Hetalia RP

mintybunny123 posted on Jul 13, 2012 at 05:48PM
Hi I desided to make an rp thingy for hetalia. The idea is to be any country you want and have fun.I want to be Hong Kong so he is taken.

Hetalia 346 replies

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over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong walked up to a big building with many windows.He sighed as he opened the big glass doors that led to where the third world conference took place. This was his first time going to one of these things. The first time he had a teribel cold , the other he just felt like skiping the day.He really didn't want to go to this one either , but his stupide boss made him.He entered a lobby , and stoped at the the front desk .
"Yeah!", said an overly chirppy employee.
'' Do you know which room the World Conference is being held?''
'' Go strait then take a left down that hall!'' How annoeing.
'' Kay thanks.''He said in an icey tone.
He walked on ward tard the meeting room, every step made him hope this was going to be serious and not noicy or had pathedice bicering as meetings usaly went in war. Hong Kong found the room , but when he placed his hand on the door knob he rembered he was two days and three hours late for a five day meeting. Pluse he wasn't even in proper atire for a meeting. Taking a deep breath Hong Kong sucked it up and went into an explosion of bicering thinking ' Its amising how these rooms can be sound proff.'...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
((Hawaii? My OC?))

Hawaii sat in an uncomfortably small seat next to her brother, America. He finally listened to her begging and let her come to a meeting. She was wearing her best sundress, and had a new hibiscus in her hair. She was suddenly wishing she hadn't. She had almost forgotten what it was like when she was a nation.France and Russia were staring at her, and Mr. America and Germany kept yelling. Worst of all, Japan was sitting on the other side of Mr. America. Hawaii decided just to stay quiet, so she noticed the new comer. She waved.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong saw the the young girls wave and gave her a look of agknoligement before he quietly tried to go to his set. So far no one but the girl noticed him.
'' Hoko-chan''S.Korea wailed as he ran to jump on Hong Kong's back.
STUPID!Hong Kong thought as he dumped off S.Korea who gave a little whimper as he did so.
'' Hey where the heak have you been!!!''England yelled in Hong Kong's ear.
'' First you don't go to the first two World Conferences and now you arive a few days late yet still have the nerve to come!'' England's voice got higher with every word reaching impossibel notes.
Hong Kong glared at England, '' Would you shut up your anoeing me to death.'' He calmly walked over to his chair, passing the girl and was able to read her name tag:
He noticed the flower in her hair and wondered what it was. Mabey I'll ask? he thought as he sat down by Macau and China...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii looked at the boy and smiled. Someone acknowledged her without being creepy! She noted his eyebrows, and England's defensiveness.
"And that's what we should do!" America finished, and sat down. He elbowed her and grinned. "Good right? I totally run these meetings!"
Hawaii smiled to herself. She looked around the room again as Italy started ranting about pasta, avoiding France and Russia's stares, and read the boy's name tag: Hong Kong. She liked his hair, and made a note to ask America about him later.
On the other side of her, Canada was shrinking into his chair.
"Are you okay Mr. Canadia?" She said.
"Its Canada! Can! A! Da!"He whispered.
Hawaii scooched her chair closer to America.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
note: sorry but oc means other character right?if so yeah other characters not in the anime or manga are aceppted as long as you give a description of what the character looks like.kay?;3
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
((Original Character, sorry! My icon is her, but she is tannish, brown hair and eyes, a scar over her eye: Pearl Harbor, hibiscus in her hair: Honolulu, and a red sundress))
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
note; THANKS that helps well i'll wright somthing now;3
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong sliped out a book and read it under the table. When he glanced at Hawaii she was scooching tord America. Thats werid does she not like fairies? Or mabey Cana somthing? He went back to his book...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
England sipped his tea and looked at Hawaii. He pointed at her. "Hey, don't I know you?"
Hawaii never liked attention, even though she was given it often.
"Yes. You once tried colonizing me."
France nudged the Brit. "But she'd rather sleep with America. Ohonononononon~"
America threw his burger at France. "She's my sister, Francey pants!"
Hawaii, slid lower in her chair.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong turned the next page in the book when it was stached out of his hands. He looked up at the person who confiscated it. Vietnam. '' What the**** did you do that for ?'' Hong Kong glared at her which made Vietnam take a few steps back.'' Listen to the meeting for once would you!'' her voice cut through everyone in the room. It even took Hong Kong off guard by how harch she sounded. Hong Komg sighed, ''Ok fine I won't read at a poinless meeting.'' His calm voice and extremly harch glare hightened the mood...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii looked at Vietnam, thankful for the interruption. She saw that she and Hong Kong were glaring at eachother. She sighed, there always had to be tension at meetings.
China scoffed, "So immature." England nodded.
Hawaii watched the two Asians to see what the matter was.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Vietnam ,with no emotion or hesitasion , drew her padel and waked Hong Kong on the side of his head. Hong Kong drew on of his doubel sowrds that he was hiding under his shirt.Gasps eurped in the room as the two cuntries stared each other down...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii bit her lip. She wasn't supposed to do anything, just observe but...
She got up, picked up her ukulele that was under her chair, and jumped in between the two countries.
"Okay, put down the swords and paddle, or your both getting whacked!" She blushed slightly at the attention she was drawing, but kept a straight face.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Vietnam swung the padel at the girl ,but Hong Kong used his swords to chop the padel in half.
'' You never, under any sircomstaces get others involved in our arguments! Got that!'' His eyes , colder than ever , locked with Vietnams. Who had sedled down.'' Sorry,Hong Kong just gets me a little mad when he ignores important things like this.'' then she went back to her set and the meeting went back to normal like nothing happened. Except for the side confersasoins...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii flinched, and watched the paddle get chopped in half. "Its okay Vietnam..."
She smiled sheepishly at Hong Kong. "Thank you."
She hugged her ukulele and was thankful when everyone went back to arguing.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
