 preview Ramsey wants to storm Castle Black. On his way there in Ep3 he stopes by Last Hearth to find Umbers pissed about Jon letting the wildlings trough the wall and hands Rickon over to Ramsey who returns with him to Winterfell and sends Jon the Pink Letter.
If it does happen, I don’t think we see a John Snow revival until after the Bran “Tower of Joy” flashback.
I’m with you. If “the gift” is not a new pair of pants, perhaps its another 20 good men.
Apollo: I’m also intruiged by this new WF Maester that we’ve seen twice in episode 1.
The submissive maester serving a horror, from the casting calls, isn’t he? Nothing to do with LSH, then. I’d say “Ramsay” qualifies as a horror.
Unfortunately, like others, I too believe “Ramsay gets a gift” refers to
Rickon. Fucking Umbers, Smalljon is probably the ‘Oathbreaker’ of the title; he breaks his House’s oath to the Starks when he hands Rickon over to Ramsay. I will assume the worst that he also gives Osha & Shaggydog to Ramsay.
Could they make the episode synopses sound any less exciting?
That pic of him is from this season right? So he’s by the fireplace in one scene, but has to
. I’m so baffled I can’t even get excited about the next episode yet.
Doubt it. She arrives in episode three, we know that. If we her on the way, it’ll be just to catch up with the storyline and nothing else.
What if the show plays it off that it really is Ramsey’s birthday?
Rickon could be a nice gift but so could a dead Roose and Fat Walda! Or in other words, Ramsey Bolton, Lord of Winterfell. (shudder)
Great catch! I’d say you’re right! I’ve gotten off the LSH train again anyway… There’s simply no time to introduce the story now with the number of eps we have left.
Luka Nieto: The submissive maester serving a horror, from the casting calls, isn’t he? Nothing to do with LSH, then. I’d say “Ramsay” qualifies as a horror.
Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven – Bran is probably told they will be seeing into the past, and Bloodraven reveals who he is.
In King’s Landing, Jaime advises Tommen – Jaimie is probably going to empathize with his son and takes on the new mission of doing anything he can to have Margery released (even though Cersei wants her to remain imprisoned).
Tyrion demands good news, but has to make his own – The scene from the trailer when Tyrion talks about dragons being captive probably happens here. He’ll attempt to release them but has a change of heart.
At Castle Black, the Night’s Watch stands behind Thorne – The scene from the trailer happens, with the NW trying to kill Davos and the Jon supporters. But Ed and the Wildlings return and kill the NW members that stood behind Thorne’s decision.
Ramsay Bolton proposes a plan – Ramsay sends a pink-letter to Castle Black, addressed to Jon, demanding that they send back Sansa and Reek.
Balon Greyjoy entertains other proposals – Hm. Perhaps Balon is advised by someone to try and ally with the Targarian girl? But instead he gets murdered by Euron.
Daenerys meets her future – Dany meets all of the former Khaleesi’s and gets to know them, probably befriending a few.
Bran meets the past – I bet this is a flashback where he gets to see a young Hodor, something Bloodraven shows him. Bran might feel bad for warging into Hodor.
Tommen confronts the High Sparrow – Tommen goes into the Sept to negotiate Margery’s release back to the Red Keep. He wouldn’t go alone, though, would he?
Arya trains to be No One – Arya probably passes the blind test at this point.
Varys finds an answer – I was going to say Vary’s decides to use a red priestess for some gain, but isn’t he against that? So maybe the answer he finds is back in Westeros and he decides he has to go back across the narrow sea to do something. Maybe he gets the news that Doran is dead and the Martells are gone.
Ramsay gets a gift – It’s Rickon isn’t it? The Umbers are pissed about the Wildlings settling into their lands so they finally align themselves fully with the Boltons.
The interesting thing about some of Bran’s visions is that they could be moved around in different episodes, similarly to how Barristan’s death was not originally planned in episode 4 (from what I have heard here).
That being said, I doubt his first vision will be the TOJ. They have to establish how these visions work for the viewers and what Bran and Bloodraven can and can’t do in them. I’m going to make a wild guess and say the vision from episode 3 might be of the two Stark children sparring with wooden swords.
Perhaps in episode two Bran uses to look into events we know from the show like the Red Wedding and Jon’s death. He doesn’t know these things happened, so it would be interesting to see his reaction and his wish to change the past (“The past is already written. The ink is dry.”) We’d also need to catch up on Meera after Jojen’s death and Hodor.
