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Hetalia Question

Hetalia Fans Attack!!

Anyone here know the user BatCountry? Well he's a big Hetalia hater, and rants about it any chance he can. He even insulted it's fans and makes Anti art. We need your help getting him to stop. Help out by reporting and commenting on his wall. Asta La Pasta~

Please don't ATTACK per se...just use...gentle persuading. Be nuetral! Think; Switzerland~ *shot* But seriously, flames is NOT the answer to this...little...issue thing...
trainofdoom82 posted over a year ago
I agree.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Slap him in le vital regions and murder him senselessly and without any regret whatsoever O_o
maioctagonapus posted over a year ago
 pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

Vocaloidcode01 said:
... Somebody get me my faucet pipe...
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posted over a year ago 
Would Germany's stick work?
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
and Hungary's frying pan, Austria's piano, my machette, America's Chainsaw
Russia77 posted over a year ago
and Britain's scones. They kill everyone if you even touch them Xd
Russia77 posted over a year ago
vampiressJazz said:
Oh him he's a massive troll who only cares about himself and his stupid lesbian porn...I am glad some one has made this post I was going to do somthing like this a while ago but wasn't sure if I should.anyways I have reported him numerous times so if everyone reports him maybe he will get kicked off fanpop was a nice place without him.
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posted over a year ago 
*starts playing This is War* Charge!!!!
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
One thing that gets me also is that he says it's racist(he's more considering his rant on subs if you've seen) now Hetalia is a satire, the whole purpose of satire is to make fun of human foolishness to address serious issues, heaps of shows do it (he obviously failed English which is really ironic considering how much he loves it......)
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
More then hetalia(no offense to anyone who likes them a lot .....)
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
NyoHetaliaCreed said:
I have to agree with you. He really shouldn't be joining a club just to bash and rant about it at every chance he gets because he hates it. I personally hate Happy Tree Friends and Twilight, but do I join the clubs and bash and rant about them because I hate them? No. Because I've got better things to do than bash and rant on a club about something I hate.

But I disagree about flaming him about it on his wall. Because that will make us Hetalia fans look like immature fangirls and fanboys (if you've been a part of or still part of the Sonic the Hedgehog club you'll understand what kind of fangirly/fanboyish immaturity I'm talking about). And there's nothing worse than having your behaviour be the reason someone thinks negatively about your fellow fans and the franchise/series as a whole. I don't want to be seen as a yaoi-obsessed fangirl who can't take history seriously at all anymore because someone else decided to make themselves appear as that just because someone doesn't like what they like.

I understand that BatCountry shouldn't be hating on a club because he doesn't like it, because I'm sure he has better things to do than bash Hetalia. But I don't think flaming him about it isn't going to make him change his mind about Hetalia. As a fact I think flaming him will make him think we've just proven him correct that the Hetalia fanbase does consist of idiotic fangirls.

Haters Gonna Hate.
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posted over a year ago 
Bananaaddict posted over a year ago
Agreed, just posting arguements on his wall won't get us anywere. It's better to ignore the troll than fight with him.
darkmintoutau posted over a year ago
Yeah.. and i think that is why i unsubscribed to the anime spot.
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
You win all the internetz for this!
ChocoLuvr101 posted over a year ago
Bananaaddict said:
Sorry, I already decided I won't.

I don't like him at all, and his lack of ability to tolerate the Hetalia fandom on the Random and Anime spots really bothers me, but if all the Hetalia fans "come together" and report him, it's kind of like stooping to his childish level, imo.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I guess you're right.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Well, first of all, I don't like arguements in general, or choosing sides in them. If I do pick sides, it's only when it's clear in my mind that one side is right and the other is wrong. I honestly don't want to be associated with either side of this arguement. Second of all, like I already said, it's near pointless.
Bananaaddict posted over a year ago
By the way, I'm starting to think this conversation may turn into a full-fledged arguement soon, so you can talk to yourself here all you like, but I'm no longer commenting on this answer.
Bananaaddict posted over a year ago
trainofdoom82 said:

He PISSES ME OFF GREATLY, but I agree with Bananna.

He's like the Hidden of Hetalia T_______T

Meh, let him hate. He's missing out on all the Hetalia goodness. -3-
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posted over a year ago 
I know, he is the Hidden of Hetalia. He's ticking me off to the highest level. >_<
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Commented on his profile with nuetrality =w=. Switzerland would be proud of me.
trainofdoom82 posted over a year ago
Warning, he won't do a truce. My friend made one with him a few days ago, and as you can see he broke it pretty fast.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
That's eh sorta immature, dontcha think?