After the meeting Hong Kong ran to get Hawaii. He wanted to apoligise for Vietnam. It was unhanerabel of her to try and attack someone with half her strength...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii hurried out of the room, feeling like an idiot. What would she have done? She wouldn't have hit Vietnam! She would have gotten hit and stand there like an idiot.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
'' Uh... um...Miss.Hawaii?'' Hong Kong blushed heavely.Why did he have to apligise?Right it was his desision ,not Vietnam's force...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii spun around, surprised. Countries never gave her a title. She saw it was the boy with the interesting hair.
She immediately blurted out, "I'm sorry that was obviously a family conflict and I shouldn't be interfering at all and are you related to England and you hair is cool and-" she clamped her hand over her mouth and blushed.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong was taken a back by this! He blushed ever harder,'' Uh uh... no!But England did have rule over me once... and... uh...thanks!''
Who was this Hawaii girl?
'' Also I uh... j-just wanted to say sorry you had to get caught inbetween our fight. ''
He calmed down a bit...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii relaxed and shook her head. Why was he apologizing?
"No, really, I got in the middle of it." She laughed awkwardly, "Pretending that a ukulele could take on double swords!"
Why was he red? He wasn't red before!
Hawaii rubbed the back of her neck and looked at the floor. She wasn't a very social state.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong shook his head,'' No, it was mine and Vietnam's fault for even doing another fight with her!''He couldn't belive she was acting so... so ... what was it?Monisty?
'' Any who it was imachure of us, and you could have gotten badly hurt...like in the hospital hurt!''...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii shook her head again, "Really, Mr. America said not to do anything at the meeting, and I did the exact opposite!" Why was he trying to take the blame? He was nothing like the states.
But, despite herself, Hawaii laughed, "First of all, that still would have been my own fault! And secondly, i have been in worse scrapes..."
She turned her head to hide her scar.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong was starting to get very fusturated...and let out a growl,clenched his fists ,and in clench teeth said,'' Stop trying to take the blame.'' His voice let out ovious traces of annoence...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii stepped back, surprised. But she wouldn't back down. She would be very stubborn when not shy."I don't see why you think you were wrong. You didn't even try to hit me." She paused, "No offense to Vietnam..."
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong lost all pasient he had left,this 'Hawaii' pushed him to his limet( which was pretty short).
'' Whats your deal!'' he yelled furiously causing by standers to stop.'' It was me and Viet's fault not yours!So how bout you shut up you little troll!''Hong Kong was breathing heavily now...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii stepped away from him. She'd never been yelled at before.
"Well, I'll just go then. You were right about everything. Happy?" She stormed after America, who had headed to the hotel they were staying at while going to meetings. She was fairly sure that she would be staying at the hotel from now on.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong glared after her.'' Nice going!'' Macau said sarcasticly.
Great now he fealt like a jerk!he kiked pebels all the back to the hotel he was staying at...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii felt like she was being followed, and went faster. She felt so stupid, like always. She thought that it would be as easy as when she was younger, still a nation. Yeah right!
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii, being graceful as she was, tripped on a pebble that rolled toward her, and fell flat on her face. "Ugh..."
She pushed herself to her knees.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
note so sorry its taking so long please be there still
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
((Pfft I've been here the whole time! ;D))
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong walked along the rode and saw someone fall. Macau stoped by to help the stranger...
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
note; YAY
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Macau held out his hand and gave Hawaii a facke friendly smile...
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
note still here?
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii thankfully took the stranger's hand and inspected the scrape on her knee. She straightened up and smiled. "Thank you! ^^ Im a klutz at times."
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
'' Yes I know.''His smile faded and he grabed her wrist pulling her along into an alley...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
"You know-?" Hawaii was pulled down an alley. She pulled her hand away. "Look here mister, I'll bite if you try anything!"
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Macau laughed out loud,'' What do you think you can do?'' Then he bloked her only exit...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii reached for her ukulele, then realized that she had dropped it when she fell. She really hoped that she still remembered how to fight.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Macau pined Hawaii agenst the wall and tilted her head back whispering,'' Hongy-chan is mine got that.'' ...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
"Wh-What are you talking about?" Hawaii bit her lip to make sure she didn't cry from fear. "I don't understand!"
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
''You stupid girl!Don't you get it, the minute you stormed off Hong Kong felt like a complete jerk and will eventuly come looking for you.''He giggeled a bit.
'' And when that happens well who knows hes unpredictabel,but one things for sure if you talk to him ,even if its just a simpel hellow, others ,not just me, will stop at nothing to destroy you!''...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
"Why? Why would they destroy me? And why come looking for me!" She squirmed.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Macau laughed some more,'' Because Hong Kong belongs to us!He is the only one for me and many others think this as well!''...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
"He's not mine! I don't want him to be mine! So stop!" Hawaii kneed him in between the legs, breaking free, and ran out of the alley.

((So intense! :D))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Macau stared as she ran down the alleyand mumbeled,''Well that didn't go according to plan.''
'' China's so going to give me an old man leachture.''...
over a year ago Malalani_Hawaii said…
Hawaii reached her hotel and opened the door and ran into her room. Mr. America wasn't home yet, so she flopped onto her bed and screamed into her pillow.
over a year ago mintybunny123 said…
Hong Kong sat in his hotel room medatating when he heared a door slam and a scream. Sheash!This isen't your house random person who I don't know keep it down, he thought as he tried to get back to his meditation...