Of course, the opposite of what I think could very well happen :P.
Unfortunately, like others, I too believe “Ramsay gets a gift” refers to
I think the part from the trailer where Ramsay is cleaning off the blade could be Shaggydog being skinned…or Osha…
Now that I think on it though… Rickons betrayal ties in with the Oathbreaker title. I wonder if we’ll see Jaime kill Aerys in Brans visions of the past in this ep?
Looks like we’re getting Tower of Joy and Jon’s return in episode 4, I can see Bran getting a glimpse of the past in episode 3, probably the sparring scene with Ned and Brandon
If Jon comes back in episode 2 (sadly, I don’t think it will happen just yet) it would make sense to not show him in episode 3 just to tease everyone. But the Oathbreaker title does fit Jon’s story with the NW oath, so maybe he does appear
I think here we will see the vision of Jaime killing the Mad King instead of Tower of Joy since its titled Oathbreaker
That promo photo we got of them is supposedly from episode 3. Episode 2 appears to have 9 different locations in it, so I doubt they’re in that.
IF Ramsey gets Rickon in Ep3 he will have plenty of time to make himself a new “Reek” out of him to replace the BFF (Theon) he lost…
If the gift is Death, as you suggest, will a FM give it? And who would that NO One be?
I can see him having a brief scene with Yara for some exposition. She leaves him by the fireplace, something grabs his attention and he goes out on the bridge to his death.
Me too. Ugh. I was wayy too hyped for that one.
Performed a C-section on Walda if you know what I mean……
Yeah I could see that. I just want to see Euron!
When Jon is resurrected wouldn’t he be relieved of his oath rather that him breaking it
I’d say Varys’ answer is from his little birds, giving information on the leaders of the SOTH.
What if the Oathbreaker is Ned breaking his “promise” and Jon is staying dead.
Off topic but I haven’t heard many reactions to the After Thrones snooze fest.
The episode summaries are short, vague and never mention all the storylines that happen in the respective eps. Like just because there’s no mention of Dany in ep 2 doesn’t mean she sits that one out. It gets to a point an arc can be too spoilery even as a one liner. There’s nothing in ep 3’s description that could relate to the title. Unless you count the Umbers breaking their vows to Robb and handing over Rickon. But I doubt that will be thehallmark of the episode.
Episode 4 is 59 minutes according to the HBO schedule. I predict that is Tower of Joy and Jon rising.
How do you figure that? Wouldn’t Sansa have to die?
could the gift be help from another house? Could be the build up to the fight that we know is coming between the Boltons and their supporters and the wildlings with or without reanimated Jon (and possibly Brienne and Sansa somewhere not far away).
Varys finds an answer …. Littlefinger is the Harpy???
Regarding the third synopsis, Dany meeting “her future” makes me wonder if James Hibberd was wrong about that Vaes Dothrak clip being from episode 2 rather than 3, since I’m not sure it makes sense to have the grand entrance to Vaes Dothrak in one episode and then introduce the Dosh Khaleen the following week. If the show is consolidating stories more, as it has been the last few seasons, I think it’d be better to have those moments together.
The episode summaries are short, vague and never mention all the storylines that happen in the respective eps. Like just because there’s no mention of Dany in ep 2 doesn’t mean she sits that one out. It gets to a point an arc can be too spoilery even as a one liner. There’s nothing in ep 3’s description that could relate to the title. Unless you count the Umbers breaking their vows to Robb and handing over Rickon. But I doubt that will be thehallmark of the episode.
Rickon coming back after 3 years is a pretty big hallmark.
The ‘submissive maester’ wasn’t the person serving a horror, you’re confusing them with ‘Bower’ from the casting call.
Submissive Maester: The show’s casting a maester in his twenties- a timid young maester. He’s decent but has trouble standing up to others. He appears in one episode.
The maester last night seemed quite a bit older. I wonder if this is a different one altogether.
Wolkan is not a new character. He was in season 5, apparently. Also, wasn’t there only one scene of him? Time to re-watch the episode.
No, TOJ is in either e05 or e06 and e04 has been confirmed to be a big episode for Daenerys. She gets the ending too.
“Bran meets the past” in episode 3, Do you think we’ll get ToJ then or something else?
It wouldn’t just be Hibberd being wrong- the footage HBO sent all of us was labeled as episode 3. It seems unlikely they’d switch a scene out of an episode this late in the game, though not impossible.
