Hetalia Ask Canada

canadamaple5 posted on Sep 02, 2012 at 10:11PM
Oh, um, hey. I'm going to be representing Canada for this Ask series. So, I'll be acting as he would and giving you answers like he would probably do.
(Kumajiro: Who are you?
Canada: I'm Canada.)
So, um... ask away, please.
Oh, um, hey.  I'm going to be representing Canada for this Ask series.  So, I'll be acting as he woul
last edited on Sep 24, 2012 at 01:19AM

Hetalia 56 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 56

over a year ago izfan9500 said…
Hello, Canada, how do you feel about almost always being mistaken for your brother America?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
Well, it's pretty annoying. He's very loud and obnoxious, so it kind of hurts my feelings for people to think I'm him. I hope they don't think of me to be like that. But I just put on a smile anyway. I try to forgive them, but sometimes it's harder than usual.
over a year ago Alice-Kirkland said…
Do you like tea and scones?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
um... i don't know, really. the way britain makes scones, i'll eat them, but just so i don't hurt his feelings. tea's okay, though.
over a year ago UkraineHetalia said…
Pryvit, Canada-! How are you feeling today?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Hi canada, i was wondering if this was true....., yesterday my friend said that canada will one day be america's 51st state
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
@UkraineHetalia: Hello, Miss Ukraine! I'm doing fine. How are you?

@demigod: Wha-?! No! I've already been through that. That's why there was the Battle of 1812! Well, I don't blame your friend for thinking that, considering people always think I'm America...
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Ok i'll make sure to tell my friend that,oh by the way i think you are way better,cool,and generally more awesome then your brother alfred
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
thank you! i really appreciate that. :)
over a year ago Canadakumi said…
Umm...hi canada,i'm a canadian and...um...i was wondering what can we(canadians) do to be more noticed by other people?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
thats a good question. i wish i had an answer for that. i guess we just have to be friendly to other people, and maybe we should try being a little louder, but not like America. i wish you the best of luck on being noticed, though!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*waves and grins* HI!!! Nice to meet you Canada! Ask a question? Well, let's see, ummmmmmmmm~

*snaps fingers* I know, what do you think of France?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
Hi there! Hm... what do I think of France? Well, he's not a bad guy. He's a little perverted, but he was a big help in 1812! It was nice of him to help me gain my independance. But, when I was little, he wanted me to be a French territory, yet he surrendered after only a half-hour... Oh well. He remembers me at least SOME of the time.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
You gotta love French persistance ^_^; OK, I have a 2nd question. You like ice cream, right? So, what's your favorite flavour?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Hola mattie, i was wandering why do love maple syrup so much, i mean i know its really yummy....but does n't it ever get old
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
@yoki96: oh, i love ice cream! i have a lot of favourite flavours, but i do love vanilla and maple pecan. they're really tasty.

@demigod324: hm... i don't really know why i love maple syrup so much. its just so tasty! and i t never really gets old. there are different kinds of foods you can make with it, and different brands have individual tastes. that is a good question, though.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
OK, I have a 3rd question

Do you have any hobbies?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
i play ice hockey sometimes. i also curl (as in the sport, curling) and snowboard. i play soccer, even though i'm definately not the best at it.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
(soccer wise) Don't worry, neither are we ^_^;
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
haha at least im not alone in that sense x3
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Umm...hi canada i wanted to know...why do you sometimes for get your polar bears name...cause i've heard you call him other names then Kumijiro?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
yeah... i sometimes i forget his name. he forgets who i am all the time, so i guess we're even.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Bonjour canada, i have a follow up question for my question about you forgeting Kumijiro's name, my question is, does it annoy you when kumijiro or any one else forgets who you are...or mistakes you for america
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
well, yes. but most people apologize after i correct them, so its ok!
over a year ago Ruty_Christine said…
hi canada :) is there anyone who remembers who u are?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
well, prussia does! sometimes america does, but he calls me canadia, which is kind of annoying... sometimes cuba, england and france do too! its nice to be recognized once in a while.
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Hello Canada! So just wondering....how dead would America be if you two were to play ice hockey?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Hola canada i wanted to know why do you hate america so much/what did america do to deserve Justin Beiber?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
@hetalianstella: ha ha... try a mix between the 2012 Vancouver Olympics Ice Hockey and the Battle of 1812. :)

