Hetalia Ruin the Date Game Hetalia style (:

vampiressJazz posted on Jan 17, 2012 at 02:26AM
I got this idea from the Tinierme ^^
anyways here's how it goes(if anyone can actually be bothered to play XD)

Ok, so basically you ruin the date of the person you posted before you. xD

Person 1: China and I went to the beach together!

Person 2: But seagulls stole China's panda and he started attacking the birds so the lifeguard asked you to leave


This game was not created for any pairings... Only you can pick a character. :) No, you can't make France and England go to the beach or anything. = A =

I'll just use the example...

England and I are having tea together! > w <

Hetalia 182 replies

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over a year ago missracoon said…
Then she walks away :3

Russia is sharing vodka with me.
over a year ago england4ever97 said…
But Belarus comes wanting to marry him and chases him away...

Prussia and I are at a bar, drinking beer. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago missracoon said…
But then Prussia spills beer down himself and has a meltdown.

France,America and i are plotting to "invade" Britain.
over a year ago england4ever97 said…
But Britain finds out and turns you all into frogs. :33

Turkey and I are having a picnic!
over a year ago Crazy17 said…
But Greece Throws Kitties at yous

Russia and i are conquering the world.
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But Belarus finds out and chases you away with her knife!

America and I are going out to McDonalds for lunch! :3
over a year ago xboxrocksx45 said…
But it turns out it's snowing and it piles on mcdonalds

china (girl right?) is asking me out
over a year ago missracoon said…
(China is a guy actually methinks;D)
A panda falls on your head.

Japan and I are eating pocky.
over a year ago lalaland123754 said…
A panda falls on YOUR head >:D

Iceland and I are jumping into volcanoes! :P
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But Mr. Puffin gets jealous and attacks Iceland, and Iceland leaves, bored. (XD)

Germany and I are getting ready for training! ^^
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
But then you fall down and break your ankle.

Canada and I are eating pancakes!!
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But Prussia comes and eats all of the pancakes.

Italy and I are waving white flags together! (I wonder if that's been used... Oh well!)
over a year ago Juusan said…
But Germany sees you and scolds you together for HOURS.

I am watching Austria play the piano.
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
You touch a piano key and the piano breaks so Austria gets mad and sends you home.

Romano and I are annoying Germany
over a year ago missracoon said…
Germany punches you both in the face :3

Poland is showing me his totally awesome pony.
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
...Then a bunch of wild coyotes come in and attacks the horse and eats it. Poland is too mournful of his favorite horse's death to go out with you anymore (gruesome, I know :-P)
Britain and I have a book discussion on the Twilight series. (Love of literature, ha! ;-P)
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But France comes and tries to get them married, so England leaves, and Frances goes for you instead. ((^^ Ohonhonhon!))

Prussia and I are being awesome!
over a year ago missracoon said…
But then Prussia desides to go be awesome by himself.

China and I are playing with his new hello kitty toy!

@Ivory you heartless MONSTER
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
But it breaks and he becomes sad and goes home

Japan is teaching me how to make rice balls.
over a year ago Crazy17 said…
But you mange to set the house on fire

Me and Italy are making white flags for everyone
over a year ago missracoon said…
But everyone gets angry at you.

I am watching Spain sunbathe :3.
over a year ago lalaland123754 said…
But Spain notices and runs away a bit scared, not wanting to be seen as a pedo 0_o

Sweden and I are teaching manners to people >:(
over a year ago Indecipherable said…
But Sweden gets bored and leaves to go find Finland.

Canada and I are eating pancakes.
over a year ago missracoon said…
But you forgot the suger >:(!

I am helping Sealand become a country.
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
But England comes by and yells at you to go home.

Italy and I are making pasta.
over a year ago missracoon said…
Germany then comes and yells at you both for slacking of during training :3

France and i are drinking wine together.
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But then Chibimano walks by and Francey-pants leaves you to stalk the tomato loving Italy. D: (POOR ROMANO!!!!!!!!!!!)

Denmark and I are getting drunk together! :P
over a year ago Juusan said…
Then Norway comes to take advantage of the situation and pranks Denmark. You get involved as well and go home dripping wet.

Germany and I are studying a rule book while adding new ones as well.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
Italy calls saying he needs help because Britain's attacking him.

Canada and I are going to yell at America.
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
Canada wimps out again and calls off the occasion.
Lovi and I are mass producing big goofy mustaches! :-3
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But Romano used one on Germany, and Germany made him feel like an idiot, do Romano left the project due to him moping.

China and I are cuddling a panda!
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
But the panda decides to attack you guys.

France is making me dinner.
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
France, for some unnatural reason, requires the help of Great Britain to cook, and as we all know, he ain't that good of a cook! ;-)
Turkey and I are praying to God (him Allah and I God)
over a year ago Crazy17 said…
But Greece comes a long looking for his cat and him and Turkey get in a fight.

Japan and I roast marshmallows.
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But America found out that you didn't have chocolate, so he attacked.

America and I are making real s'mores! XD
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
You burn all of the marshmallows and melt all of the chocolate. America gets so mad/hungry that he has you arrested.
Hungary and I are reading war poems over cappucino.
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
Austria calls needing Hungary's help because Prussia is attacking him again so she leaves to help him.

Austria is teaching me how to play the piano.
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
You play so badly that Austria asks you to take a quick break and go to the store to buy him some migraine pills. But when you return, he is gone.
Japan and I are watching yaoi tentacle porn! >;-D
over a year ago Juusan said…
But when it reaches the halfway-point, Japan gets too grossed out and ends up in a hospital due to excessive vomiting. (Does not like yaoi.)

Germany is teaching me how to bake!
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
Then Austria comes into the scene and scold Germany for teaching you the wrong way to bake. They get into such a heated argument (well, Austria's yelling while Germany's just sitting there and letting him rant) that they forget that you're in the room.
Poland and I are, like, totally getting down with our bad selves in this wicked punk club! X-D
over a year ago Juusan said…
But then, Russia comes to "join in" with the fun and mentally scars everyone in the club.

Lithuania and I are talking about the meaning of life. (Yeah, I know, really lame.)
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But then Russia comes, to ask Lithuania for some tea, and Lithuania gets all shaky and runs to make tea.

Denmark and I are hanging at the bar.
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
But then me and america come together and ruin it for you.

America and I are havin' a PAR-TAY!!
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
Then England comes out of nowhere and scold you for ruining the English language by converting the word party into "Par-tay". With America's short attention span and indifference, he leaves for McDonalds.
Finland and I are kissing under the Christmas mistletoe!
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
Sweden steals Finland away from you.

I am helping Greece find his missing cat.
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
You accidently run over Greece's cat. Greece gets so mad that he hates you for life.
Canada and I are cuddling sweetly near the fireplace. (That sounds so nice! ~.~)
over a year ago MaybeBlue said…
America comes out of nowhere and douses you both with hot chocolate. Canada spends the rest of the date lecturing America.

I'm listening to Austria play the piano!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
You fall asleep and piss off Austria. (LOL, a lot of people are lecturing America! X-D)
America and I are watching Bob's Burger!
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
But then I come along and me and him go run off into the sunset!!

America and I are at mcdonalds!!
over a year ago ivoryphills said…
America orders a lot of burgers and fries and mcflurries, and- lo and behold- he forgot his wallet. After paying for everything and becoming emptied-wallet, you get super pissed for some reason America can't understand, and you two break up. (Sorry for the length)
Italy is teaching me how to paint! (He volunteered to be my nude model, too! ;-D)