We haven’t see them since 509, so that’s a pretty long time not to catch up with them at all. If they are
still on the ship mid season, will we not see Horn Hill until the end of the season
Nah, I think that the gift will be Roose dead. I think those flayed men in burning cross are meant as a warning to the Boltons. Next episode I fear Jon will be resurrected but Tyrion will sadly die.
You cannot have it all in an episode synopsis. They’re short and ambiguous for a reason.
It wouldn’t just be Hibberd being wrong- the footage HBO sent all of us was labeled as episode 3. It seems unlikely they’d switch a scene out of an episode this late in the game, though not impossible.
I believe we had some indication that the director for the Horn Hill scenes was handling 5-6, though I could be mistaken.
Bronn’s Bro: Nah, I think that the gift will be Roose dead. I think those flayed men in burning cross are meant as a warning to the Boltons. Next episode I fear Jon will be resurrected but Tyrion will sadly die.
I didn’t know that. That makes me think that Jon will come back before episode 4, then.
Am I the only one who’s excited about Varys finding an answer ? Will he find out who the Harpy is, or maybe something about Tyrion if he survives releasing the dragons ?
Gotcha. Yeah well- the clip was labeled episode 3 from the get-go so …yeah not sure why he’d say it was from episode 2 if he hasn’t seen the episode.
Ramsey proposes a plan in Episode 2: Home – he is going to Winterfell with his father’s army. In the meantime, Brienne, Podrick, Sansa and Theon head to Winterfell. Edd is rounding up the Wildlings to fight for Jon’s honor. Tyrion gets in the line of dragon fire while he is in the dungeon at Mereen and doesn’t burn revealing Targaryen blood. “Dragons don’t burn.” Episode 3: Most everyone has made it to The Wall. The Wildlings, Brienne, Podrick, Sansa, (who will avoid any fighting of course) Theon, Davos, Edd and the few “faithful” Night’s Watch are heading into battle against the Flayed Army. Ramsey gets a gift? Brienne grabs Ramsey by the ears and hands him over to Theon and Sansa who “have their way with” him. The gift? DEATH. Bran will see visions of a young Ned Stark which reveals Jon Snow’s true parents – R + L = J and possibly Meera as his twin???? which in turn leads to a HUGE reveal at the end of Episode 3: Jon rises from smoke and salt. And the end begins. Jon, Dany and Tyrion are the three heads of the dragon and will be the dragon riders that cohesively lead the final battle against the White Walkers. Vaerys finds an answer – is Podrick Young Griff? The Hound will be the Priest walking around helping the poor and will have a final battle with The Mountain (all imo of course and with an open mind and heart to hear yours!) THANK YOU WotW! Without you and my fellow fans, people would say “you know nothing, daisy” 🙂
From the synopsis I can’t really tell what Oathbreaker would refer to. So maybe it refers to Bran’s storyline. Could be in a vision in which an oath in the past was broken.
I think it is Jaime and his speach with High Sparrow, where he admits his sins in front of him. It’s a contrast to Briene. Maybe he gets a new sword and names it Oathbreaker ?
Yep. And the Greyjoys will probably close it out.
Hopefully that gift is a sword through his gut! 😀
Am I the only one who’s excited about Varys finding an answer ? Will he find out who the Harpy is, or maybe something about Tyrion if he survives releasing the dragons ?
This is especulation of course, but I´m totally sure that the Harpy is Daario, call it spider-sense hahaha.
“Bran meets the past” in episode 3, Do you think we’ll get ToJ then or something else?
The flashbacks fron Winterfell more likely. ToJ should probably be in the same episode as Jon’s ressurection
Tower of Joy is in Episode 5 or 6, it won’t be sooner. Jack Bender directed it.
I’m sad to say I agree with you … hadn’t thought of that … but it makes sense.
I’m so baffled I can’t even get excited about the next episode yet.
OMG, enough for Dorne, it was ok. The only thing not to be forgiven is that they cut so much from the show and then say it’s only 13 episodes left, well no wonder- Why not to introduce Griff and Aegon and to invite some great actors just to kill them in the next episode ?
Yeah, you probably want some relatively “basic” flashbacks earlier in the season. You really want to build up to that huge one later otherwise the rest will be a bit of an anticlimax.
Tower of Joy is in Episode 5 or 6, it won’t be sooner.Jack Bender directed it.
Hope we don’t have to wait until mid season for Jon.
BloodyAl: This is especulation of course, but I´m totally sure that the Harpy is Daario, call it spider-sense hahaha.
