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Kit Harington, Gwendoline Christie and more on the set of Game of Thrones season 7!

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Kit Harington, Gwendoline Christie and more on the set of Game of Thrones season 7! | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
, giving us a glimpse of the magic in progress. Kit Harington, Gwendoline Christie, Liam Cunningham, Daniel Portman, and a body double for Sophie Turner are spotted in the pictures showing production underway recently at Banbridge’s Linen Mill Studios.
There was also an unknown young boy filming with them. We don’t know at this time who he is or if he has a named role in season 7.
The actors are likely on break or finished for the day- they look to only be partially in costume. These look like the underclothes of their usual costumes, and you can see Portman’s cooling system.
makes reference to a battle, there is no indication whatsoever that a battle scene was being filmed and it’s possible that they were simply guessing or making an assumption. They also misidentified Portman as Joe Dempsie, so take anything they write with a big grain of salt.
The filming took place at the Banbridge location (easy to spot with the large Riverrun facade still standing, you can see that photo at the source) but filming took place inside, so we don’t know for sure where the scene took place, Westeros-location-wise. Given that we have Sansa, Jon, Littlefinger, Davos, Brienne and Pod, there’s decent odds they’ve created some of Winterfell inside the studios.
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Let the speculation begin! Why would Sophie need a body double?
All actors have stand-ins I think. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
This. They all have stand-ins, for the most part. It’s pretty meaningless to see Sophie’s around.
is that means Brienne and Podd are back to Winterfell ?
I’m very curious about Sophie’s hair tbh. If she didn’t dye her hair already, wig is definitely coming. Waiting for new photos of her.
What if this girl and/or the little boy are the kids from the casting leak we had a few weeks ago?
My in-depth thoughts about this are that Jon looks so hot and I want a scene where he is sleeping and then wakes up lol.
Can someone help me out: Is the Banbridge set located just behind Titanic studios? If so, could it be that the Daily Mail is assuming the cast is filming at Riverrun when they’re actually filming in studio? Or could it be the show has redressed the Riverrun courtyard to stand in for Winterfell’s?
These photos are said to be from shortly after the Emmys, so she’s already been filming.
Thank you for making sense of a pretty confusing article by DM, Sue. It seems Brienne and Pod have made it back to join the KITN at least.
The North remembers!! At first i thought it was rehearsal or something coz Kit is carrying a sheet. But absence of Sophie turner & presence of her double makes me think it might be some kind of action sequence with horse riding involved.
It’s likely that Winterfell has already fallen by the time these scenes take place. So Riverrun becomes the first line of defense against the white walkers.
The Irish throne reported this a while ago. I trino even before de Emmys
@Thrones_Fury we know this.Filming is currently focused in the courtyard area & its outdoors behind the ‘facade’ which hasn’t been used yet.
The big spoiler here is Brienne and Pod back with Sansa! Does this means they don’t encounter the BwB?
It’s possible, no way of confirming though. Which girl are you speaking of , there is only a boy involved here?
That shirt is making me laugh. Is he about to quote Hamlet in it? šŸ˜›
That’s an old tweet. It doesn’t concern this filming which seems to have taken place last week.
So we know Brienne and Pod link up with Team Stark, wherever that ends up eing, geographically. For all we know, there were other major castmembers present that weren’t photographed (since, e.g., we didn’t see Sophie herself),.
I was just wondering if the red haired girl in the photos is another actress and not a body double, as the DM article says. Maybe they’re wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time… Her clothes don’t seem very Sansa-like. I could be wrong of course.
If they go to the Riverlands and miss Bran’s arrival at Winterfell I might die lol
BunBunStark: Can someone help me out: Is the Banbridge set located just behind Titanic studios? If so, could it be that the Daily Mail is assuming the cast is filming at Riverrun when theyā€™re actually filming in studio? Or could it be the show has redressed the Riverrun courtyard to stand in for Winterfellā€™s?
That’s pretty much what the Mail is doing, assuming they’re filming at Riverrun. Lots of people make that mistake. The Riverrun facade is on the Linen Mill property. Those studios are located in Banbridge, not in Belfast, not close to Titanic Studios. They can shoot multiple units within Linen Mill Studios, it’s quite big, and it causes confusion sometimes for us fans when they have two storylines filming there at once in different parts.
They film at Linen Mill regularly. They filmed the Theon-Yara scenes we reported on a while ago there.
I know it’s not, but that boy would be a shoo-in if they ever needed a young Ramsay Snow.
the Wall crushing down at the very end of season 7. I think there will be two Wall scene in season 7. The very first when Bran and Meera goes through and Edd helps them. And the last scene when the Night King and his army arrives, he touches the ground just like he did at the cave and the Wall falls.
Imagine something like Bran meeting Jon just as he is about to go south and Jon says something like ‘We’ll speak when I return’ a la Benjen style. I’ll cry xD
I very much doubt they are filing scenes in the south.I bet it’s just winterfell and the north.The only news here is that we can infer that Brienne and Pod are back in the north.That’s great cause Brienne hates Lf lol.
I find it at least a little bit interesting that we’re seeing Gwendoline Christie and Daniel Portman apparently filming alongside Kit Harington, Liam Cunningham, and Sophie Turner’s stand-in. That would seem to suggest that Brienne and Pod make it back to Winterfell. That’s not much of a surprise – they departed Riverrun in Episode 8 of Season 6, so they could conceivably be back in the North by the first episode of Season 7 if need be.
However, it does seem to lessen the chances that they’ll get caught up in the cluster of characters who are currently traveling in the Riverlands (Sandor and the Brotherhood Without Banners, Melisandre, Arya). Brienne has a history with all of those characters, and could theoretically bounce off any or all of them for an episode or two. Granted, the Hound and the Brotherhood are heading North as well, and we don’t know about Arya. It will be interesting to see if Rory McCann, Paul Kaye, Richard Dormer, and/or Maisie Williams turn up in the orbit of the Northern storyline as well (I’d be surprised if Maisie did – as much as I want to see Arya reunite with her family, she seems to have more story possibilities in the south).
Also, Brienne making it back to the North seems to significantly reduce the chances that she will interact with Jaime again this season, assuming that Jaime will spend most of Season 7 in King’s Landing and on the southern front when Dany invades. Their goodbye in Episode 8 certainly had an air of finality to it – unless Jaime survives Cersei’s inevitable fall, it’s possible that the two of them will never meet again.
I’ll insert the necessary caveats here that they could be filming scenes for two separate locations, we don’t know exactly when in the season these scenes are taking place, and characters can travel as fast as necessary to get where the story needs them to go.
Strangely enough yes.We have seen him naked but there is something about those smallclothes lol.And don’t worry we will have our Jon-Bran reunion.It’s just bound to happen.
I’ll throw my shoe at the TV and defect to Team Faceless Men.
I wonder what Lyanna Mormont and Tormund will be up to lol.
Jon told Bran, back in the day, that when he wakes up from his coma, they will go for a walk beyond the wall… I truly believe this will happen, I just don’t know when.
okay first why sophie not a ginger yet if they are shooting. 2nd why does she need a body double. I fear that she’d die. Sophie’s been hinting that like a lot a lot.
Damn, that blue-haired girl sure has a beautiful face !
Interesting that Kit and Gwen are wearing the same shirt and the rest of the cast is wearing the same color fabric. Is Pod going to be fighting this season? Why would he need a cooling vest? The little boy could be in a Bran flashback. Seeing photos like these is so much fun! Talk amongst ourselves
Ah, so they were filming at Linen Mills studio. Thanks, Sue.
Okay, then these scenes are probably taking place in Winterfell. The most interesting nugget is that Brienne and Pod are back in the WF, and Brienne appears to have finally discarded her Lannister armor. Which is about time – she is Sansa’s sworn sword and she should wear Stark colors now.
is it possible that two different scenes were being filmed, and Bri and Pod were in a separate scene
If the Hound goes north then Arya is going North too. Paraphrasing Brienne: he didn’t want to leave her, she didn’t want to leave him.
Whether he takes her back to her family or goes with her to take down his brother, like he said to her in season 3 or 4, the hound and Arya storyline is with each other.
I see Jon will keep rockin’ his man bun in S7… and I’m OK with it!
Stand ins literally just stand in an actor’s mark while lighting, etc is adjusted. The style of dress is somewhat irrelevant. They may be using a similar color, since GOT is all shot with filters. Mainly stand ins have similar measurements and hair color. Brienne and Jon’s matching undershirts make me wonder if Brienne will be wearing Stark armor instead of the cool armor Jaime gave.
Nuncle Kingsmoot: Brienne and Jonā€™s matching undershirts make me wonder if Brienne will be wearing Stark armor instead of the cool armor Jaime gave.
That’s very interesting!! Would Brienne at some point disclose to the Starks that “Oathkeeper” was made out of “Ice”?
I can think of reasons why Jon and crew may actually travel to Riverrun. The main being that they need to spread awareness of the NK and gain support. They may be calling Jon the KitN but he still feels responsible to do the duties of the LC of the Night’s Watch whether or not he considers himself such. The only duty that’s important now is getting as many fighters as possible.
Is just me or does Sophie’s body double really look like Joffrey?
Good points. but: The freys are wiped out.. so who are they going to? Edmure? hes useless as fuck
something tell me jon will go south…don’t know why…
How often have they filmed Winterfell scenes at Linen?
Daily Mail strikes again with their ignorance and inability to fact check.
The freys are wiped out.. so who are they going to? Edmure? hes useless as fuck
They don’t know Edmure is useless. We also don’t know what kind of fallout occurs with the assassination of Walder and his sons. If Cersei calls all of the Lannister army to King’s Landing with news of Daenerys’ movements the Riverlands could become soft and perhaps retaken by Edmure with help from his Stark kin with a promise to assist them in return. Just a theory šŸ™‚
Jaime seems to be a major wild card in this. Will he stay in King’s Landing until Dany invades, or will he have left on his own before then? Arya too – will she head north or south? It could go either way with them.
the hound and Arya storyline is with each other.
Maybe, maybe not. Arya definitely will cross paths with the Hound, BWB and Melisandre again.
Arya will most likely kill Mel. Crackpot theory: I think Arya may even kill the Hound (accidentally) when he tries to convince her to drop her kill list and go back north with him. She’ll take his face with her to King’s Landing and use it in some way to kill the Mountain. But before she can take care of Cersei, KL burns once again or Dany invades. Cersei flees back to Casterly Rock. Arya meets Dany and company and eventually heads north with them.
I agree that there’s a good chance that Arya and Sandor’s storylines will converge. It wasn’t for nothing that the Faceless Men kept invoking the Hound’s name until Arya was forced to admit that she had taken him off her list. As foreshadowing goes, those references aren’t quite as explicit as Melisandre prophesying that she and Arya will meet again, but it’s close. It would certainly make sense reunite the two traveling companions after they have both openly let go of their hatred – at least for one another.
As for where they might go if and when they reunite … as with Arya, I think I’d prefer to see the Hound go north. The possibility of him reuniting with Sansa and eventually fighting the White Walkers intrigues me more than stirring up the inevitable Cleganebowl hype yet again. But if I had to guess, I think that the southern road is more likely.
A Dornish Tyrell: Thatā€™s very interesting!! Would Brienne at some point disclose to the Starks that ā€œOathkeeperā€ was made out of ā€œIceā€?
Nah, she isn’t giving her engagement sword to anyone. Oathkeeper means a lot more for her and it’s really a sword with a huge lion on it. It will always be hers.
