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Hetalia Question

Now, what are some things you DON'T like about Hetalia?

Not everything's perfect. Sure, I love Hetalia. But I admit; some fans make the rest of us look bad. Also, It gets a bit tiring to be ignored on purpose (although my friends are Canadian too... logic?). And some characters are way off in correctness. Poland and Lithuania are examples. Their representation is kinda off... And the REALLY bad hate pairings are weird... a bit. That's actually why I prefer SatW, but that's just an opinion. What's yours? What do you dislike and/or would like to see changed if possible?
...I must reevaluate what type of fan I am now that I read these answers. *feels ashamed* ;-;
SymmaGirl2 posted over a year ago
No, it's completely fine that you like some things we don't! As long as you aren't disrespectful to others, it's okay :)
lalaland123754 posted over a year ago
I love SatW :D
wishey posted over a year ago
 lalaland123754 posted over a year ago
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Hetalia  best answer

NyoHetaliaCreed said:

While every fanbase has it's idiots who ruin it for everyone else, Hetalia is one of those fanbases where a person's first taste of the Hetalia fanbase can come from those idiots. Me, loving history and world cultures, would've hated Hetalia if I met the idiots before the real fans. Thankfully I didn't and got into Hetalia. But some people in the fanbase need to learn the difference between the hilariously satirical history of Hetalia and the serious and not-so-hilarious history of something I like to call reality. They also need to learn the difference between what can be made funny in Hetalia terms and what's just crossing the line.


Well most of the countries portrayals don't bother me much apart from Lithuania, Latvia and ESPECIALLY Poland's. But it's only very minor, it only bothers me when aforementioned idiotic fans take one aspect of these characters and blow it out of proportion. For example, Poland's crossdressing or Latvia's habit of stuttering. I don't mind Canada being portrayed as invisible, because I read somewhere that most of Canada's WWII efforts were considered British ones, hence the whole 'Canada is invisible' thing. But since most of Hetalia's strips have more or less moved off WWI and WWII means that Canada's portrayal isn't as 'acceptable'. I only put up with it for the personality contrast with America. But here comes the idiotic fans again! They'll ignore Canadian members of the Hetalia community just because they're country is often portrayed as being invisible or at least largely ignored.


I've already went over the whole 'Canada is invisible' thing, so I'll go over two other character jokes that largely tick me off. Which are 'Spain is a pedo' and 'France is a rapist'. If Spain is a pedo, just because he likes being with children, that must make all my male teachers pedos as well. Also, it sounds like your reinforcing stereotypes which is 'only women can like children'. Seriously if Spain was a women in the first place I bet none of these jokes would exist. Why? Because as I said, apparently, men can't like children because it makes them pedos. GUYS THERE'S AS MANY FEMALE PEDOS AS THERE ARE MALE ONES. So there, that's food for thought. Next is 'France is a rapist'. Sure, he's perverted. Sure, he's flirty. Sure, he gets touchy-feely with others. But there's plenty of other characters you are either pervy, flirty or touchy-feely as well and I here no one calling them rapists. Like...oh, I don't know. ITALY!? He touches other characters and flirts with women but no one calls him a rapist. Germany watches a variety of pornographic material and no one calls him a rapist. I could go on. This also accounts for people in real life. Not every pervy, flirty and/or touchy-feely person you meet is a rapist.

That's all I can think of right now.
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posted over a year ago 
I also remembering hearing that someone showed Himaruya some Poland x Germany fanworks based of the Holocaust. And you can probably guess what Himaruya's reaction to that was.
NyoHetaliaCreed posted over a year ago
I don't think Canada has it as bad as America. but yeah you're right.
EverLastingLuv posted over a year ago
This is everything I would've said about the fans and more. Not all of the hetalia fans are bad, like a lot of them are pretty chill and nice, but then you have THESE kind of fans that take everything over the top. Especially the hetalia girl hate, they would be like "uugh like all of the hetalia girls are stupid cockblocks and useless" but then they would be like "omg nyotalia i cant even" and of course the "omg I learned more about history from Hetalia than my history class". Two more things I would add are the fans who start "ship wars" and the fans who get waay too crazy about their ships and would actually verbally attack another person because of it.
YummyTuna posted over a year ago
next question »