...But hey, he can't be that much of a hater since he technically has a Hetalia icon harharh- /shot

Yeah, he annoys me with all his anti-Hetalianess, but seriously, I think he's going to extremes just to piss us off. Attacking him will just look stupid.
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posted over a year ago 
It's not just Hetalia, a few days ago I saw him say Yaoi fans were retards. The three things I've seen him go off about are Hetalia, Subbed Animes, and Yaoi.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
^Seriously? Oh WOW.... I love all three, Hetalia, subbed animes, and yaoi. But I'm not still not necessarily gonna ATTACK him, per se. He seems to just be trolling.
someone_save_me posted over a year ago
I've called him out for that, but he says he's not a troll. Says if he was a troll he wouldn't spell right. *facepalm*
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
He's pretty racist about subs too, way more racist then he claims Hetalia is
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
blazeandarose said:
What a moron. -3-
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posted over a year ago 
SheWolf11 said:
Agreed with what vampiress said
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you ^^ if no one stood up for them self in life all the criminals bad people in the world would get away with everything
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
^ You sorta looked like Light there. XD
xAyumuEndless posted over a year ago
I hope that. XD or else i end up being
xAyumuEndless posted over a year ago
Moonlight_Kitty said:
I can understand -sort of- batcountry's feelings. I don't like yaoi... sorry I just don't like it...


I don't rant about it at every opportunity. If I made a question I would ask that people not post it.
But I don't degrade it to others, especially if it is on someone elses post, I simply deal with it and ignore it.

So, I'm not going to 'attack', or post, or anything. I'm going to ignore batcountry, just as I would any other thing that I dislike.

But if he ever over-steps his 'boundaries' and goes over-the-top with his ranting....... heaven help him. XP
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I can understand -sort of- batcountry's feelings. I don't like yaoi... sorry I just don't like it...


I don't rant about it at every opportunity. If I made a question I would ask that people not post it.
But I don't degrade it to others, especially if it is on someone elses post, I simply deal with it and ignore it.

So, I'm not going to 'attack', or post, or anything. I'm going to ignore batcountry, just as I would any other thing that I dislike.

But if he ever over-steps his 'boundaries' and goes over-the-top with his ranting....... heaven help him. XP
posted over a year ago 
BTW, I mean no offense to the yaoi fans.
Moonlight_Kitty posted over a year ago
Hetalia isn't yaoi. People just like shipping the characters.
Vocaloidcode01 posted over a year ago
vocalooidcode01- I know it isn't, I was just using it as a refrence. sorry if I confused you.
Moonlight_Kitty posted over a year ago
SymmaGirl2 said:
Done, done and done. LIKE A BOSS. Bl
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posted over a year ago 
Like Envy. B|
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Da. Bl
SymmaGirl2 posted over a year ago
AlalinaBond said:
Haters are always going to hate. There will be trolls like that in every fandom so I'll just back out on this one.
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posted over a year ago 
To true.
Moonlight_Kitty posted over a year ago
xAyumuEndless said:
I don't really know what to do in this kind of situation.

I guess he becomes a bother if he overdo his hate for Hetalia, anime and etc, but i don't really know if argue with him really is the answer. If he only he keep his hands away from the Hetalia spot and Anime spot i won't do anything against him, just ignore him.

I guess he just want war with over 12 000 fans if he continues like that..

So, i won't right now do anything against him, just watch how he progess..and what he want.
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posted over a year ago 
You could just act silently like i am doing(i haven't talked to him directly) i am plotting what i could do(well somewhat XD) What is says about 'annoying' but what i don't like is that he puts people down because of it, he's like a big school bullie(he's probably a pedo who has failed at being a pedo because everyone hates him XD)
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Russia77 posted over a year ago
englishteacups said:
There are a number of people that actually like to annoy and bash just for the heck of it. Honestly, I don't see what they gain from all the hate but this guy is just plain idiotic. *sighs* He points out that Hetalia is racist yet I don't even think he tried to understand the whole point of the show - which is actually just to have a good laugh after 5 minutes of run time. I say just remove him from the group if ever possible. If not, then let's just ignore the bloody wanker and enjoy our Hetalia, loves.

P.S.: That hidan141 guy's an idiot, too. One won't be bashed if he doesn't join a fan club. Dolts.
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posted over a year ago 
It's not his hate of Hetalia that is's his general attitude to everything he hates,he's prettty racist about Japanese which I don't get because he supposedly likes anime
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
victoriya121212 said:
dumb-head e3e...
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dumb-head e3e...
posted over a year ago 
YES! i like that idea XD
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
victoriya121212 posted over a year ago
hayato45679 said:
ahem... Well since maybe that person is a hater, Thats just so immature if you hate an anime why keep making STUPID rants about it. I agree about letting him/her be.... Its just a childish act
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posted over a year ago 
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