If Kit and Sophie have been filming in Banbridge, does it make it more likely that
the Winterfell godswood scene being filmed in Saintfield since last week will involve Bran (by himself, without the other Starks) ?
What’s a cooling mechanism? Is it that hot in Ireland now?
The Frey’s are not wiped out, Walder Frey had about 40 kids, and that’s not just book canon, we’ve seen them in season 1 & 3
Maggie: Nah, she isnā€™t giving her engagement sword to anyone.
Oathkeeper means a lot more for her and itā€™s really a sword with a huge lion on it. It will always be hers.
I’m not saying she should give it back… but I think it would be nice for the Starks to know that their family’s ancestral sword is somehow still protecting them… šŸ™‚
I think it makes sense for Brienne and Pod to head straight to Winterfell. They went by boat, whereas the BwB and the Hound are in unspecified locations in the Riverlands.
I’m excited to see what Brienne and Jon will be wearing now.
Could this be the 10 year old Northern boy? Wonder who he is..
The presence of that young boy has me intrigued. He’s not dressed like a wildling nor a peasant. He looks like a little lord, so I dug up Sue’s post from June where there was this casting leak:
The first is a 16-year-old Northern girl. Theyā€™re looking for an actress with a northern accent to take part in whatā€™s being called ā€œa high-stakes scene with leading cast members.ā€ Her physical description isnā€™t specified, except for her needing to be white.
The second role is for a 10-year-old Northern boy. He appears to be a part of the same ā€œhigh-stakesā€ scene as the teenage girl.
(Info added 6/18: ) These particular roles will be filming in September and October.
This kid and main cast’s presence seems to fit the bill, no? Could he be the new Lord Umber or Lord Karstark gone to WF to pledge fealty to KitN and House Stark? And is it possible the red-headed girl isn’t Sophie’s stand-in but the girl in the casting leak? The reason I think that is because that dress and the messy hair is not Sansa’s style.
The kid’s outfit is similar to what young Ned and Benjen were wearing in Bran’s vision. Maybe he’s a young Jon…
Damn. It just hit me. It makes complete sense that Jon Snow and team are down south, and by that I mean relative to Winterfell.
You guys must’ve spotted the Lannister lion in Dorne at 1:30 in the Season 7 production teaser. If you look more closely, you’ll see the tail of a Stark direwolf where Riverrun ought to be.. or somewhere close to Riverrun.
what I meant was, theyre nothing without walder. that was the idea of wacking him and his main sons last season
I totally agree, Brienne and Pod were already leaving RR before Arya got to that area and that was nearly at the end of Ep 10. Based on these pictures it looks like they made it to Winterfell (which is super exciting). I’m happy there are two Valeryian swords in the North, I hope Oathkeeper is put to good use against the WW. I don’t think Jaime and Brienne will ever meet again… looking back that last goodbye was a good way to close their story together. Oh well, here’s hoping for another STark reunion! ARya? Bran? I just can’t take any more Starks dying….
Sansa body double could imply either of 2 things…Either some nude scene with her or she’s getting ready for some battle action…Not sure which one I would prefer…Who knows, JonSa might actually be happening this season after they find out that they are only cousins and not bro/sis
Definitely possible. The age of the boy at least fits perfectly. The girl I cannot make out.
If that boy is the next Lord Umber, I wonder what will he be called, Smallerjon Umber?..
Oh, more plot proof from the props painting guy months ago! Teasing. Good try though, but that shot of a map only shows a portion of Dorne and The Stormlands – nowhere near The Riverlands. No tail on the show version of the Stark sigil either šŸ˜‰
Iā€™m not saying she should give it backā€¦ but I think it would be nice for the Starks to know that their familyā€™s ancestral sword is somehow still protecting themā€¦
She definitely won’t give it back and shouldn’t. It’s no longer Ice, even if it was forged from it. What she should do is have the pommel changed. Plenty of people have said this, myself included. I know Jaime is, to some, a changed man (the past 2 seasons would have me disagree) but after everything the Lannisters have put the Stark family through, out of respect I would think Brienne would change it. I hope the powers that be change it this season because that has always bothered me. The “Lannister gold” is one of the reasons Arya ran from her, you would think that it would draw way more attention from Stark loyalists. But I also think it shows, at the heart, where Brienne’s loyalties do lie. She will take a sword for Jaime before any Stark and I think this eats her up inside. I also think Sansa will realize this eventually. It is kind of obvious. The noble wanna-be Knight, isn’t really so noble. Instead, incredibly flawed. Makes it more interesting, even if I am not a big fan.
They are just assuming that’s a Sansa double because she has red hair. I’m skeptical. That is definitely not a Sansa dress. Even if she has to wear a peasant dress she’d spruce it up like she did with the wolf at Castle Black.
Maybe Jon’s eyes turned brown with all of the bullshit he’s been fed during his life. šŸ˜› I didn’t catch the blue eyes part. šŸ™‚
IF that is a Sansa double, it’d pretty much confirm Sophie Turner will be wearing a wig since the body double is red haired. So we can put that nonsense to rest.
Jaime seems to be a major wild card in this. Will he stay in Kingā€™s Landing until Dany invades, or will he have left on his own before then?
The presence of Euron in Cersei storyline could bring in the equation of Jaime finally splitting with Cersei because of “other men”. I assumed the show was going to make their split be the result of Cersei blowing up the Sept and indirectly causing the death of Tommen (which, I feel, is a more profound way to make that split final), but if Cersei ends up marrying Euron and Jaime leaves as a result of that, you’d put him right back to where his book counterpart is. Also, free of Cersei Jaime could only go one of two places (*I assume*): Casterly Rock, or up North to join Brienne.
The presence of that young boy has me intrigued. Heā€™s not dressed like a wildling nor a peasant. He looks like a little lord, so I dug up Sueā€™s post from June where there was this casting leak:
This kid and main castā€™s presence seems to fit the bill, no? Could he be the new Lord Umber or Lord Karstark gone to WF to pledge fealty to KitN and House Stark? And is it possible the red-headed girl isnā€™t Sophieā€™s stand-in but the girl in the casting leak? The reason I think that is because that dress and the messy hair is not Sansaā€™s style.
They are just assuming thatā€™s a Sansa double because she has red hair. Iā€™m skeptical. That is definitely not a Sansa dress. Even if she has to wear a peasant dress sheā€™d spruce it up like she did with the wolf at Castle Black.
I don’t know why there’s an insistance of putting the Northern characters South. Same thing happened last year with people assuming Sansa was going to the Riverlands, or back to the Vale. The Northern characters are staying North. Not a single one of them have any reason to be going south.
Also, the pictures look to me like they’ve all just been woken up in the middle of the night and threw something on. Kind of like when Karstark killed the Lannister boys and they woke up Robb, Catelyn, Talisa, etc. They seem sort of disheveled like that (at least to me). Perhaps a vistor in the night? Bran comes back? Or Arya? I’m just spitballing here.
We don’t know for sure. Could well be that he fled the battle and ran off to Karhold.
Could it be Jon and company head South to recapture Riverrun?
IF that is a Sansa double, itā€™d pretty much confirm Sophie Turner will be wearing a wig since the body double is red haired. So we can put that nonsense to rest.
Why wouldn’t she be wearing a wig? Do people think she was going to be blonde this season?
I would love to see The Hound and Arya fight white walkers together. I’m really looking forward to the time when all the characters in the show realize the WW are coming for them and perhaps they should work together to fight. It’s bound to happen.
I shared something spoilery for once.. that’s a rarity! HAHA
RosanaZugey: Not a single one of them have any reason to be going south.
There’s a very good reason for some(one) to go south. They know they don’t have the manpower to face the NK and nobody is going to do anything with notes from ravens. I do think/hope that the storylines of the north and below the Riverlands stay separate for most of the next season, but there will probably be some kind of an effort to build their defenses.
It is definitely not hot in Ireland right now I can tell you that much! It’s probably worn under the heavy armour he has to wear and that together with being under loads of bright studio lights I’m guessing it gets far too hot without some kind of cooling device!
If the boy in the pic is the same one from the casting call, it means they are filming a high stakes scene. Wonder what could that be. Of course all this is just speculation.
She’s not dressed like a peasant. She’s dressed like the Lady of Winterfell, Catelyn Stark 2.0:
I can’t believe that no one has mentioned how stoked Tormund’s gonna be that Brienne is back. šŸ˜€
No I wouldn’t think so. But you’ve seen the questions about why her hair is still blonde, yes? She’s going to be wearing a wig, and if that wasn’t obvious enough before, it will be now.
No. But he gave the command for the cavalry to charge, and in a behind-the-scenes video he can be seen galloping at the head of said cavalry. I assume he was killed as a result of Ramsay’s arrows and ended up in the wall of bodies.
Also, the pictures look to me like theyā€™ve all just been woken up in the middle of the night and threw something on. Kind of like when Karstark killed the Lannister boys and they woke up Robb, Catelyn, Talisa, etc. They seem sort of disheveled like that (at least to me). Perhaps a vistor in the night? Bran comes back? Or Arya? Iā€™m just spitballing here.
Oooh, I like that speculation. There is a certain pajama-quality to what the Northern gang is wearing. Maybe, like you suggest, it’s one of the missing Stark siblings arriving at WF in the middle of the night or it could be the Northern boy arriving with dire news. It’s anyone’s guess at this point, but it’s fun to speculate.
Man, the wait is too long. Im so intrigued as to what is going to happen.
Since Gwen and Daniel both have cooling units on (you can see his shirt, and her tubing) it seems to me they went into the trailer to do something while not in full costume. Since it’s hot. They are only half-dressed because they aren’t going to wear the armor while they’re eating, in hair and makeup etc.
I suspect she’s still got her fabulous Tarth blue armor and he’ll be in something a little heavier than his squire costume.
Hmm, so Sansa gives up on her mad embroidering skilsl lol? First they had Jon look like Ned 2.0, now if Sansa is going to look even more like Catelyn 2.0, we can look forward to more shipping next season.
I think we have more info this year already than we did for last season.
this is OT: but gonna ask since lots of traffic in here today, has anyway read the “The Name of the Wind Novel by Patrick Rothfuss” ?? if so, is it worth a read?
Clob: Thereā€™s a very good reason for some(one) to go south.They know they donā€™t have the manpower to face the NK and nobody is going to do anything with notes from ravens.I do think/hope that the storylines of the north and below the Riverlands stay separate for most of the next season, but there will probably be some kind of an effort to build their defenses.
Could be. But nobody ‘south’ has the manpower to fight the white walkers either. The largest and healthiest army (the Vale) is already North. The Lannisters have their own impending battle to deal with, and even if they didn’t, I don’t see anyone from up North asking for their help anyways, especially considering their Lady is still wanted by the crown for murder. Edmure doesn’t have an army, they were taken by the Lannisters. And House Tyrell has joined with House Targaryen to attack KL. Those cats aren’t worried about the North.
Plus, winter is here. Travelling is not going to be as easy. So, I’m skeptical that characters are just going to be “in and out” of the North like it was nothing.
I hope you’re wrong. Arya’s story should be in the North with her family and the main story, not in the South with her kidnapper and the subplots. Since she said she was going home last season, Arya should be heading upward once she hopefully picks up Nymeria.
But as for the actress with the strawberry blonde hair, why is it assumed she’s a Sansa stand in? Her hair seems too light and her clothes are too plain. Couldn’t she be a commoner who is having scenes with them as a servant?
Jared, Notice that Isaac isn’t with them either.