KikuKirkland said:
For me, I guess I dislike the "Spain is a pedo" and the pornographic things that fujoshi lovers create. My friends like to joke around about the pedo Spain thing. For me, he isn't what you call a pedo. He just adores little kids a lot, like having a little sister/brother complex. My friend Alyssa finds little kids adorable, and she rants on and on about it, but she isn't a pedophile. A pedophile is someone who likes minors under the age of 18 SEXUALLY. That's what bugs me. Spain never thought sexually of Romano (or Italy) when they were little. He just found them adorable to the point he fanboys about it.
So the other thing I dislike is the fact that there are multiple R-18 doujinshies of Hetalia. The people who create them are forgeting something: NOT EVERYONE WHO WATCHES HETALIA IS OVER THE AGE OF 18. Besides, some people get scarred from reading them. Take Alyssa for example. She and Iggy (Jade) were reading a R-18 Spamano doujinshi. Iggy is used to it, but Alyssa isn't. Come on. I'm scarred from just looking at the front cover of the mature audience comics. Its scary. I thought I was going to cry, literally.
Basically, what I am trying to say, Hetalia was NOT, I repeat, was NOT, created to become a smutty anime/manga that people can fantasize if so-and-so got together with so-and-so to, you know, I can't even say it. It was made to entertain otakus everywhere about bishie interpretations of countries, and what they went through over the years of civilization and technology. It was meant to enetertain, not to have sex comics hidden in every nook and cranny.
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posted over a year ago 
i hate fujioshi...
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
are you kidding??? hetalia is TOTALLY a complete set up for yaoi fangirls. at least more than half of the hetalia fans out there probably ship at least one yaoi couple. and of course not evryone is over 18 but that doesnt mean that its wrong to make doujinshi for the fans who wanna read it. NO ONE IS FORCING PEOPLE UNDER 18 TO READ R18 DOUJINSHI. they can choose to if they want but thats their fucking choice, let the people who enjoy it and enjoy it,
bubblegum_kiss posted over a year ago
exactly. spain is not a pedo, he just LOVES being nice with children. he doesn't get pissed off at children like some OTHER brats i know in life.
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
KissKissHannah said:
1. Yaoi
2. People calling France a rapist
3. Yaoi
4. People portray Sweden talking l'k' th's
5. Yaoi
6. When people always focus on the pairings
7. Did I mention Yaoi?
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1. Yaoi
2. People calling France a rapist
3. Yaoi
4. People portray Sweden talking l'k' th's
5. Yaoi
6. When people always focus on the pairings
7. Did I mention Yaoi?
posted over a year ago 
Yaoi is on there four times! You deserve an award! >:3
IllusionDolls posted over a year ago
vampiressJazz said:
I like everything but the fans... i mean some are really nice and actually get history and love it as much as i do...but the crazy die hard fans usually the 13 year olds the ones who do not understand the history behind Hetalia...and do not get the satire... If somehow magically make all of those people disapear Hetalia would be perfect :D
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posted over a year ago 
I don't like that Canada get's ignored either. Canada played a major role in WWII just like every other ally did and infact probably more then Mister Hero himself. Don't kill me Americans.
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I love you for this...SO much
DanielHedervary posted over a year ago
I was 13 last year and was a sane Hetalia fan.
KissKissHannah posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
The fans. Some are great, believe me. But others...they just can't seem to see the line between Hetalia and history. Like, I see art and fanfiction about current tragic events such as the earthquakes in Japan or even older historical events like the Please. Stop this, fans. Stop this right now.
And then there are the jokes that I hate. "Canada is invisible" (which is sometimes acceptable as long as they're not taking it seriously in any way and realize it can be offensive), "France is a rapist," "Spain is a pedophile," etc.
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posted over a year ago 
That makes me sick.. that people are like that. If your going to write or draw something like that... make sure that it's done in the right way meaning respecting that historical event and the people involved.
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Well theres definatly a fine line between paring the characters for the history between the two nations and paring them for the characters personalies and such. I don't mind either so long as they don't go "OMG These characters have SO much history together!!" when they actually don't. I typically label my fanfics "Crack Parings" if the nations don't have history just to be on the safe side. For example a GerIta or Spamano fic wouldn't have the warning but a PolandxAustralia would.
ElementalQuest posted over a year ago
yeah they romanticize some events where ACTUAL PEOPLE sacrificed their LIVES.
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
MahoukoChan said:
Like Everyone's saying: THE FANS.
My God, after a while they are just too annoying.