@demigod324: i don't hate him... sure, he's an asshole, but he's still my brother. i just want him to treat me fairly and kindly. thats all. and the whole justin beiber thing wasnt my fault! trust me, he isnt happy about it either. that was justin's choice and his manager's choice. sorry if anyone out there is a justin beiber fan...
over a year ago MariaBeilschmid said…
Ha ha! Hey Canada! U are awesome so I have a question! Will Kumajirou-san ever remember you or has he remembered you before? P.S! Your adorable! >w<
over a year ago Ruty_Christine said…
Canada!!! its me again! i was wondering... what is your most famous landmark???
(i already know the answer, but im just gonna let u have ur moment of epicness :3 )
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
@MariaBeilschmid: I don't know if he'll ever remember who I am, but he has once before! He asked me for some maple syrup! But... America had said my name about five seconds before....
And that's very nice of you to say!

@Ruty_Christine: My most famous landmark? The CNN Tower in Toronto, Ontario. It's the world's tallest building, but I don't like to brag about it. *embarrased blush*
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
Hey, Canada, do you like Maple Syrup on things other than pancakes(and waffles, french toast, etc.)?
If you do, what are those foods?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
oh, of course! like you said, i like syrup on waffles and french toast, too! and i like maple syrup in my coffee and tea, too. it's pretty delicious! :3
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Hi canada...was it fun burning down Americas White House in 1812
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
no.... cuz that wasnt me... it was britain during the american revolutionary war. its a common misconception, dont worry about it.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
B-but my history teacher said it was you
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Are you still close to England? Do you still hate France?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
@demigod324: well, im not sure, actually. it was so long ago... i remember that england burned the whitehouse down once. i cant remember if i did.... oh! im sorry... i guess i did.... its actually kind of embarrasing....

@pumpkinqueen: well, im still friends with england, despite the fact that he doesnt usually see or recognize me...
what? i dont hate france! he helped me out a lot, especially during 1812. he was really nice to me, but a bit creepy sometimes. i think ur confused, because america hates france, not me. after all, french is my second language!
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Hola canada, i have a question*in my mind of course i have a question if i didn't why would i ask you*
anyways i was wondering, if you could have a closer relationship with any one nation who would it be and why
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
canadamaple5: No, America and France have a close alliance now a days. Canada is the one who hates France, and still holds a grudge against them. After France tried to get rid of them and treated them horrible. Canada is close to America and England, still very loyal to England actually.
((Please, if you are going to RP a character. Do some research first))
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
Well, I don't hate France... I resent how he treats me.
over a year ago crimsonlove123 said…
@pumpkinqueen: stop being so cruel. Not everybody look up every single fuckin thing about the character. Besides, have you heard that little saying where if you don;t have anything nice to say, don't say it? -_-

@canadamaple5 ((Don't listen to her. Just ignore her if she continues to be harsh for no reason. Who cares if she is proving a point or not. Or her lovely opinion ^^))
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Well sorry, I don't like the characters being turned into innaccurate headcanon OCs. I actually have respect for the countries and Himaruya's characters.
If you are going to RP, you should atleast try and not make them stupid fangirl headcanon OCs.
over a year ago crimsonlove123 said…
I think the one that was role playing as Matthew was trying, pumpkin...I think the person got their feelings hurt ._.
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
If they get their feelings hurt by someone telling them the truth. Then they need to get over it.
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
(Guys this forum is supposed to be fun activity, the person was trying her best, we don't need to take every little thing so seriously.)

Canada~! Hi! How was your Christmas?
over a year ago canadamaple5 said…
(thank u crimsonlove :) and i am sorry... i did do research on canada... but i made this rp so i could try and learn more about him. u did hurt my feelings, but its okay. im used to being shot down by others :3 im having a really good week so its easy to get over. i'll probably sulk for ten minutes, punch a pillow in rage and move on. no biggie :3 so lets all be friends! and hetalianstella is absolutely right. this is about fun, not arguing!)

Hi! My Christmas was very fun. Thank you for asking! I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hanukkah (did i spell that right? lol probably not) or Quanza. Oh! And a good New Year, too!
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Canada, i wanted to know what would you do if they baned Maple syrup in Canada
over a year ago crimsonlove123 said…
Look pumpkinqueen, you should really stop being cruel to people. Not everybody look up everything. Words hurt. Apparently, you don't understand that. From the looks of things, it's like you don't even care about people's feelings other then yours. And if that wrong~ Oh well~ It's my opinion~~ ^^ -smiles-
@canadamaple5 (you're welcome :) )
@stella ((I'm sticking up for this user. Pumpkin is that one that made this user get their feelings hurt. Not me.))