The Northern storyline being a version of ‘the Wall falls, we need to abandon Winterfell/the North, escape over the Neck to Riverrun/the Riverlands’ would be pretty interesting, though. A huge massive migration, not just of wildings, but of all Northerners.
Also, book-based predictions are pretty unreliable right now, but doesn’t Dany dream in the books that
Also! I’ve just decided that it would be pretty cool if the resolution to the final battle was repeating the Children’s magic trick,
Oooh, I like that speculation. There is a certain pajama-quality to what the Northern gang is wearing. Maybe, like you suggest, itā€™s one of the missing Stark siblings arriving at WF in the middle of the night or it could be the Northern boy arriving with dire news. Itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess at this point, but itā€™s fun to speculate.
I can see it in my head already. They’re all awakened in the middle of the night because someone yells “rider” or something. They all gather in the Winterfell Hall all tense and such, waiting to see who it is. And then WALA! Bran or Arya. šŸ˜Š
Great thought. Makes me happy. šŸ˜Š Then again, it could also be as people are saying: they’re in-between takes and decided to shed some clothes. *Shrugs* That speculation is way less exciting though. šŸ˜‰
We’ve only seen some of the Vale cavalry in the North. I doubt they would have sent their entire army, including infantry, north to Winterfell.
A few thousand cavalry would have been all that was necessary to sway the battle in the Starks’ favour.
The majority of the Vale’s forces likely remain in the south, especially if Lord Robin is still at the Eyrie. Also, the Lannisters (or more specifically, Cersei) are the biggest obstacle to uniting the entire Seven Kingdoms against the White Walkers.
Anything the North can do to weaken their position would be a smart move long-term. Taking the Riverlands would sandwich the Crown/Lannisters between enemies in the north and the south. Coming to the aid of the Reach and Dorne might also go some way to convincing them to ally with the North against the threat from beyond the Wall.
I’m not sure if this is the route the producers will go, but it does make some sense.
All of that is true at the moment. However, as I wrote earlier, things are bound to change pretty quickly. As I mentioned, I don’t think or want to see them going outside/beyond of The Riverlands looking for assistance as it stands right now. It doesn’t make sense to look for it beyond there. The Lannister army could leave the area for the new Lord of the Crossing to hold if Cersei needs them against the incoming Daenerys. We know that Jon’s only thought is building a defense against the NK. I can’t see him sitting idle with the limited numbers he has. It makes a lot of sense for him to attempt to get all the men he can and The Riverlands is the nearest area.
Weā€™ve only seen some of the Vale cavalry in the North. I doubt they would have sent their entire army, including infantry, north to Winterfell.
A few thousand cavalry would have been all that was necessary to sway the battle in the Starksā€™ favour.
The majority of the Valeā€™s forces likely remain in the south, especially if Lord Robin is still at the Eyrie. Also, the Lannisters (or more specifically, Cersei) are the biggest obstacle to uniting the entire Seven Kingdoms against the White Walkers.
Iā€™m not sure if this is the route the producers will go, but it does make some sense.
I see what you’re saying. I feel like that all might be a little too complicated for what’s left of the story (and would unnecessarily risk the precious few men they have), but its most definitely possible. Your post does remind me though…isn’t Petyr already the Lord Paramount of the Trident/Riverlands? When does that factor into the rest of the story(if it does at all)? With Walder Frey gone, and Edmure/the Tully army under Lannister control, wouldn’t the Riverlands be under Petyr’s command anyways?
Is Kit hiding his right hand? I like his hobbit outfit and game face when exiting trailer.
Btw, good point about there being Vale troops still in the Vale. Of course there’d be Vale troops still there. The Lord of the Vale is still there after all. Didn’t even think about that. Good point.
He was never made Lord Paramount of the Trident, although Tyrion did offer him that title as part of his ruse to discover which of Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle was spying on him for Cersei.
But I imagine Cersei will have stripped him of Harrenhal anyway, let alone any other titles, if she considers he has betrayed her and the Crown.
Walder Frey has a LONG list of heirs beyond Black Walder and Lame Lothar. The Freys are going to still be in control of Riverrun and the Twins unless there’s been another uprising of some sort. The Tully holdouts were defeated at Riverrun, so not sure who else is nearby to usurp the Frey control of the Riverlands. Unless Littlefinger senses opportunity and sics the Knights of the Vale on them.
Not sure what she could do with the face because she is so much smaller than the hound. Not a likely transformation.
Wow Jon has better cloathing while he was cleaning Jeorah Mormonts chamber pot then now when he is a king.
All of that is true at the moment.However, as I wrote earlier, things are bound to change pretty quickly.As I mentioned, I donā€™t think or want to see them going outside/beyond of The Riverlands looking for assistance as it stands right now.It doesnā€™t make sense to look for it beyond there.The Lannister army could leave the area for the new Lord of the Crossing to hold if Cersei needs them against the incoming Daenerys.We know that Jonā€™s only thought is building a defense against the NK.I canā€™t see him sitting idle with the limited numbers he has.It makes a lot of sense for him to attempt to get all the men he can and The Riverlands is the nearest area.
I feel like the show is setting up a dynamic in which all of the relevant players seem to be going North anyways. The Riverlands (in the form of the BwB) are going TO Jon as of right now, which would seem to negate his need to go South to get them. Then again, I think I’m being way to quick to dismiss the Riverlands and its importance. You have a lot of players in the Riverlands right now (Arya, BwB, the Hound, Melisandre (I assume)) and if that area wasn’t important, those characters wouldn’t be there. *Thinks* How plausible is it that all of those character stay in the Riverlands and act as a barrier against the Lannister/Greyjoy forces and the North? If Mel convinces these people that Jon is Azor Ahai, can we assume they’d try to protect him by not allowing these people through the Riverlands to kill him? Or am I just thinking crazy right now?
hes not going to look like that in the show.. this is clearly in between filming
I am not trying to be dark or creepy but remember when Lord Umber said to Karstark about how he liked boys. I hope the boy is an Umber instead of a karstark. I would hate to hear what Karstark may have done when still alive.
Hi Dee – Read Name of the Wind and loved it. My problem was when I got to the second book of the series. It bogged down so much in the middle that I couldn’t finish it. Now I know there are a lot of people that liked the second book but…. I would definitely recommend ‘Name’ but if you want to read the series, I don’t know-
Walder did not give much of a hoot as to what would happen to his family after his death. So, aside from Black Walder and Lame Lothar whom he had singled out as his heirs apparent, he never really distingued any of his incredibly numerous children, both legitimate and illegitimate, who could therefore all have some kind of claim over the House and the region.
The infighting among the… What’s the collective name for a group of Freys ? For wolves, it is a pack; for lions, it is a pride; for Freys, it is what ? A sh*tbag ? Yep, that’s it ! A sh*tbag of Freys ! So the infighting among the sh*itbag of Walder’s descendants could noticeably weaken the family, especially considering how disorganised, idiotic, militarily useless and unruly these people tend to be.
While they are busy kicking one another in the shin to decide who gets what from daddy’s inheritance, it would not be unthinkable for someone else to show up and take the lot.
PS I read the article on the Daily Mail’s site… Whose poor sod’s job is it to come up with those captions to go with the photographs ? They are unfathomably lame. Didn’t expect anything better from the Daily Mail, though.
Catelyn Stark was also dressed like a peasant. That is a FACT.
Oh thank you for responding! I will read NAME for sure… and I guess I can give the second one a shot like you did!
That first link is when Cat was trying to go incognito not something she’d normally wear. The other two are simple but far nicer and of better quality than the dress we see on the “body double.” You’ll note she has the over tunic over her simple dresses (much like Sansa’s grey dress in the first episode is supposed to come with the beautiful over tunic that got ruined while escaping in the snow.)
Sansa is emulating her mom. But, love her or hate her, she’s still Sansa. And Sansa has an aesthetic and eye toward fashion. She still had to embroider the addition of the wolf to her simple dress. Her furs are more elaborate than Cat’s were. (And, as implausible as it is, she did likely make her own fur just as she made Jon’s.)
Ah. I see. And yes, yes. Cersei will have stripped him of his titles anyways. That’s true. I think its going to be interesting to see when Cersei finds out that Daenerys is coming. I would imagine that if she finds out early enough, she probably won’t care about what’s going on in the North, she’ll have bigger fish to fry. Then again……she could have Euron attack Daenerys at sea, and send Jaime (if he’s still around) to attack the North. She’d be crazy enough to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts with limited men.
Pigeon is right! I never thought about Brienne being back in the North means she’ll run into Tormund again! I love it!
True, just crackpot speculation, all in good fun. It’s not going to happen. šŸ™‚
LMAO, he does look like he should be cleaning out the stables instead of ruling the North. But seeing as he too has the cooling tube sticking out of his hobbity blouse, I assume he’s just not wearing the quilted shirt and leather brigandine while they rehearse.
Oh I don’t think he’s going to die, I was just wondering why he was saying that.
She’s extremely honest, so maybe? I wonder if all the ancestral valyrian swords will end back at their houses, or stay with whom they’ve been given. I imagine people grow attached to their weapons.
That boy. Could it be young Littlefinger? (dark hair, blue eyes, that particular way he’s standing that looks both rehearsed and slightly Baelish-like). Doesn’t really make sense though with the other actors present. Probably just a random kid.
Riverrun… Would this possible by Edmure Tully’s son that he has never met?
Not sure what she could do with the face because she is so much smaller than the hound.Not a likely transformation.
Wow, I just had the hilarious image of Mini-Hound running around.
ghost of winterfell, My guess would be : to attract attention. Which makes it unworthy of yours šŸ˜‰
That said, I think we can assume the spin-off is going to be Date of Thrones where we follow this couple around as they go through their courtship.
There was never any mention of Cersei/ Euron marrying, or having any romantic connections for that matter. The report indicated they’d be allies. Then folks here started making wild speculations and twisting the facts.
Cersei’s endgame is more than likely tied with Jaime.
RosanaZugey: The presence ofEuron in Cersei storyline could bring in the equation of Jaime finally splitting with Cersei because of ā€œother menā€. I assumed the show was going to make their split be the result of Cersei blowing up the Sept and indirectly causing the death of Tommen (which, I feel, is a more profound way to make that split final), but if Cersei ends up marrying Euron and Jaime leaves as a result of that, youā€™d put him right back to where his book counterpart is. Also, free of Cersei Jaime could only go one of two places (*I assume*): Casterly Rock, or up North to join Brienne.
It is definitely not hot in Ireland right now I can tell you that much! Itā€™s probably worn under the heavy armour he has to wear and that together with being under loads of bright studio lights Iā€™m guessing it gets far too hot without some kind of cooling device!
Of course, silly me. Studio and lights… Of course. Thanks Daeryssa.
Guys Redbeard the reactor has gone missing – if you live near Banbury in the UK or maybe have seen him, please go to this link and tell the police!
Judging by the tunics, it looks like my Brienne/Jon/Ser Davos threesome fanfic wasn’t fic after all. #SulliedSheets
I also enjoyed the first book, despite some rough patches and the fact that the female characters are kind of weak (in their conceptualization and characterization, not in a literal sense.) But yeah, worth the read. The second book was okay.
Guys Redbeard the reactor has gone missing ā€“ if you live near Banbury in the UK or maybe have seen him, please go to this link and tell the police!ļ»æ
I just finished American Gods and thought it was awesome.