Female Characters<--Hated because they "ruin the yaoi"
SERIOUSLY??(I'll just leave it at that before I go into a huge rant)

Plus, I must say that the representation of some countries do annoy me greatly. Poland. I like the character, but the "accuracy" is laughable.I also wish that China wasn't so gender confused because there are a lot of Chinese guys I met that are pretty buff. I would say America's representation pisses me off too, but sadly, it's correct in SO many ways.
The "normal Americans" like me are even more ignored than Canada because of the fanbase.

I also Hate that Canada gets ignored 'cuz my die hard friends are now ignoring me when I'm only partially Canadian...
The pairings tend to piss me off too, but If I talk about those...This comments would be PAGES long...
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posted over a year ago 
Now that's really sad they're ignoring you because your partially Canadian just because Canada gets ignored during the show.... your friends really need a reality check. Hetalia = not real!
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I'm full Canadian, and I get that too. It hurts my feelings. :(
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
I have canadian friends but I don't ignore them,not even if someone cosplays as canada!:(
-Breadqueen- posted over a year ago
theichigo123 said:
i like everything about hetalia...but i wish the piodes wear longer.i wolued like to was 51 or more epidoes of hetalia that was an epiodes that was the normel 24 minets loing wpiodes like the other animes out there. i do like that becues it uneek but still it kinda bugs me sometimes
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posted over a year ago 
Kaliningrad said:
I don't like chibi versions of the countries. I also don't like pairings like Prussia/Russia(or the over way around) or Poland/Lithuania(or the over way around)
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posted over a year ago 
NonSpecificXx said:
The fact that the fandom has weboos, they annoy me to no end.
And the fact that people think there are canon pairings in Hetalia which is not true.
Hm..the bad troll ocs? The hate to many hetalia girls for ruining "pairings"?
Using Hetalia as a history bible?
The list can be long, but i love Hetalia too much to leave it alone.
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posted over a year ago 
The troll OCs are more or less there to mock the Bad Hetalia OCs. But I agree with you that bad Hetalia OCs outnumber the good ones. Also I've learned more things from those 'boring history documentries' than Hetalia. Foooor example! Just because Austria was married to Hungary doesn't mean he was kickass. To be honest in WWI Austria-Hungary were almost like Italy. Very weak and needed to be constantly bailed out.
NyoHetaliaCreed posted over a year ago
^ I know, the bad ocs is the most known ones..and some people are just..euw. Like that 10 years old girl that is writing fetish hetalia child porn, it disturbs me so much that she even wont warn people about porn.
NonSpecificXx posted over a year ago
Oh, really? I agree with you. For example after Hetalia i started to get interested in my countrys history and i found out so much, im from a country in africa and ya know...things are not the best there. I have watched so many documentaries and now i even know things about my country that my mom founds out about one week later! And i really want to be some sort of peacekeeper or just help my country now..i love Hetalia for making me know so much..i wouldnt learn such things in hetalia..actually im glad my country is not in Hetalia because it would be terrifeing to see pairings..
NonSpecificXx posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
The character "jokes":

After a while the Canada "Who?" jokes get old, treat the character with some respect. Also the stupid "Francis is a rapist" and "Spain is a pedo" stuff. Spain is NOT a pedo. France is NOT NOT NOT a rapist or a pedo. Wish people would get it into their stupid fangirl heads that they're flirts and perverts. Yes, France loves sex. But he loves CONSENSUAL sex, he doesn't even want to rape anyone. Also so what if they thought Chibitalia was cute, we ALL think he's adorable.