How could he control Meereen then being away with Jorah ? I doubt he uses Whatsapp to instruct them
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. It’s likely another case of “Sam meets an old man” where the writer of the synopsis takes things entirely out of context to throw us off. His gift might not be as pleasant or positive as the wording implies- it could just as easily be some decapitated head of one of his men as it could be something else (ie Lord Celwyn offering his men or something). You really shouldn’t take these synopsese seriously.
And besides, we already know that Smalljon is appearing in the battle and has two episodes this season. It wouldn’t make sense for him to be in episode 3 and then only reappear in 9. My guess is that if Rickon does come in, and I hope he does, it’ll be closer to the end of the season and the big battle. Not ruling out Ramsay getting his hands on him, I just think it’s way too soon.
YES!! It’s time for Euron motherfoockin’ Greyjoy! I’ve been waiting for this since season 4. Brace yourselves, a Storm is coming, the first Storm and the last!!!
“Balon Greyjoy (Patrick Malahide) entertains other proposals.”
Lmao, that’s almost as good as “Sam and Gilly meet an older gentleman” from season 2
What future could Dany be seeing? Hmm… does it have anything to do with the red priestess from the trailer who was talking to Varys & Tyrion?
Jack Bauer 24: Hope we don’t have to wait until mid season for Jon.
I don’t know why everyone wants those two moments to happen at the same time. It would be epic, yes, but both of them imply and/or reveal different things imo.
. Maybe not even then. They’re going to drag this out as long as possible, I’m afraid.
Well the maester that Victorian had before Moqorro arrived in the books was certainly timid … but that’s probably not it … and it would be Yara on the show maybe
Oh no… Ramsay’s line from the second trailer just stood out to me: “Do you like games,
YES!! It’s time for Euron motherfoockin’ Greyjoy! I’ve been waiting for this since season 4.Brace yourselves, a Storm is coming, the first Storm and the last!!!
Episode 3 seems like the right time for Jon. Episode 2 they have to deal with the mutineers and get all the right people in place and there’s too much else to cover to see them going back to it in the same episode. They’re gonna wanna build up the fight and act like there’s a chance Davos loses even though they’ve shown him leading an Army later in the season.
Also, ‘entertains other proposals’ sounds like the most euphemistic way I’ve heard of saying ‘get’s murdered.’ Maybe a little bit happens before that, but it seems like the whole point of waiting so long to start the Greyjoy plot was to not drag it out like the book does.
I’m terrified of Ramsay receiving a gift. That definitely sounds like Rickon and is horrible news for House Stark. Can’t just let them finally have a victory without first suffering even more tragedy, right? Between the Baratheons and Martells already being completely wiped out and the Arryns and Tyrells on the brink of extinction, it seems the best thing about the Lannisters and Starks is there’s a lot of them and they’re really spread out. Bran better learn he can still breed or Benjen is still alive.
Just imagined the final scene in an episode with Daario stripping and taking off the jewels and he appears to be a 1000 years old Harpy. Or an ancient creature with Benjen’s body, Euron’s face and Coldhands’ … hands ?
teunteulai: How could he control Meereen then being away with Jorah ? I doubt he uses Whatsapp to instruct them
Well… he could have given orders before go out, while she is out to find Daenerys the Harpies are trying to destabilize the city until he comes back.
Only the crown can legitimize bastards, unless they’re gonna secede from the 7 kingdoms again.
.Maybe not even then.They’re going to drag this out as long as possible, I’m afraid.
By the end of episode 1, Jon is dead for almost a entire day. I can’t see him staying dead for much longer, especially that Lady Stoneheart was dead for 3 days and came back almost like a zombie. Jon can’t be too different from his original self.
There is nothing in that cast description that says the character is a maester. The name is Bower and he was supposedly filming with the “outlaw band” in the Riverlands, so, nope, we haven’t seen that character yet.
teunteulai: Just imagined the final scene in an episode with Daario stripping and taking off the jewels and he appears to be a 1000 years old Harpy. Or an ancient creature with Benjen’s body, Euron’s face and Coldhands’ … hands ?
Oh god hahaha, seriously that “theory” if we can call it that of Daario being Benjen or Euron is one of the most stupid things i´ve read in my life lol.
I can’t remember, but I feel like episode 6 was the one that signs pointed to as having the ToJ flashback – not that I’d complain about it being earlier! MY BODY IS READY.
Oathbreaker could refer to a few characters, and the titles tend to lend themselves to more than one storyline.