There was never any mention of Cersei/ Euron marrying,or having any romantic connections for that matter. The report indicated theyā€™d be allies. Then folks here started making wild speculations and twisting the facts.
Cerseiā€™s endgame is more than likely tied with Jaime.
Yara and Theon asked Dany their independence to join her. Euron doesn’t want just a place, he wants to be King of Westeros and Cersei is desperate. She has no gold, or power…why would Euron else join her? I don’t know what Jaime will do..but if they have him accept Cersei after burning people alive or order rapes and tortures it will be like ignoring his number one trauma. Aerys Targaryen.
Jaime also said that he knows and admires (on the show) that Cersei will do anything for her children…but he now will see that Cersei did everything for herself causing the death of their son. She didn’t even had a proper “funeral” for him.
It’s too much. I know people want Jaime to be ok with her and die with Cersei because they have place only for one Lannister-Tyrion(who wish he is Targaryen) in the story but they have to ignore everything on his character to make him stay with her.
Don’t know why… watch this
The link in the description is the same to mine but for some reason mine is broken.
For what’s it’s worth I don’t think he is hiding it on purpose. Looks to me like the sleeves are just too long. Look at his left hand, the sleeve is half way down it and isn’t pulled completely straight, so there’s some material still bunched up.
Oh the off season, we’re reduced to analysing sleeve lengths. Makes a change from his hair I guess, Hairwatch16 seems to have moved to Sophie šŸ™‚
As a brown-eyed person, your comment made me LOL.
I often say, “I’m so full of $%it my eyes are brown!” šŸ˜‰
I have no idea if the ‘body double’ is Sansa but the dress is quiet simple. I have read somewhere, but for the life of me can’t remember where, that the women’s dresses this season will be quiet elaborate. Cersei and Dany but also Sansa will be having really nice dresses.
On another note, it would be awesome to see both Brienne and Pod in Stark armour.
They also misidentified Portman as Joe Dempsie, so take anything they write with a big grain of salt.
True. But, to be fair, that’s the easiest mistake to make among the cast members.
DonĀ“t you just love when everybody is just discussing everything happily and properly and not antagonizing each other? šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚
I literally saw the article when they had just posted it, by chance, and they had said that girl with the red hair was sophie turner. it was like that for like a good hour. they suck! HAHA
My prediction is that Jamie will try to chock Cersey in Ep1, but the Mountain will protect her, and Jamie will be put into a cell where he will have a perfect chance to learn about his sister even more. Of cause, he will be free again by the end of the season and finish his job. I have a feeling that Arya may play a part in that (she knows some of the secret passages etc.)
I haven’t really read the wild speculation around here. I read the article but never came back to read the comments, so I’m not sure what others are saying on the matter. I’m just going by where I perceived the direction of the story to be going. Euron wanted to marry Daenerys so he could be King of Westeros. As soon as he finds out that ship has sailed (literally), it would seem logical that he would become King by marrying the current Queen. I’m going to go ahead and assume that if he’s going to attack Daenerys, its either to protect his current status as King, or because he was promised that title (by Cersei) if he got rid of that ‘problem’ for her. I don’t think he’d be risking his life/ships/men for nothing.
Couple things. To me, the outfits they’re wearing in the photos seem like they were getting fitted for costumes, and these were patterns with basic stitching on them & will probably be finalized after the fittings. They didn’t look like finished outfits to me.I could be wrong, of course.
Jaime has the remnants of the Martel army too doesn’t he? Or will Olenna lay claim to them? Maybe she already has sent word to them.
Interesting. Maybe Jaime will take the Lannister army and go back to Riverrun to secure it once he finds out Walder Frey is dead. At the same time, if Arya arrives at Winterfell, with the news that the Freys are dead, and Edmure has been restored, Jon may go back to Riverrun with Sansa to talk Edmure into alliance.
This could set up a clash between Jaime & Jon. Maybe Brienne can convince Jaime to fight with them to kill White Walkers, but if he feels Cersei is under threat from Dany, he will go back to King’s Landing to fight for her. They will probably die together. I think Dany & Yara will take care of Euron. I don’t see him getting near Cersei.
Bran is going to go to Castle Black and Edd will send word he has him. I can see a very tearful reunion. I think by the end of Season 7 if not sooner, all the Starks will be reunited. I wonder if Jon will ever see Uncle Benjen again. Benjen could tell Jon a lot about the White walkers.
As everyone is eagerly waiting for a stark reunion, for me the reunion i am totally.dying to see is Pod’s and tyrion!!! My two top best characters.
Isn’t he just closing the trailer door behind him…? That’s what it looks like to me.
Calling it now: The magic that revived Jon links him to the others somehow and he’s going to start turning into a White Walker slowly the way Jorah will turn into a Stone Man. He’s hiding blue makeup.
I am also obsessed by the map from In Production teaser, but it’s not the Stark Direwolf on the far left in the Stormlands. It’s something else. I wonder could it be the Tarly Archer? Unfortunately, it’s very hard to say.
The boy could be anyone- but maybe it’s a flashback with Gendry? Most likely not, considering the costume, it’s just nice to have pics to throw random theories at. šŸ˜€
What if the boy is young Benjen Stark? The casting for a young northern boy and a young norther girl fit with the casting for Lyanna and Benjen? Just a thought if we are going to see any flashbacks at Harrenhal then it would fit to have a young Benjen.
Titanic Studios is in Belfast. Banbridge is a town half an hour away
If they were doing Harrenhal, they would use the adult Lyanna they already cast.
Jon was revived by Mel’s fire god, not the WW. We’ve seen him eat and drink like any normal person. He’s not in the same situation as Benjen.
It scares me greatly that Brienne has a tube sticking out of her shirt- aren’t tubes used for fake blood to be pumped out? I remember Richard Madden (Robb Stark) talking about the tubing up his shirt…..
Pleeeease tell me it means something else. I’m not ready to lose Brienne!?!?!?
It seems Gwen and Daniel Portman are both wearing cooling shirts/units that keep them cool under their armor. So, in these photos, they are only wearing their underclothes.
It could be a blood squirter, but there’s no blood or tears on the undershirt she’s wearing and she looks pretty damn happy. So I doubt she’s filming a death scene. At least not her own.
I also suspect the Sansa stand-in is only wearing her underdress and will have a heavier, more ornate coat on top.
Kit’s definitely hiding his right hand. You can’t even see it in the first pic and the other pic it’s behind him.
Kitā€™s definitely hiding his right hand. You canā€™t even see it in the first pic and the other pic itā€™s behind him.
Had his hand on the door handle closing it in the one behind his back. It’s just a sleeve that’s too long. Why would he be hiding his hand when he doesn’t even know his picture is being taken?
Kit looks like he’d rather be shopping for scented candles with his girlfriend.
Looks like Sansa will be very busy next season sewing undergarments for the Stark crew.
Poor Kit…he looks as tormented in real life as his character Jon Snow šŸ™
Not necessarily. The Tourney is supposed to be about 18-24 months before the events of the Tower of Joy. Since the show has made Littlefinger present for this event and by his own words he “was a boy” I do think it entirely possible the 16 year old girl and 10 year old boy casting calls are for Lyanna and Littlefinger at this event. The ages do fit. Especially since they’ve slightly upped Lyanna’s age, her age at the time of this event (in the show) would be about 16-17.
Wouldn’t they just use the same boy that played Benjen last season? The outfit is the same as young Ned & Benjen were wearing when sparring so it being a boy in/from Winterfell fits. I was already reminded that Jon’s eyes aren’t blue for it to be a vision of his youth. I’d think they could have an informative scene of that… as Jon sulks in the corner…
You can see on Kit’s left hip that he too has those wires. And there appear to be a couple sticking out from under Liam’s tunic as well.
As HotPinkLipstick says, they seem to be wearing the same sort of cooling shirt that Daniel Portman is wearing, which (thank you google) pumps cold liquid around the wires in the shirt to keep the wearer cool.
So, either they’re working on a very hot and uncomfortable set or perhaps it’s intended to make them feel a chill, as if they’re actually stood in a wintery Winterfell.
Alternatively, they could be to do with sound or safety.
But since they all appear to be wearing them I don’t think you have to worry about it being to do with blood or deaths.
Thank you. I realize the timing is off (not that I can follow the timeline of this show half the time anyway) but I was wondering if I was the only one who saw that he was a dead ringer for a young Iwan Rheon.
I’m as up for a Clamorous Concussion Causing Cleganebowl as the next assassin, but I just don’t see Arya caring one wit about Jaime, excepting maybe for wanting to slit his throat while literally wearing Cersei’s face.
But your idea would open the door for Cleganbowl, so ļ¼¼ļ¼ˆļ¼¾ā–½ļ¼¾ļ¼‰ļ¼ Let’s do it!
The Twins would be a line of defense before Riverrun.
Allison: Thank you. I realize the timing is off(not that I can follow the timeline of this show half the time anyway) but I was wondering if I was the only one who saw that he was a dead ringer for a young Iwan Rheon.
Jack Bauer 24: Maybe weā€™re getting Ramsay flashbacks?
Ramsay and the whole Bolton crew seem pretty done for, I believe; Robb’s (and Jon’s) early years may be more interesting to Bran… If those are visions, of course. The young boy could just as well be a new character.
I think he pictures seem to suggest that at some point in the season Brienne and Pod rejoin Jon, Sansa, LF and Davos.
Some actors have said in the past that scenes are not filmed in order so it coud very well be that if they meet again, they do so in episode 5 or 6, giving Brienne and Pod chance to have an encounter with the BwB and maybe Arya? and/or Melisandre? I don’t know if this ever happens, but as someone suggested, it would be great to have, since Brienne almost killed the Hound, has news about Arya’s family (including great uncle Black Fish) and knows that Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead. A gathering of all these people around a camp fire during the night would be really fun.
Did Jamie told her about this? Or was it known by everybody? I don’t remember…
The dress that the red haired girl is wearing looks A LOT like Catelyn’s. Perhaps the boy is a young LF or Edmure for a flashback to Brandon v LF?
I didn’t say it… but I thought about it… šŸ™‚
Yes, Jaime told her about it. Which made the scene where she tried to give it back especially ridiculous, since that sword does not belong to the Lannisters, it is the rightful property of House Stark. It makes complete sense for Brienne to be using it, as she’s Sansa’s sworn woman and it’s not like Sansa herself can make any use of it (and Jon already has a Valyrian steel sword), but she sure as hell has no business giving it away.
What’s the most interesting part of this leak is why they are dressed as peasants. Snow is KOTN, Sansa always dresses up, even Davos looks dressed worse than usual.
Could they be on a mission? Infiltrate or spy on somebody without being recognised? Are they going to be concerned about the war for kings landing and scope out dany’ army? Sansa can’t be recognised as Tyrion will spot her from a mile away if not dressed as a peasant.
You can see on Kitā€™s left hip that he too has those wires. And there appear to be a couple sticking out from under Liamā€™s tunic as well.
So, either theyā€™re working on a very hot and uncomfortable set or perhaps itā€™s intended to make them feel a chill, as if theyā€™re actually stood in a wintery Winterfell.
But since they all appear to be wearing them I donā€™t think you have to worry about it being to do with blood or deaths.
I had to chuckle seeing ‘Pod’ fitted with a cooling vest! No wonder the budget spent on GOT is astronomical! Those are the sort of things NASA supplies to its astronauts šŸ˜‰
I would hope it was for keeping the actors cool when wearing heavy suits of armour and working under studio lights and not to make them feel cold. The last thing HBO need are their cast suffering from hypothermia šŸ˜€
Wow… what did they fed the kid????? If he was born 7 to 9 months after the Red Wedding, Edmure’s son could not be older than 2 years old.