Trust me I'm a fangirl, but I'm talking about the CRAZY fangirls. Like the ones who hate a character or a pairing because it gets in the way of their favorite pairing. Also the ones who attack you for saying you don't like a character or a pairing. As long as you have good and logical reasons for not liking it, I don't care.
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posted over a year ago 
I think ' consesual' needs to be put in big red letters! Stupid fangirls and their closed minds....
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
...WHY DOES A PAIRING HAVE TO MAKE ANY SENSE? You guys, it's called and imagination. You don't need logical reasons. If a pairing is appealing to the eyes than that's fine. I'm not one of those fangirls who say "I like this pairing because they look cute". But there's a reason why it's a FANdom. Key word. FAN
EverLastingLuv posted over a year ago
Because why would you ship someone who has no history or no nothing with someone? It doesn't make any since, I'm not just going to randomly ship people together for eye candy, a pairing has to have meaning in it for me.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
hayato45679 said:
THE SENSE OF YAOI (please dont kill me!!!! ;A; *hides in a dark corner*)
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posted over a year ago 
I completely understand what you mean! Sometimes the yaoi can be quite... overwhelming...
lalaland123754 posted over a year ago
hahah i understand you! It takes too much place sometimes.. xD
NonSpecificXx posted over a year ago
MarineHolocaust posted over a year ago
smileyAqua said:
That these FRICKEN hot guys aren't real.
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posted over a year ago 
Hahaha so true :'D
lalaland123754 posted over a year ago
smileyAqua posted over a year ago
i wish they were...
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
USUKfangirl said:
Like everyone else,the fans. I can't even begin to start or I'll never stop. There's the ones that don't take it seriously and just enjoys it, and then theres those who..well,lets not go there. That's all I can say without ranting. my apologies. (P.S: TO ALL YOU FRANCE HATERS OUT THERE NEWS FLASH: FRANCE IS NOT A RAPIST!!!LEVE HIM BE FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD QUEEN!!!)*ahem, sorry for that*
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posted over a year ago 
Yay for caps locks! XD now hopefully people can now read this and understand. you're probably the most sane usuk fangirl I've ever met :D
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Thank you. Most people assume that since I like UkUs/UsUk I'm one of those psychotic creeps. Those fans make the ones who like other pairings look bad and we get called crazy psychos.
USUKfangirl posted over a year ago
I only like FrancexJeanne D'Arc and HungaryxAustria or HungaryxPrussia!:)
-Breadqueen- posted over a year ago
Catroline said:
Well, I hate how the citizens in the world of hetalia thinks Liechtenstein's a guy
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posted over a year ago 
Huh... Do they? Oh... I remember now :D
lalaland123754 posted over a year ago
KissKissHannah posted over a year ago
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
historygeek5 said:

Paring wars,stupid fans that make all the sane fans look bad, people who use it as a text book, france hate, hell any type of charactor hate,offensive ocs
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posted over a year ago 
There ARE no insane or sane fans. That just makes you sound bad...
EverLastingLuv posted over a year ago
Vocaloidcode01 said:
The Fandom, all the supported non-canon pairings, how people hate the girls because straight pairings are possible, the entirely insane fans who support every pairing out there, and the people who draw fanart that really needs to be censored.