Oh thank goodness for you! I was getting so depressed reading that everyone thought Rickon would be Ramsay’s new toy for destruction. Especially since Art Parkinson has grown into such a handsome, charming young man, and a spirited actor. Saw his performance in “San Andreas” and he was adorable. Was having all sorts of good feelings thinking of his and Sansa’s reunion. Not that he was going to be fodder for that demented ass. Sorry Iwan.
Yes, it’s got to be death. By whose hand, I don’t care. Walda is a Frey. She’s sweet herself, but has that Frey treachery running through her, if she chooses to avail herself of it. Maybe she’ll realize what Ramsay is and do the deed herself.
The difference, though, is that Catelyn’s body was rotting away in water, whereas Jon’s body is being better preserved because he’s in a very cold climate location.
Alex: By the end of episode 1, Jon is dead for almost a entire day. I can’t see him staying dead for much longer, especially that Lady Stoneheart was dead for 3 days and came back almost like a zombie. Jon can’t be too different from his original self.
I dunno. Maybe, if they aren’t doing LSH, D&D incorporate certain aspects of her into Jon? (gulp!)
I think Jon Snow will be resurrected in the same episode as the ToJ scene.
That would have been masterful! A great twist!
Only the crown can legitimize bastards, unless they’re gonna secede from the 7 kingdoms again.
If Starks win the North back and Ramsey dies … yout hink Sansa will bend the knee to Tommen and Cersei????
Sansa will be a queen and a queen can legitemize her bastard brother if she rules the North.
Tell that to Bear Island: “We serve no King but the King in the North, whose name is Stark.”
If somehow Sansa finds herself “Queen in the North” by season’s end I think she could legitimize anybody she liked and the Northern Liege Lords wouldn’t complain too much, in particular if that said person to be legitimized had just distinguished himself in battle…
Oh, sorry. Then this Bolton maester was code-name “Bower”, I guess.
He was mentioned and maybe seen in the background played by an extra, but this is the first time we’re properly introduced to him, isn’t it?
Rickon…….nooooo…..i’m already heart-broken…..i think i’ll skip all the Bolton-parts in nxt few episodes
Even if Jon Stark himself flays Ramsay (not happening) it still won’t do justice now to Ramsay.
The filthy sadistic bastard of a treacherous Stark bannerman got to shamefully strip Lord Eddard Stark’s eldest daughter of her dignity and will now torture his youngest son (not forgetting castrating his ward who he brought up like a son)…after his father had Lord Eddard’s eldest son and heir and wife slaughtered…..
I mean….i think this story’s milking it too far in trying to shock us!!
Take that horrible idea back. Seriously, the voice from the trailer sounds a bit like Ramsay and egh. It wouldn’t be a season without the Starks suffering. Like a lot.
Agreed. I think The Three Eyed Crow will show Bran why Jon is important. Hopefully Jon will be resurrected at the end of EP 2! This waiting is just cruel. LOL
That’s a good point, but seriously, do you guys think they will drag his return this much? I hate when they stall story points. Jon coming back at episode 3 would be the ideal for me, more than enough to build suspense too. if it’s later than that (and I know it’s highly possible) I will be disappointed. Half a season without my favorite character will suck.
Oh, sorry. Then this Bolton maester was code-name “Bower”, I guess
It doesn’t matter how Jon is gonna call himself Snow, Stark, Targaryen, Starkgaryen or Seven Knives in the Belly. What matters will be his actions. He will be far from loved before battle against Ramsay outside of Winterfell but after that people will respect him. When White Walkers will come even more so. He doesn’t need anyone to hand him titles or names. What matter is who he is as a man and not the name. Maybe after all is said and done, then his name will matter but in the war against Boltons or White Walkers not.
It’s Ramsay’s voice, no question. They just cut it with footage of Tyrion to be misleading.
Hoyti Von Totiy: If Starks win the North back and Ramsey dies … yout hink Sansa will bend the knee to Tommen and Cersei????
Why would a queen legitimize her older bastard brother… he would then have rightful claim over her, making him King and demote her back to princess… I don’t think even Jon would want that.
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Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1: The Red Woman
Game of Thrones Season 6 Premiere - The Red Woman - Recap
viki on HBO confirms two more Game of Thrones episode titles, releases descriptions
Xanderen on HBO confirms two more Game of Thrones episode titles, releases descriptions
Shy Lady Dragon on Game of Thrones Season 6 Premiere – The Red Woman – Open Chat
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