Unless Bran is having a vision of the future. I mean, the kid is bit younger than Gilly’s son, isn’t he? And we all know how fast baby Sam grew…
I would love to see them do something like that. I would love to see these characters doing some action scenes together. The Northern story sounds kind of boring this year from what they have said. The big conflict is Jon and Sansa? I had enough of that already.
Then, could the kid and the girl be young LF and young Catelyn?? (I don’t remember if she was at Harrenhall, can anyone confirm?), but it would match the red-headed girl?
Just out of curiously I found this web page. Its the same type as Portman is wearing. At $169 guess is not so expensive –
The question now is where does one ‘shove’ the pump circulating the ice water… All witty answers gratefully received šŸ˜€
Why are people thinking flashbacks? Isaac is nowhere to be seen, but the northern crew is. It’s more likely that the boy shares a scene with Jon and co. . He would be some northern lord is my guess.
I think they’re all only half-dressed because it’s early morning at Winterfell. An alarm has been raised, perhaps because someone or something (Bran? Arya? A flying dragon? the BWB? an approaching army?) has been spotted by the lookouts.
About the Freys, by killing Walder and his two right-hand men, who are also probably his heirs apparent, Arya has set up an inter-family war among the Freys that will have them killing off each other. I hope Nymeria and her wolf-pack get to help. If she had also released Edmure, he’d owe Tully support to the Starks.
And finally, it’s always possible that the the boy or the 16-YO girl mentioned above is Arya in disguise. Since last year Maisie has hinted that Arya will be in more scenes than the audience realises thanks to her extra faces.
Not necessarily. The Tourney is supposed to be about 18-24 months before the events of the Tower of Joy. Since the show has made Littlefinger present for this event and by his own words he ā€œwas a boyā€ I do think it entirely possible the 16 year old girl and 10 year old boy casting calls are for Lyanna and Littlefinger at this event. The ages do fit. Especially since theyā€™ve slightly upped Lyannaā€™s age, her age at the time of this event (in the show) would be about 16-17.
18-24 months is nowhere near the kind of age gap that would warrant recasting.
Particularly since were they to do those flashbacks, the reason would be to fill in the Rhaegar/Lyanna romance, and that would absolutely be something the show, based on past practices, would prefer using an adult actress for even when there’s no sex or nudity involved.
Why are people thinking flashbacks? Isaac is nowhere to be seen, but the northern crew is. Itā€™s more likely that the boy shares a scene with Jon and co. . He would be some northern lord is my guess.
I’m all for speculating but some folks’ ideas are a little out there. Yes, the boy looks like Ramsay but what purpose would a Ramsay flashback serve? Yes, the age difference between the red-headed girl and the young boy could work if they were playing a young Catelyn and young Petyr but, again, what would be the point of a flashback involving those two? We’ve already been told the history between Petyr/Cat/Brandon, why waste precious minutes rehashing that story?
The casting leak called for a 10 year-old boy (check), to play a Northerner (check; the clothing), to film in September and October (check), with leading cast members (check). Chances are the boy in the photo is part of the Northern storyline and is filming scenes with the Northern cast. While there’s no way to be 100% certain, I say this scenario is more likely than overstuffing the show with needless flashbacks.
Yeah, and while it would be nice to see a Harrenhal flashback, we already know the entire story. Showing the events now would not really add anything new. If they are going to do a Rhaegar flashback, I would much rather it be from a time after the elopement/ kidnapping of Lyanna, to show us why they did what they did, why did they remain hidden while a war raged around them and whether Rhaegar’s actions were motivated by his belief in prophecy.
More likely this was Sophie’s stand in, which is standard for any production to have one for the lead actors to be on set while its being lit and blocked. You really don’t want your talent being drained doing something that long and tedious. Occasionally, the stand in will even do offscreen stuff. I think Emilia’s old body double kinda became briefly internet famous for that a couple of years ago.
I think the Red hair girl could be the younger Catelyn Tully, the boy might be young Petyr Baelish
Let me excplain how I see all that Cersey’s demise. Arya comes to KL to assassinate Cersey (the Hound may be accompaning her too), but Cersey is not easy to access: the Mountain is by her side day and night and taking him out is complicated even for someone with FM skills. Arya will have to do something to distract him or make Cersey to send him somewhere where an immediat threat occurs. So, wrecking havoc in the Black Cells looks like a good idea: I bet they will be stuck with prisoners ready to kill Cersey with bare hands and releasing them would be a nice parallel to the Sept explosion. So, I imagine Arya and the Hound sneaking into the Red Keep through the secret passage she discovered in S1, taking off the guards, opening the cells, and accidently finding Jamie among other prisoners. And then they all go for Cersey (and set the Red Keep on fire in the process).
It’s just a fan fiction, of cause, but IMO something of that sort is totally possible taking into account that D&D were setting some kind of a public revolt in KL since S2.
But they had 4 main cast members in the same scene (presumably). Kit, Liam, Gven, and Daniel were “waisting their talent” and Sophie was chilling out? I don’t know anything about filming but it looks weird.
But they had 4 main cast members in the same scene (presumably). Kit, Liam, Gven, and Daniel were ā€œwaisting their talentā€ and Sophie was chilling out? I donā€™t know anything about filming but it looks weird.
Probably because Sansa does not have any dialogue in the scene. Remember the scene last season where Tormund and Jon convince the Wildlings to join them against the Boltons? Sansa was standing there behind Jon, but she had no dialogue. Could be something similar and hence they use a stand in for rehearsals until filming the actual scene. Maybe Sophie is filming another scene at the same time.
Inga, There will be battles with the Lannister armies involved, and we need to see a familiar face in command on the Lannister side. That will be most likely Jaime’s (and Bronn’s) role this season.
I can’t wait for the actual shooting in Spain to start.
This guy, Devin Oliver, says ‘may or may not make an appearance in Game of Thrones’
Woulb be cool actually, he looks the part, already has platinum blonde hair so no ugly wig necessary and is a singer.
I think he’s just joking because he has that bow.
Unless he’s just joking about some got-inspired music video.
I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.. the cast members are clearly coming out of hair and makeup, so they would only be wearing the undergarments… as it’d be highly uncomfortable sitting for god knows how long in overcoats, tunics, suits of armour. Next comes wardrobe to fit them into their costumes, and a final touch up by hair/makeup on set.
No jousting at harrenhal, no Jon/ Sansa ship, no flashbacks with LF, no unnanounced riders at WF in the dead of night (these rumours become “fact” in no time), just the cast about to shoot a scene (probably an internal WF scene).
If I am right and Jamie indeed gets locked, the command of the Lannister army will be entrusted to Bronn (there was a bit of foreshadowing in Ep7 S6). Moreover, there was a kind of foreshadowing that Bronn can attack/take Eyrie in S1. So, it makes sense to assume that Bronn will sell his sword to Cersey and she sends him to take Eyrie which is vulnerable with all the best knights and commanders away in the North. Bronn might even volunteer for the job: in S1 he said he needed like a doesen of men to “impregnate the bitch” meening Eyrie. So, he may take it or kidnap Robin and the result will be the same: Jon will be forced to march south to rescue those who rescued him.
Maybe, the scene the photos come from has to do something with this scenario? Maybe, the boy and the girl bring the message and ask for help and Jon and Davos have to decide, whether they are going to help the Vale. That would be a high stake scene indeed.
Everything is possible, but there was that casting call for a 10 year old boy and a 16 year old girl and they were supposed to act in the same scene. And we see a boy in costume and we see a girl in costume and everything fits. So, why should we stick to the version of Sansa’s double? Because of the hair? But there has been a lot of gingers on the show already and more can come.
I don’t like a lot of the ideas you put here. I think they are… weak, simply speaking.
First, Bronn is not a character that can carry a storyline. He’s supporting – a foil for Jaime to get his quips off of. On his own, he’s a nice clown, but ultimately irrelevant.
And similarly, nobody cares about the Vale right now, because the only character there is Robin, who is just… he isn’t even supporting. He’s a recurring guest character, maybe.
There is a clear direction that the show delineated at the end of Season 6. A clear conflict. Cersei vs. Olenna/Ellaria/Varys (also Dany, Euron, …). That’s where the plot will go. That’s where the battles will be. Not in the Vale which nobody cares about. And to have this conflict, you have to have people and faces on both sides you care about. So, on the Lannister side, that’s Jaime.
I mean – there will be a lot of movement in the season. A lot of action. A lot of chickens coming home to roost. And to spend a part of the season on Bronn taking the Eyrie, where we could spend the same time on the Lannister armies under Jaime fighting the Tyrell ones under Olenna and Randyll near Highgarden or Casterly Rock? That would be weird, and boring. There have to be stakes in wars and battles. (Not to mention, what’s better: revisiting the Eyrie, or using this last chance to show us a part of Westeros we haven’t seen before?)
If the Night King can raise and control the actions of the dead and Jon was raised from the dead…will the NK be able to control Jon Snow.
Nope, the Night’s King can control the actions of the people HE (or his kind?) raises from the dead. Jon was resurrected by Rahloo apparently. The NK wouldn’t be able to control Jon or Beric.
Of course, this hasn’t actually been put to question so far in either books or show, but I am pretty certain he won’t have any control over the people resurrected by an opposing force .
In the in production teaser (about one minute in) there were a bunch of shields and spears shown. Among the shields there was a Baratheon and a Whent one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they show the tourney and maybe some other scene with Rhaegar and Lyanna.
No, because Jon’s resurrection had nothing to do with the Night’s King.
You answered your own question the Night King can control the people he raises and he didn’t raise Jon.He is not a wight he should have died beyond the wall to be a wight.He is fully human.We have seen him eat and drink and everything.
Yeah, considering he is being pretty open about this, I would say he’s just joking.
Have to say though, dude would make a perfect Rhaegar.
Hmm I had not noticed that, I still don’t see the value of showing an event in which we already know the story. Maybe they will use Harrenhal as introduction to Rhaegar? Idk. I am much more interested in what happened after the elopement/ abduction.
The casting leak called for a 10 year-old boy (check), to play a Northerner (check; the clothing), to film in September and October (check), with leading cast members (check). Chances are the boy in the photo is part of the Northern storyline and is filming scenes with the Northern cast. While thereā€™s no way to be 100% certain, I say this scenario is more likely than overstuffing the show with needless flashbacks.
Agree – Jon is now King in the North, and it is not implausible that not all of the Northern lords were present at the KiTN scene in 610; perhaps this boy is the son of one of those who did not turn up/a newly made lord following his father’s death in Ramsay’s army? Jon spoke in 605 of “two dozen more” houses in the North – the only ones mentioned in 610 besides the allies we already knew of were Glover, Manderly and Cerwyn.
That said, the costumes they are wearing could indicate that the boy is a messenger, bringing news from a castle from another part of the North, who wakes up the occupants of Winterfell in the middle of the night? In any case, I doubt he is related to flashbacks; the Winterfell flashbacks from season six were there to relay the story of Hodor’s origins and to introduce us to Lyanna, setting up the reveal that she is Jon’s mother in 610. If there are flashbacks relating to the Starks in season seven, I would guess that they are more likely to relate to either Rhaegar and Lyanna’s first meeting/disappearance or a scene confirming whether or not they were married. We have no real need for any other Stark flashbacks – unless it is to Brandon the Builder and the construction of the Wall.