As for you who want to kill me for pointing out that most Hetalia Yaoi is non-canon, need be, I WILL MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE PAIRINGS THAT AREN'T CANON.
I am NOT sorry.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree. why do ppl hate girls like sey or hungary because they "ruin the yaoi?"
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
TDIfangirl said:
-That some people treat Hetalia like some yaoi anime and are only in it for the pairings
-That people from certain countries are stereotyped because of the way the countries themselves are (Canadians are ignored)
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posted over a year ago 
oboe_player said:
They only thing I can think of that I don't like about Hetalia is that a lot of characters that were in the webcomic weren't in the anime.
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posted over a year ago 
EverLastingLuv said:
Okay so now is my chance to say it. I HATE HOW HETALIA PROTRAYED AMERICA!
It makes Americans look like fat lazy asses who are full of ourselves and don't give a flying f**k about anyone. We don't go around saying "America is the best!" "We are the heroes of the world" and stuff like that. Sure, a lot of the things he says and does are amusing, but a lot of things are historically inaccurate as well. Like when America wanted to paint Mt. Fuji red. I asked my history teacher about it and guess what? WE DIDN'T TRY TO PAINT A DAMN MOUNTAIN RED! It was just a saying used in WWII. When that came up, I felt like a retarded American. Yes, I love my country, don't get me wrong. But Hetalia just pushes my buttons sometimes with those jokes. I do laugh at them, but some of them are also insulting.
I also get a strong feeling that Hetalia is very biased as well. but that's just me. I get this feeling that the Japanese purpously insulted France, America, and even Iggy's cooking. I don't like scones either but COME ON!
I also agree with the person who brought up the whole "France and Spain aren't pedo" thing. It's fine to joke around but don't be sexist you guys. Cause that is 100% sexist. What if your dads or uncles or your male teachers love kids? Does that make them pedophiles as well? I hate how ppl don't recognize/don't believe that women can be pedo's too. It's complete B.S.
I also don't like the shipping wars on the Hetalia Couples sites. If you wanna show your love for a couple that's fine but don't start a fight over something so frickin' pathetic! And don't trash talk ppl for liking it either. We all have the right to do something, and if your American, you'll recognize the "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Expression". Just back off each other, m'kay?
That's all I have for now. So...
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posted over a year ago 
I'm definately NOT in a very good mood right now >:(
EverLastingLuv posted over a year ago
I actually thought they got America done pretty good.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
um... i know it might be a downer but sadly thats how most of us are. *feels ashamed* BUT NOT ME OR ANY OF US SANE HETALIA FANS ON THIS SANE FANSITE XD
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
GabbyRaptor said:
The steroids type jokes.....IM AMERICAN!!! YOU MAD BRO?!! they mad America seem like a fat lazy bum(yeah sorry bout that) it hurtful..FO REALZ YO!!! XD and this effing cute guys DONT EXIST!!! I WISH!!!! WHY CANT THEY BE REAL?!!
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The steroids type jokes.....IM AMERICAN!!! YOU MAD BRO?!! they mad America seem like a fat lazy bum(yeah sorry bout that) it hurtful..FO REALZ YO!!! XD and this effing cute guys DONT EXIST!!! I WISH!!!! WHY CANT THEY BE REAL?!!
posted over a year ago 
*stero type* typo my bad.....
GabbyRaptor posted over a year ago
made* whut up with my finger twiches?!!
GabbyRaptor posted over a year ago
yeah i am but i moved to England a couple of weeks ago...i guess the whole thing is changing me
GabbyRaptor posted over a year ago
IZlover48 said:
The fans really are the only thing; i really don’t dislike anything about the show. To watch this you NEED to be able to draw the line between history and hetalia. Not just the fangirls to. But when it comes to fangirls saying stuff like "America is like so mean for having the revolutionary war, he made Brittan cry!!!" ok read up on your history there’s a lot of important reasons for the war. But then there’s the people who get mad because of some of the jokes in the show, like people from America getting all mad "Im not lazy and i don’t eat all the time!! I find that so rude!" If you going to watch this show you need to be able to take stereotype jokes.
no there not sayiing every single person in that country is like that. It’s a STEROTYPE!! It’s not suppose to be taking seriously.

That’s another thing. people get all mad because of some of the jokes. You really just need to know your history and be able to take a joke to watch this show. Im American and i find the character extremely funny and quite accurate. Its true!!!We have to laugh at ourselves sometime because nobody’s country is perfect.
Hetlia has really made me more cultraly aware and i want to learn more history and ive learned more languges because of this show. It really can bring people together if we can get over some of the crazy fans!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah but without the fans hetalia wouldn't be so popular. So really, they are also to thank for making Hetalia so great even though they tend to take to the extreme. But who doesn't? I go extreme sometimes to. You can't spell fandom without FAN.
EverLastingLuv posted over a year ago
exactly my point for the whople "americ a's mean" thing. Im like "OH C'MON! THIS IS JUST A TV SHOW! WE HAD REASONS WHY WE WANTED INDEPENDENCE!" i mean, c'mon! respect the reasons your country is FREE. if we didn't gain independence where would "THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE" be in our textbooks??!!!!
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
LittleChibi23 said:
I'd have to say all those stupid pairing wars. Honestly, it's alright to like your own pairings and all (hell, you can worship it all you want!) but if you bash on someone else's pairing, then that's taking an obsession too far. I also hate that some fans don't like the female characters, simply because they clash with yaoi pairings. Don't get me wrong, most of my favorite pairings are gay, but that doesn't change my opinion of female characters. They're just as awesome as the male characters! (Hungary is a badass example :D)
Other than these things, I adore Hetalia with all my heart :3
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posted over a year ago 
NekoGirl88 said:
I don't think anything is wrong with Hetalia, personally. I love it! I hate when people make parings, though. (Ex: USXUK, GermItaly, Rocha, ect.) I hate yaoi and yuri, on my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
Me too!:/
-Breadqueen- posted over a year ago
Snickerz911411 said:
A majority of the fan-base is pretty annoying but I'm just going to look at the show itself and some of the characters kinda annoy me. I don't hate them but I just don't like their portrayals. Like Japan's, Every other character is a stereotype except him. Lithuania and Poland's character isn't so great either.
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posted over a year ago 
sunshizell said:
i don't like how they say Americans are basically pompous self-arrogant and stuff. i'm more bipolar but just looking for a true friend,one of whom i can finally trust. I'm like Germany,Italy and England mixed. So im not really obnoxious at all. actually i look down on myself.