As for Brienne and Podrick’s presence – we know that Sandor and the BwB were in the Riverlands in 608 (but not where) and that Arya was at the Twins in 610 – we do not know how far north Brienne and Pod reached prior to Arya’s arrival at the Twins; they could have been close to or past the Neck at that time. While I do think that there will be meet-ups in the Riverlands in the early part of season seven – we have Brienne and Pod; Arya; Sandor and the Brotherhood all in the Riverlands at the end of season six and Melisandre heading south. It is unlikely, though I admit not impossible, that they will all miss each other – but that does not mean that they will all meet up. Perhaps Brienne and Pod will escape notice of the other travelers (after all, unlike the others they began their journey by sea rather than by road) and the remaining characters will cross paths . A Brienne-Sandor reunion would be as interesting at Winterfell as it would in the Riverlands.
I do agree that there have to be stakes in wars and battles and any situations thet occur in the show, but stakes may be different, right? GoT is known for putting its charracters into contraversial situations and making them to face complicated moral dilemas, right? So, think of it once again. Jon is concentrated on the Wall, but any threat to Sweetrobin (annoying as he is) would create a major moral dillema: should he stay at his post and leave the boy who sent his troops to help him to Cersey’s tortures or should he march to his aid?
BTW, it looks like Dany will be facing the similar dillema involving the Sand Snakes. If Euron captures one or all of them (and it looks like he will), what should she do: abandon them for the sake of the battleplan or abandon the battleplan for the sake of her allies.
And in both cases these would be the allies neither Jon, nor Dany knows in person and the viewers don’t care about. So, it woudn’t be even heart vs brain – it would be moral duty vs common sense in the purest way. And IMO it would be very much in line with the overall concept of GoT.
And in regard of screentime, I don’t think the setup would be time consuming. They can do it with 2 or 3 scenes like in S2, when Theon took over Winterfell. A bit more fighting probably, but nothing major. And if Dorne is done in the first half of the season, and Eyrie in the second, it will be a good balance.
And last but not the least regarding Bronn. I do agree than so far he has worked only as a plot device/comic relief, but you should take into account that GoT gives charracter development to secondary and tertiary characters too. Take Mel or Hodor – they were totally static for all these years, and then their stories bursted into major dramas. So, something similar may happen to Bronn, as well: he is a sellsword but deep inside he wants to be a knight; so far he served the people he liked; he may sell his sword to Cersey in the beginning, but eventually he would be conflicted more and more untill it ends with “f*** the queen” mirroring the Hound’s story.
So, a lot of these plots have a good dramatic potential, whereas Dany vs Cersey or Jon vs WW – not so much. Of cause, there will be battles etc. but they will serve character development, and you don’t do character development in 3 or 4 battles. You either have one big battle as a climatic victory, or two battles, the first of which is lost (or visa versa, if the story has to have a tragic ending, but that won’t be the case).
It would be a good introduction. Casual fans are probably still confused about the whole Rhaegar/Lyanna relationship and the show need to build it up. If they were actually in love we’d need some scenes to show it and we’d also need to see the reasons for the kidnapping (showing vs. telling).
I have been thinking about this lately, and wondering, Bran has visions and flashbacks that are important to saving the world (fighting and defeating the whitewalkers). His vision about Jon (TOJ), and any more to come, will be interesting to see because I mean, if Jon wasn’t the key to defeating the WW, then bran would not be having visions about him. I cant wait for bran to put two and two together that Jon is the key to defeating the WW.
It would have been nice for bran to see that Jon was murdered and rezed in one of his vision sequences.
ā€¢ The Hound was brought back to kill the Mountain – he is the only one who can;
ā€¢ I believe Arya and Gendry will meet again and she will head to Winterfell with him;
ā€¢ Brienne and Pod will go to Winterfell and then leave for the Riverlands with Davos and Jon, Winterfell will remain in Sansa’s hands temporarily
ā€¢ Bran will reach Winterfell as well but not before the Wall comes tumbling down
ā€¢ Lena Headey is still fighting custody battles for her son and she won’t be filming anytime soon which means we won’t see much of her this next month.
ā€¢ The Greyjoys will take back the Iron Islands after Dany wins the war and settles (probably) at Dragonstone.
ā€¢ I really hope and really don’t think she’ll take Kings Landing or the Throne this season. We need to see more of Cersei as Queen and Dany needs to learn the ropes of Westeros under Tyrion and Varys’ guidance.
ā€¢ As for Melisandre and the other Red Priestess from the South, I see them meeting somehow now that Jon banished Melisandre south. The Lord Of Light is the most vague part of the story at this point, at least in my eyes. The priestesses and the Brotherhood Without Banners will play a huge part in the long night war.
Gwendoline said in an interview at the Emmys that this season “the fans will get what they’ve always wanted” and we all know Gwen can’t keep a secret so save her life which means one of three things:
ā€¢ either a Stark children reunion which is most likely to happen – probability of 99%
ā€¢ Dany takes KL and the Throne and Cersei dies which to me is close to 0% for me because Lena is signed for season 8 as well and she’s the single most important villain after the Night King.
So if I’m to bet on sth for season 7, the Wall is for sure coming down and all of the Stark children will meet again.
I’ve seen this map mentioned here before. Is it in the 18 hours at Paint Hall video (which I haven’t watched yet) or is there another one? Any idea at what point it appears, time-wise? šŸ™‚
Based on the fact that they don’t necessarily film scenes in the order they appear on the show, we could see Brienne and Pod meet up with BWOB, and then they head North. Let the speculation begin! It’s going to be a long, long, winter.
Alba Stark: Agree ā€“ Jon is now King in the North, and it is not implausible that not all of the Northern lords were present at the KiTN scene in 610; perhaps this boy is the son of one of those who did not turn up/a newly made lord following his fatherā€™s death in Ramsayā€™s army
My favourite option is somewhere along those lines as well : as King, Jon will have to decide what to do with the heirs and lieges of the Houses who backed Ramsay.
We know Jon needs practice as a ruler and this would be a tremendous opportunity for him to navigate those murky waters for the first time, with conflicting opinions and “lobbying” efforts all around him : – the Northern lords would, I believe, support harsh punishment and / or destitution for those Houses (many to overcompensate for their own lack of involvement on the Battle of the Bastards, maybe ?);
– Davos, ever the pragmatist, might focus on the practical implications;
– Sansa, having first-hand experience of the treatment reserved for traitors’ relatives, could be reluctant to see children pay the price for their fathers’ choices;
– Tormund would be… Too busy pursuing Brienne to care ? ^^
Alba Stark: I would guess that they are more likely to relate to either Rhaegar and Lyannaā€™s first meeting/disappearance or a scene confirming whether or not they were married.
While I agree wholeheartedly that casual viewers may need a reminded about who Rhaegar was. After all, the last references to him were in season 5, I believe : Barristan Selmy’s “rose-tinted glasses” description of the musical prince and Littlefinger’s reminiscence of the Harrenhal tourney.
However, would it really matter whether he and Lyanna married or not ? Rhaegar already had a wife (Ellaria) anyway and Westeros is not big on bigamy. “Two’s company, three’s a crowd” was the one concession the Targaryens had to make to join and gain the support of the Faith of the Seven. So even if Rhaegar and Lyanna had celebrated their union with something resembling a wedding, from a purely “legal’ perspective it would be null and void, wouldn’t it ? Jon still wouldn’t be legitimate.
I believe what Bran (and the viewers ^^) needs more than anything is to find out that Jon is the “Song of Ice and Fire” and what said song is supposed to be able to accomplish. So he should get confirmation Rhaegar (Fire) is Lyanna’s (Ice) “baby daddy” (Bran probably suspects but irrefutable proof is always nice) and some kind of info on what role the (dare I say “chosen” ?) one born of these two elements is intended to play in the Battle for the Dawn.
I don’t see how Brienne would know that Ice was melted down to create other swords. I don’t remember Jaime telling her that Oathkeeper was made from part of the Stark sword Ice. If I’m wrong, please someone correct me, but I don’t see her knowing, let alone saying anything. Again, correct me if I’m wrong.
Besides that, there minght be something we don’t know yet about that tournament and R+L affair. You know, seeing something once is better than hearing about it a dozen of times and the devil is in the details.
ACME: My favourite option is somewhere along those lines as well : as King, Jon will have to decide what to do with the heirs and lieges of the Houses who backed Ramsay.
We know Jon needs practice as a ruler and this would be a tremendous opportunity for him to navigate those murky waters for the first time, with conflicting opinions and ā€œlobbyingā€ efforts all around him :
ā€“ the Northern lords would, I believe, support harsh punishment and / or destitution for those Houses (many to overcompensate for their own lack of involvement on the Battle of the Bastards, maybe ?);
ā€“ Davos, ever the pragmatist, might focus on the practical implications;
ā€“ Sansa, having first-hand experience of the treatment reserved for traitorsā€™ relatives, could be reluctant to see children pay the price for their fathersā€™ choices;
ā€“ Tormund would beā€¦ Too busy pursuing Brienne to care ? ^^
While I agree wholeheartedly that casual viewers may need a reminded about who Rhaegar was. After all, the last references to him were in season 5, I believe : Barristan Selmyā€™s ā€œrose-tinted glassesā€ description of the musical prince and Littlefingerā€™s reminiscence of the Harrenhal tourney.
However, would it really matter whether he and Lyanna married or not ? Rhaegar already had a wife (Ellaria) anyway and Westeros is not big on bigamy. ā€œTwoā€™s company, threeā€™s a crowdā€ was the one concession the Targaryens had to make to join and gain the support of the Faith of the Seven. So even if Rhaegar and Lyanna had celebrated their union with something resembling a wedding, from a purely ā€œlegalā€™ perspective it would be null and void, wouldnā€™t it ? Jon still wouldnā€™t be legitimate.
I believe what Bran (and the viewers ^^) needs more than anything is to find out that Jon is the ā€œSong of Ice and Fireā€ and what said song is supposed to be able to accomplish.
So he should get confirmation Rhaegar (Fire) is Lyannaā€™s (Ice) ā€œbaby daddyā€ (Bran probably suspects but irrefutable proof is always nice) and some kind of info on what role the (dare I say ā€œchosenā€ ?) one born of these two elements is intended to play in the Battle for the Dawn.
I wonder if Jon would take hostages/wards? We saw in season one that Theon was at Winterfell as a result of his father’s failed rebellion – might Jon see this as a way forward that is both humane and in keeping with Northern tradition? It is, at least, an option already established in canon.
The casual audience may need a bit of a refresher on Rhaegar – perhaps someone on Team Dany suggesting that an alliance with the new King in the North might be a bit awkward for the Dornish element of their current alliance given that, according to Oberyn in 401, Rhaegar left Elia for another woman (Lyanna)?
I personally don’t think it matters whether Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, but some sort of ceremony could be used as an indicator that she went willingly without actually showing her escape. And Lyanna worshiped the Old Gods. IF, and it is a big if, she and Rhaegar ever had some sort of ceremony, I would place it at a weirwood tree rather than in a sept. This sort of scene would not, for me, be about establishing Jon’s legitimacy, but establishing that Lyanna was not kidnapped – she went with Rhaegar willingly.
But yes, we do need Bran to realize that he saw these visions of Jon’s origins for a reason; the Three-Eyed Raven was not simply showing him some family history for fun. Even the first vision at Winterfell in 602 was designed to reveal to Bran that Hodor had not always been Hodor – something that became important to Bran in his escape. And, of course, we don’t know anything about the visions Bran saw between his arrival in the cave in 410 and the next time we saw him in 602; Meera’s exchange with Leaf in 602 implied that these visions were a regular occurrence. Perhaps there was information that Bran was given in them that will enable him to tie things together?
thing might come out through Sam’s investigations at the Citadel? Bran isn’t fully in control of his abilities as yet, and Sam could give us some early hints of what is meant to happen.
He actually did. Back in S4, when he gave Brienne the sword, he told her where it came from… So yeah, she knows.
Inga, I think you and I simply may have different ideas about what constitutes good, worthwhile and entertaining stories. I don’t care about Bronn – he’s a one-note character to me. In particular, if I had to pick one character I would want to undergo a dissolution from Cersei this season, I would pick Jaime, not him. What you are proposing essentially boils down to fridging Jaime in what’s potentially his most important season, in favour of Bronn. That’s really incomprehensible to me.
And also, I think that you are somewhat misled as to actually how much time there is in a single season in a single plot.
Let’s assume that things will go this season in the South broadly the way I think they will. That is, most of the season is spent fighting small battles in Dorne/the Reach/the Narrow Sea, with a climactic battle and Cersei and Jaime killing each other in E6, and Dany and Tyrion entering King’s Landing in E7 serving as a coda to the season.
If things happen broadly this way, you already have 2/7 episodes in the plot taken. E1 is the setup – Cersei learning about the Southern rebellion, conferring with Jaime, sending him out to command the armies sort of thing. So that’s 3/7 taken already. Nearly half! This leaves just 4 episodes for the actual skirmishes. Of these, an episode goes to Jaime going to Casterly Rock to gather the Lannister army; another to a minor battle, Jaime killing a Sand Snake to avenge Myrcella while Bronn meets Tyene again kind of thing; another to Jaime learning that Tyrion is coming with Daenerys and a much larger army, and digesting the implications of this. You leave one episode without his appearance, sprinkle some fluff about – and you’re done.
You shouldn’t think in terms of the absolute time the show has in the season. You should think in terms of episodes.
I mean, maybe you know this. But one thing I’ve learnt throughout the years I spent in this fandom is that people, especially people who started in it by reading the books, just load and load and load things into plots, without consideration that in, let’s say, 7 episodes, you just have – what? 15 scenes in which a character appears? And much of it is fluff and setup.
If I understand correctly you ask about the map presumably depicting Dany’s naval battle scheme? It was in the teaser called Season 7: In-Production tease released some two months ago (you can find it on Youtube). The map appears at 1.30 and there are several badges with Lannister sigils and ships placed on it. The teaser is staged so, that at first it looks like some worker is just painting the badges and the map is here just to protect the table, but in reality no-one would use such a map as a table cover. I do recommend to check it – and the shot where they show painting eyestones too: eyestones are also placed on the map, but in this case I couldn’t identify the exact location.
He’s probably messing around, which is a pity as he pretty much looks almost exactly like how I pictured Rhaegar to look.
First post, long time book reader and show fan.
Do we know that’s a cooling device for sure? Looks more like a line to pump fake blood. And why do all the characters in peasant garb have the same wires?? Davos, Briene, and Podrick?? Looks like they are being marched off to a mass beheading???
Elizabeth: I donā€™t see how Brienne would know that Ice was melted down to create other swords.I donā€™t remember Jaime telling her that Oathkeeper was made from part of the Stark sword Ice.If Iā€™m wrong, please someone correct me, but I donā€™t see her knowing, let alone saying anything.Again, correct me if Iā€™m wrong.
As already mentioned , she knows, maybe a bit of lines from season 4 will help: Jamie to Brienne- You will be protecting Ned Stark’s daughter(s) with Ned Stark’s sword spoken to her in the LC of the KG room with a suit of armor for her also.
Alba Stark: I wonder if Jon would take hostages/wards?We saw in season one that Theon was at Winterfell as a result of his fatherā€™s failed rebellion ā€“ might Jon see this as a way forward that is both humane and in keeping with Northern tradition?It is, at least, an option already established in canon.
That is a definite possibility if the children’s fathers are still alive, as the hostage system is meant to operate as a sword of Damocles, keeping past and potential rebels docile.
Now, would it be a good idea for Jon to adopt this policy ? My take is : hell to the no ! ^^ As you rightly pointed out, Theon lived under that rule; an experience that proved to be disastrous. And how could it not be ?
For all of Theon’s failings and character flaws, the situation he was in was both unfathomably cruel and psychologically unsustainable : no matter how much he and the Starks played happy family and meant it, it could never hide the fact that ultimately, had Baelon rebelled again, Ned would have been obligated to behead the Greyjoy heir ! Theon knew that one false move from his birth father would result in his “adoptive” father or brother instantly turning into his executioner.
That policy is so inherently vicious it was no surprise Theon got so messed up by it he “easily” betrayed the Starks. Anyone would have their brains fried by such a dissonant and unfair system.
Hopefully, Jon will consider this option and dismiss it for the sadistic and counterproductive piece of garbage it is…
This sort of scene would not, for me, be about establishing Jonā€™s legitimacy, but establishing that Lyanna was not kidnapped ā€“ she went with Rhaegar willingly.
Anything that would spare Jon the unnecessarily cruel suffering of believing he is the product of rape is fine by me. The poor man really does not need that type of misery for the truth (as we can piece it together as of now) will be tough enough to digest : – Ned, his hero, was not his real father and lied to him his entire life,
– one of his grandfathers killed the other one by burning him alive in front of his eldest son,
– his real father publicly humiliated his wife and abandoned her and their children to the mercy of a paranoid crazy person with a history of violence and cruelty towards women,
– Rhaegar did not intervene when his child-to-be’s maternal grandfather and uncle were getting imprisoned and murdered by Aerys,
– Lyanna could not find the time, energy or will to write a note to inform her family of her decision to run away so they would not worry…
That is more than enough for one person to cope with.
thing might come out through Samā€™s investigations at the Citadel?Bran isnā€™t fully in control of his abilities as yet, and Sam could give us some early hints of what is meant to happen
That is a definite maybe. While the maesters generally appear scientifically-minded enough not to be that keen on prophecies and legends, who knows what they have in their backpocket ?
That isn’t what blood pumps look like. That’s definitely a cooling vest.
And like we said in the post, those are the underclothes that go under their costume overcoats and armors. Those are not peasant clothes. They most likely are on break between filming scenes.
We don’t have different ideas about what constitutes a good story: we have different visions of the story itself. You have a vision of several small battles culminating with the big one and ending up with Dany in KL. You may be right: it’s possible. But there is another possibility too: ep 1-3 set up for the big battle, ep 4 – Dany loses, ep 5-6 – she is trying to work out a new plan, ep 7 – victory (or set up for the victory which will be in S8). Similar for Jon: ep 1-3 set up for his alliance with Dany (including the reveal of his true identity), ep 4 – all the hopes go crashing down, ep 5-6 – chaos in which Littlefinger thrives, ep 7 – some victory, but the Wall goes down. And regarding Jamie I just don’t see Cersei entrusting him her army after the look he gave to her in Winds of Winter. And she was fully aware of that look, and she turned away. Something big has to happen next episode, I just feel it.
Littlefinger and his army pose a threat to Jon, and to the Lannisters. The “alliance” between LF & the Knights of the Vale, and Jon and the North, is very uneasy to say the least. Jon is in Littlefinger’s debt, and that’s not a good place to be. If Jon were to go South for any reason, would that leave Winterfell vulnerable to LF’s army? Especially if Jon leaves Sansa there?
One possible scenario: I can see Jaime taking the Lannister forces to go to the Riverlands to deal with the aftermath from Walder Frey & sons’ assassinations. Littlefinger will want control in the Riverlands. He go there to meet Jaime in battle, or maybe LF is already in the Riverlands and Jaime has to go there to fight him. By now Cersei would know LF betrayed them and would send Jaime.
I think as far as Arya goes, Brienne and Pod have maybe a day’s head start on Arya, traveling by boat. It’s possible Arya will meet up with them and get back to Winterfell, with The Hound, & BWB arriving sometime later. I think Beric’s destination was The Wall, but it’s most likely they will stop at Winterfell. Jon will also be preoccupied with preparing the families of the North and the Night’s Watch for the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead.
I still believe Dany and Yara will fight Euron and win, with Theon being a casualty.
She will then proceed towards King’s Landing. For me the dilemma is on the timing and how Jaime deals with two problems: subduing the Riverlands & dealing with Littlefinger which Cersei would probably want to do especially since LF betrayed them; and second, dealing with the approach of Dany and her allies, Tyrion, Olenna, and Ellaryia, who murdered his daughter.
Iā€™ve seen this map mentioned here before. Is it in the 18 hours at Paint Hall video (which I havenā€™t watched yet) or is there another one? Any idea at what point it appears, time-wise?
It’s this one: It shows a very quick flash of a map at 1:30 where a props guy is painting movable wooden pieces on top of it. Even though the video was done a couple months before filming some are trying to deduce plot points from it.
A Dornish Tyrell: I believe what Bran (and the viewers ^^) needs more than anything is to find
And I asked to be corrected and humbly accept. I kept straining my brain and couldn’t remember that happening. Now, will it happen? In that case, maybe? Though honestly I can’t see the point…lol. Consider me happily corrected!
Crap, timed out for edit. I see Inga did reply but there’s the link anyway.
I personally don’t think we can read too much into it. I do think the map and pogs will be used in a scene or two but also think the pogs were probably just placed on there randomly for the video.
I just have one question… has there ever been an explanation given as to WHY there are only going to be SEVEN episodes the next two seasons? I mean, we’ve had ten all along. What’s the big deal with suddenly deciding, yup, we’re cutting the order down now. What gives?
David and Dan have suggested that they only consider that they have 13 or so hours of story left to tell.
And the limitations of production have also been mentioned, with the increasingly complex scale and time-consuming material, such as battle scenes and CGI material, making producing 10 episodes too much to handle.
Those are a couple of the explanations offered up so far. There are probably more reasons on top of those.
They probably weren’t placed randomly, but deliberately placed in order to encourage the sort of speculation over their placement that we’ve seen in this discussion.
They might reveal something, or they might not.
But we have absolutely no way of knowing, so I agree with you that it’s not worth reading too much into where they’re placed.
I just have one questionā€¦ has there ever been an explanation given as to WHY there are only going to be SEVEN episodes the next two seasons? I mean, weā€™ve had ten all along. Whatā€™s the big deal with suddenly deciding, yup, weā€™re cutting the order down now. What gives?
As it stands right now there are 13 episodes left (7 & 6). If you Google ’13 hours of game of thrones remaining’ there are a lot of articles. Basically D&D from the beginning thought they could adapt ASoIaF in 70-75 hours. When they finished season 6 they got to the point where they believe they have about 13 hours left without purposely stretching and dragging it out.
Seven episodes is not confirmed for Season 8 yet. There are fewer storylines now and they are starting to all converge, so that’s probably why.
You are in phenomenal denial. We may be wrong with our interpretations, but stating that there were no clues in that teaser is ridiculous.
ACME: I believe what Bran (and the viewers ^^) needs more than anything is to find out that Jon is the ā€œSong of Ice and Fireā€ and what said song is supposed to be able to accomplish.
I’ve never looked at it as it’s all about Jon as you’re suggesting. That would leave out any major importance of anyone else. I’ve always believed that “A Song of Ice and Fire” is a metaphor or fancy title for “The Story of Jon and Daenerys.” For me the show is making it more and more obvious than even the books so far that those two ARE the headlining story. How those two elements combine is yet to be seen but I can’t believe anything other than those two being Ice and Fire.