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i don't like how they say Americans are basically pompous self-arrogant and stuff. i'm more bipolar but just looking for a true friend,one of whom i can finally trust. I'm like Germany,Italy and England mixed. So im not really obnoxious at all. actually i look down on myself.
posted over a year ago 
MarineHolocaust said:
i don't like the fans nor most of the canon aus/alternate versions of characters like cardverse, 2p!hetalia, nekotalia, etc.,
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posted over a year ago 
OH and the fact that there's no north and south vietnam??? as far as I know it's just one chick. a north and USA might be nice too
MarineHolocaust posted over a year ago
I already know the story behind Korea tho so that's okay
MarineHolocaust posted over a year ago
historygeek51 said:
I have a few. First is the portrayal fans have of France. I am not French nor am i of french descent. But its like they same to forget that he said love cannot be forced onto people. Or litteraly the portrayal of Spain. Come on!

2. The fans who act immaturaly in history class and realize that Hetalia is not accurate when it comes to history. It will sometimes but still.

3. Actions of fans at cons. I have seen fans who have used flags as capes and also show disrespect for a flag. I have had few run ins with some nasty fans who have attacked me. One was for simply cosplaying as France. Another was for standing up to a Germany cosplayer who was giving a friend also cosplaying as Germany a hard time

Historical fanfictions with no research. Example: Usuk in a POW camp.

Also the paring war particualry USUK vs FRUK. Come on let people ship what the hell they want.

However i am happy that i made some great friends in the hetalia fandom. I have also become more social as i go to conventions now. I know there is a good and a bad to a fandom.
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posted over a year ago 
-Breadqueen- said:
Just by reading all of your guys responds make me very sad!:'(Some of the things I hate that people ignore Canada and do to over Canadians!:( People think all France are rapists and that all the character's people think that how they really are!:( I don't like how they made America all dumb and stuff,now lots of people think all Americans are all lound,noisy,that we only love hamburgers,and stuff. :(If people hate this hetalia they shouldn't let everybody know,just keep to yourself!:( Theres too much yaoi and people think that America loves England r something like that!:( Well that's all I got to say!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Also blonde jokes,people being mean to Afraican American's,I have hear that lots of Afraican American's don't want to be Afraican Americans and people thinking other cultures are wierd,like Japan!:(
-Breadqueen- posted over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta said:
There's a lot of things I love about Hetalia and I think that's pretty balanced with the things I hate. I do believe there are equally many things I love and dislike about Hetalia

-The Fans: There are some wonderful fans out there. Many of them very very talented with their cosplays, fanfictions, and fanarts. I'm actually rather very amazed at how creative some Hetalia fans are~! However there are also terrible fans. Most fans treat Hetalia like a replacement for History thinking "Oh if I watch Hetalia, I can pass my History exam!! :D" No. Hetalia is NOT a replacement History book. While it's some accurate and you can learn tid bits of History, it's not entirely. I do not like how some fans completely disrespect or even completely disregard History and replace it with Hetalia. There's a difference between what's reality and what isn't.