I think Jon absolutely could take hostages, if only for the duration of the war against the White Walkers.
loyalty of as many Houses and as many fighting men as possible.
Long-term they could think up a more appropriate way to secure the Umbers’ and the Karstarks’ loyalty to House Stark.
But in the short-term they will need to secure their loyalty and their men and taking hostages is a good way to do that.
He could perhaps even promise that they would be returned home once the war is over and their Houses have proven their loyalty on the battlefield.
Once the White Walkers invade the Seven Kingdoms and everybody’s very existence is under threat, the question of loyalty will pretty much disappear until after the war anyway.
But Jon can’t afford to drag out the issue until they’re already under attack. He has to be ruthless.
OK. Sorry for being too offensive. Maybe it’s indeed not worth to read too much into that teaser, but on the other hand it’s something to speculate about for those who love to. And I won’t minde, if my predictions are proved to be wrong when the season airs. Almost every time I tried to imagine some fan fiction, D&D gave me an even better story. So, I have faith in them.
Clob, Cool, thanks. Got to dash off now but I’ll have a look later. I’ve got photoshop, perhaps we could make the map resemble the scene of fellow Watchersā€™ choosing (plant a Millenium Falcon in there, that sort of thing). There’s a looooooooong time to go before S7 so we’ve got to entertain ourselves until then šŸ˜€
Besides, Jon has already done this in the books, taken 100 wildling boys as hostages to ensure good behavior of the elders. I would like to see show Jon faced with a similar situation, where he has to make some tough decisions as a ruler.
I am all for Jon showing determination and decisiveness in this regard. But I have to admit I do not think taking hostages is the way to go, not even on a pragmatic standpoint
If the whole point is to ensure the immediate loyalty of formerly rebelious Northern Houses, then it would probably be more sound for him to go all out : send the traitors to the Wall as punishment, have them take the black so they will serve on the frontline when the Battle comes and leave their heirs in charge of whatever is left of their Houses, under the close supervision of trusted allies.
I believe it would work just as well if not better than taking hostages : it would add troops to the immediate response team (Night’s Watch), have a much less ambiguous longterm effect on the children (if there is a longterm ^^) and bridge gaps between formerly treasonous Houses and loyal Houses thereby reuniting and reconciling the North with itself. Furthermore, it would prevent Winterfell from turning into an orphanage/daycare centre for traitors’ kids. šŸ˜‰
I agree with you on the broader point : ruthlessness should be used if and when absolutely necessary and Jon, as King, will have to come to terms with it. However, in this instance, there is another, more advantageous, solution.
Oh, I do not think it is all about Jon. The “Song of Ice and Fire” has many incarnations throughout the series : be it the frozen Others and the fire-breathing dragons, the north and the south, Westeros and Essos, weirwood trees with their snowy white bark and red leaves and sap could themselves be representations of the duality… It is also symbolic, like in the Robert Frost poem George RR Martin was inspired by. Ice and fire can take many forms ^^
I am not in any way trying to dismiss Daenerys or her importance : she has been an essential protagonist since the very first book and her Targaryen identity, as well as her control over the last three dragons, make her the ultimate representative of the sizzling side of the equation.
However, were Jon to simply represent Ice to her Fire, the Yin to her Yang, then there would have been no point in making him half-Targaryen. His Stark identity, deep attachment to the North, early encounters with the Others and bastard surname would have been more than enough for him to check all the boxes on the Ice list of requirements. His Targaryen heritage does not compound this; if anything, it blurs it.
In my humble opinion, the only purpose his true, dual lineage serves, narratively speaking, is to make him, on his own, one of the incarnations of the Song. While Daenerys is 100% fire and therefore has to be paired with another, much colder element of the tale to form the symbiotic yet paradoxical title; Jon, just by virtue of his parentage, is already on both sides of the equation, all by himself.
It does not make Daenerys less important or Jon “better”, no matter what that may mean. This is just a case in which the often manifest parallelism between them does not work for they occupy quite different positions.
GrailKing has already mentioned it, but maybe this clip helps you remember. šŸ™‚
And don’t fret about making mistakes… I’ve been wrong more often than not… But I keep on paddling. šŸ˜‰
It’s a flashback scene with a young Catlyn and young Peter Baelish
Also, in light of Walder Frey being served his last meal. Isn’t Edmure a prisoner of the Freys at the Twin’s? If that’s the case, the Arya may have rescued him with the Mrs and Jr. If they made it back to Winterfell, with the help of the BWB. Then we will see the North and Eryie march on Riverrun.
But I think the producers will go down the hostage route, with Jon probably managing to assure them that it’s for their own good / for the good of the North with the threat of the White Walkers on the horizon.
I don’t know who there is left within their Houses to send to the Wall as punishment for opposing the Starks that would have the necessary impact to demand a renewed oath of loyalty.
Assuming that these children are their Houses’ heirs, then the punishment should have some specific impact or threat toward them and the succession/control of their Houses in order for it to work as a guarantee of their loyalty. Offering an avenue for redemption would also act as an incentive.
Also, I remember back in Season 6 Sansa said that the Umbers “can hang” for giving Rickon to the Boltons. I wouldn’t be surprised if she played the bad cop, wishing to see the Umbers in particular harshly punished, while Jon offers the hostage scenario as a compromise.
Of course, there’s no reason why they couldn’t send a few people to the Wall as well.
This guy, Devin Oliver, says ā€˜may or may not make an appearance in Game of Thronesā€™
The “young lord” from the casting calls who was supposed to film during the week of September 20th was speculated by some to be Rhaegar. This guy’s instagram post about having a role in GoT was 5 days ago matching that time frame so who knows.
Yes he did… the same moment he gave her the sword. šŸ™‚
A Dornish Tyrell, Hey ! Don’t you dare sell yourself short ! We are all mostly wrong šŸ˜‰
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned how few direct “traitors” are still around…
From what I gather and remember, the Bolton side was made up of three Houses : Bolton, Karstark and Umber.
The Umbers Sansa wanted to see hanged for delivering Rickon to Ramsay were “beheaded” by Tormund who took out Smalljon, the culprit of the treason.
The Karstarks are a big question mark for Harald, Rickard’s youngest and last surviving son, seems to have gone AWOL after his stint as cavalry leader. Did he run back to his home when he saw the Battle take a turn in the Starks’ favour ? Karhold is pretty far away from Winterfell but I guess it is technically feasible. Was he captured ? Possibly.
So if we are dealing with traitors’ children, they are either Smalljon’s orphans or Harald’s kids.
If they are Umbers, there is no need to take them hostage for they have no older male relative left to intimidate into submission (Smalljon only had sisters). Could anyone advocate for Smalljon’s children to be executed as payback for Rickon’s death, thereby rendering House Umber extinct ? I suppose… But wow, that would be harsh.
If they are Karstarks, then we have ourselves a dilemma ! ^^
Should Jon behead Harald, like Robb did the previous Lord of Karhold ? From a military perspective, it is a justifiable decision and Stark men are army men. Furthermore, considering the whole “history repeating itself” theme, it is a distinct possibility. In which case we have to remember how disastrous this decision turned out to be for the Young Wolf.
Should Jon send him and his closest men, whoever they may be, to the Wall, like Catelyn and Talisa had advised Robb to do with Rickard (“dĆ©jĆ  vu” all over again), and let his heirs rule over Karhold, under very close supervision ?
Should he take Harald’s heirs hostage in order to keep him in check ?
I find option number 2 to be the most sensible. Strategically, it adds a few men to the Night’s Watch (to replace, ironically, the dead mutineers); politically, it shows both toughness and moderation; ethically, it avoids punishing children for their father’s crimes.
I have to confess, I would really like to see the characters debate that matter. It would provide interesting insight into their respective mindsets and, as a general point, it would highlight the constant struggle rulers have to face.
That’s exactly what I believe .. their stories have been so beautifully interwoven since the very beginning .. both outcasts, both lost their lover, both strong and brave, both experienced rebirth in some form or another, both great leaders, both compassionate and kind, they are similar in sooo many ways it’s getting ridiculous, especially in the TV series. GRRM said in an interview that the Ice is represented by the White Walkers and the Fire by Daenerys’ dragons but I’ve always felt this unbreakable bond between Jon and Daenerys since the very first episode and the beauty of the story is that this connection is so vivid and strong even if they were on opposite ends of the world.
It could very much be the case… but at least if/when you are wrong, you are very eloquenlty so. In my case, I’m just bluntly wrong. šŸ˜›
I’m wondering if our 16 year old girl is Alys Karstark and the 10 year old boy an Umber heir. Marry Alys to a wildling, that would ensure the Karstark’s are allies and take on the Umber heir as his hostage/ward/squire.
I don’t think Harald Karstark is still alive. I think they didn’t show his death on screen because of filming complications, but they can simply mention that his corpse was found when they sorted out those body piles and be done with that. I don’t think he had a son: it was implied that he was homosexual. So D&D can have the Karstarks extinct. Regarding the Umbers, it was mentioned that Greatjon Umber had daughters, but I assume they are alredy married women: when Mellisa Tary talked of them, it sounded like she met them a long time ago.
On the other hand D&D can adust the issue of the heirs and heiresses as they like. They may bring in grandchildren or cousins or whatever. I just hope that the role of Alys Karstark in terms of marrying a wildling will be given to lady Brienne of Tarth with will also establish some alliance with the South/Stormlands.
Jon is not “ice” and fire. He’s Stark and fire. The reason for his parentage is to unite the North to the rest of Westeros and potentially sit the throne, with or without Dany due to his royal blood. Jon is not half-Other and the Starks have no control or power over the Others the way Targaryens have over dragons.
They’ve done major recasting before. WE’ve had two Daario’s
Also, Brienne making it back to the North seems to significantly reduce the chances that she will interact with Jaime again this season, assuming that Jaime will spend most of Season 7 in Kingā€™s Landing and on the southern front when Dany invades. Their goodbye in Episode 8 certainly had an air of finality to it ā€“
I watched that episode recently and was struck by that air of finality, that you mention. With how Brienne waved back, and the mistiness of the river, I got the feeling that those two characters wouldn’t see each other again, although the audience might see them again. In retrospect, it’s like the Bran and Rickon/Osha goodbye in the tower as they set off for the Last Hearth.
He’s a musician who says he is in season 7 of GoT and he does look a lot like Rhaegar…..
Seems like a joke about the photo he’s posting- he’s holding a bow and arrow, and it’s an image from a photoshoot or music video he did.
I don’t think we’re going to agree on this one. šŸ™‚
Personally, I just don’t see how sending people to the Wall is going to guarantee these Houses’ loyalty.
Plus, having to be constantly watching over the Umbers and the Karstarks is not what Jon needs right now. He needs as much guarantee of their loyalty as possible, which I think he could achieve by taking the rightful heirs as hostages and leaving one of their relatives (mother, perhaps?) as steward until they are returned.
Or, vice versa, they could leave the young heirs in power and take their relatives as hostages.
As Inga says, the producers can adapt the line of succession and recognised members of these Houses pretty much at will, so could easily create circumstances where the hostage scenario works.
It might not be the best solution long-term but to secure the immediate loyalty of these Houses I think it’s the most practical course of action, and probably the one the producers would go with.
And it need only be temporary until the war is over and they can go about exerting their control in a different manner.
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