-The suggestive/sexual material: This right here makes me sick to my stomach. I can't stand how some fans turn Hetalia into a hentai. They treat it like some disgusting fanservice and eye candy anime. It's almost as if some fans only care about who is screwing who or whose depicting doing some kind of sexual activity. I really do not like how the image of sex is thrown around in this fandom.

-The character jokes: France is a rapist? No. Stop joking about rape. It is not funny. You're not being funny. I hate how rape is thrown around in this fandom like it's nothing. I'm so tired of "France is a rapist." He is not a rapist and never will be. Also, Spain isn't a pedophile. If Spain's a pedophile then anyone who loves children must be a pedophile too. Spain is not and never will be a pedophile. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that rape and pedophilia is thrown around in this fandom like it's nothing...

-Pairings: While I don't mind pairings too much (heck I ship FrUk a little bit and it's the only pairing I will ship) but, it bothers me that some fans whine, throw fits, and hate the female characters because they "steal the yaoi." They complain and throw a fit when Seychelles is paired with everyone but, don't say a word when England is paired with everyone. As long as the pairing isn't heterosexual and is homosexual fans won't throw a fit. It's ridiculous...
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posted over a year ago 
Sir_Kiwi said:
Those rabid fangirls/fanboys. I really love the anime, but the reason why I kinda steered clear from this fanclub in my first few months of having this account was because I didn't want to deal with any bullshit. Turns out it's pretty safe here. :p
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posted over a year ago 
IllusionDolls said:
I adore everything about this series. Everything! T_T
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posted over a year ago 
T045tToastToAsT said:
I have to say that I don't like the fandom. I mean, there's a lot of nice people that like Hetalia, but then there's this portion of fangirls who make the whole fandom look bad.
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posted over a year ago 
1emmyk said:
In the show there's no mexico.....
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posted over a year ago 
Trueotaku101 said:
The crack parings!!!! Like honestly Amebel? Icesey? HongIce? What the heck are with the pairings???? It has nothing to do with history and it's not cute either it's really annoying and dumb in my opinion. Sorry If I offended anyone but those couples make zero sense
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posted over a year ago 
Siren-Lamia said:
The animation and the fact that there are barely any girls in the show.
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posted over a year ago 
SimpleTruths said:
I don't like how Canada blames America for Cuba hitting him
but he never stands up for himself and he doesn't tell America that Cuba is hitting he just calls him an asshole instead of saying anything.To be honest I just don't like hetalia's portrayal of Canada I mean he even does a whole rant on America but doesn't say shit to Cuba. Canada and America's
relationship sucks they both treat each other like crap but neither notice.
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posted over a year ago 
VocaChan said:
The yaoi and yaoi fangirls (I'm talking about /fangirls/, not fans. There's a difference)
Hetalia is seinen/shounen and offically has been rated as "Mature", but the biggest part of the fandom consists 12-16 year old yaoi fangirls.

I don't really care what pairings people like, but it really annoys me in this case since this bs ruins the whole point of Hetalia.
All the yaoi fangirls see is yaoi when Hetalia itself has absolutely nothing to do with yaoi or shounen-ai. Nothing.

Another thing that bugs me about this is how so many of them refuse to accept the truth.
Both Hidekaz and the anime directors have confirmed several times what relationships the countries have with each other.
Since that didn't work, a whole page with the countries' relationships was made where it clearly states that there is no romance going on between England and America, Germany and Italy and so on.
And as soon as other fans point these /canon/ facts out, they get hate- and threat messages from angry yaoi fangirls as if it's the fans' fault.

At first I was fine with all of this since these things happen in basically all anime fandoms and I've seen much worse, but it's starting to get really annoying now.
I can't even search on my favorite character on Tumblr, DA and Youtube since 80% of all pictures and videos (Including cosplay) are about yaoi.

What makes it worse is that the yaoi fangirls "spread the word" to other fans who aren't in the Hetalia fandom. Those non-Hetalia fans might mistake Hetalia for yaoi instead of what it really is.
I've talked with people who claimed that Hetalia was yaoi. When I told them that Hetalia has nothing to do with yaoi and explained that Hetalia is historical satire and reflects real historical events, cultures and politics, they seemed very surprised and told me that they had no idea and had gotten into Hetalia because of their friends who had claimed that Hetalia was about yaoi.
It's good that fans "attract" others to watching Hetalia, but claiming that Hetalia is yaoi and attract /more/ yaoi fangirls with something that doesn't exist in Hetalia is just wrong.

It's also very rude and disrespectful to Hidekaz. He has worked a lot on making Hetalia, gone through /hours/ and /weeks/ of reading about various countries' histories and cultures.
And the yaoi fangirls just ignore all of this work because "Kyaaa! ___ is so canon!!!" and "Don't talk to your boyfriend that way"
Really? Hidekaz worked his *** off for /that/?

I love Hetalia, but it's not /fun/ to be in the Hetalia fandom anymore because of all the yaoi.

There are of course other parts of the Hetalia fandom that bother me, but this is the part of the fandom that bothers me the most.

Sorry for sounding rude, but if you're in the Hetalia fandom /only/ because of the yaoi, leave.
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posted over a year ago 
zasmn said:
How short the episodes are. 5 minutes is great if you are taking a quick study break, but usually I would like to be able to sit and enjoy the show for awhile with out the show being broken up into such small pieces.

Along the same line I don't like when the add in recaps and previews of what will happen next. For example America's storage closet arch had a lot of re-played scenes in different episodes.

My only other complaint is I am not to fond of the art in the first few seasons/manga books. The jokes were funny enough that I kept on watching, but some of the early animation made me cringe. (this is also why I don't own any hetalia graphic shirts because the characters anatomy is off enough on most of the merch. to bother me)
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posted over a year ago 
ROTGgirl2004 said:
these fans don't eveb get wats behind the hetalia scenario. this is HISTORY.
and also the doujinshi. I didn't know wat they were and accidently read a R18 one and now im scarred for life.
the fans who take it over the top and actually MOCK us americans because of how America is portrayed in hetalia.
people hating their own country because of how their country is portrayed in the series.
I mean seriously! JUST BECAUSE YOUR COUNTRY'S CHARACTER HAS A CHARACTERISTIC YOU DONT LIKE DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULDN'T LOVE YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!! I mean. your country is where you were raised, born (possibly) and influenced. you should love it not because of the character, but what makes it unique. and also, its stereotyping! why get cruddy over it when its just how other people think of your country? we have our opinions.
but what I REALLY HATE is that ppl are protecting some characters because of ships (for ex. Seychelles x England). and, whenever they read a ship fanfic involving a boy x a girl in APH, they treat that girl character as themselves; so their basically acting as if the girl character is themselves and THEY are in love with the boy. fangirls. I just really hate those types.
Then, it's every fangirl who describes England as gentlemanly and polite. I have nothing against England (he's actually on my top 5) but I just don't see him as polite or gentlemanly in the anime. he's more like... irritable and pissed off at USA 24/7.
BUT what REALLY scars my life the most is the relationship between England and America. it makes it sound like these two allies that helped each other like all the time still hold a grudge. yes I know this is hetalia and its based off stereotyping but.. sometimes it makes me question the friendship between US and UK. someone PLEASE comfort me as I rant to my best friend (whose British, im American) about my stupid problems XD.
also don't like how they say "germany's mean! he keeps shouting to Italy!!" okay. this pisses me off the most. can I just shout it out??
HE IS BEING STRICT, PEOPLE. NOT MEAN. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. UGH!! I just hate people who say that. nowadays, children sass their elder people, responding in a way like "make me!" instead of being respectful; it pisses me out a lot. we don't say "yes sir" or "yes ma'am like we used to. and heck, we're the only family on the block who says that to our parents. and heck yeah,, I have 13 BROTHERS and only 1 sister. I know how to boss and be resepectful. so, Germany's being strict and not mean. I can distuingish mean from being plain old my opinion, people who say that are soft and don't know true discipline. (DONT KILL ME)
and sorry for my rant... XD I was just seething mad.
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posted over a year ago 
Aph-Finland said:
1. when ppl say they hate Seychelles

2. when they say Ollie is scary and not nice O,O

3. they make Finland mad in almost all the pictures i see

4. when they say "beware of Finland" i mean whats wrong with him?
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posted over a year ago 
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